Remington, gun maker, filing for bankrupcty

Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

ON PARADE for your perusal, another raw demonstration of the Left's true feelings and compassion for their fellow human being losing their jobs and livelihood along with an important part of our history. Don't hold your breath waiting for Nancy to fight for them as she does for illegal aliens, no.

The bankruptcy is a blow to the private-equity mogul Stephen Feinberg, who has been a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump. Feinberg’s firm,
Cerberus Capital Management, acquired Remington in 2007 and subsequently saddled it with almost $1 billion in debt. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will let Remington stay in business while it works out a plan to turn around the company and pay its creditors.

Gunmaker Remington is filing for bankruptcy. Analysts say Trump is to blame

Gun ownership has become more concentrated as a result, with a small sliver of gun owners owning a growing segment of America’s firearms inventory, according to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. These gun buyers have come to be known as “super owners” and one study, conducted by Harvard and Northeastern universities, concluded that about half the guns in America are owned by only 3 percent of the adult population, with an average of 17 firearms each.

The company’s reputation has hurt efforts to line up new investors. Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

Four days after the shooting in 2012, Cerberus announced it would sell the company, as agitated Cerberus investors demanded a way out of the Remington investment, but it failed to nab a buyer. In the meantime, another pillar of American gun also collapsed, with Colt Holding Co. taking a trip through bankruptcy in 2015.
MAP: Mass shootings since Sandy Hook - New York Daily News

U.S. Stocks Mixed as Yen Leads Safe-Haven Advance: Markets Wrap

:clap::happy-1: Well, Mental NRA folks, What will Gun Nutters be using as Mass School shooting tool of choice, to replace the AR-15 Semi-Auto (really Fully-Auto) for school shootings?

I guess the NRA Gun Nutters & supporters are too few in numbers to keep the assembly line of employed co-murderers
of children employed. As making the guns alone, how sad..... :itsok:. And I would think the price to own the shit will go up YUGE! LOL..
Last edited:
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

As I keep telling joe...the other insane, anti have a problem. You have somehow confused guns with your sex organs.....and find sexual stimulation talking about and thinking about guns. This is not need to get help before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

The bankruptcy is a blow to the private-equity mogul Stephen Feinberg, who has been a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump. Feinberg’s firm,
Cerberus Capital Management, acquired Remington in 2007 and subsequently saddled it with almost $1 billion in debt. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will let Remington stay in business while it works out a plan to turn around the company and pay its creditors.

Gunmaker Remington is filing for bankruptcy. Analysts say Trump is to blame

Gun ownership has become more concentrated as a result, with a small sliver of gun owners owning a growing segment of America’s firearms inventory, according to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. These gun buyers have come to be known as “super owners” and one study, conducted by Harvard and Northeastern universities, concluded that about half the guns in America are owned by only 3 percent of the adult population, with an average of 17 firearms each.

The company’s reputation has hurt efforts to line up new investors. Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

Four days after the shooting in 2012, Cerberus announced it would sell the company, as agitated Cerberus investors demanded a way out of the Remington investment, but it failed to nab a buyer. In the meantime, another pillar of American gun also collapsed, with Colt Holding Co. taking a trip through bankruptcy in 2015.
MAP: Mass shootings since Sandy Hook - New York Daily News

U.S. Stocks Mixed as Yen Leads Safe-Haven Advance: Markets Wrap

:clap::happy-1: Well, Mental NRA folks, What will Gun Nutters be using as Mass School shooting tool of choice, to replace the AR-15 Semi-Auto (really Fully-Auto) for school shootings?

I guess the NRA Gun Nutters & supporters are too few in numbers to keep the assembly line of employed co-murderers
of children employed. As making the guns alone, how sad..... :itsok:. And I would think the price to own the shit will go up YUGE! LOL..

And this is why we can find no common ground with you anti gun, nut job have a mental disorder where you hate guns...and gun owners.....Remington didn't shoot anyone, the owner of the gun did not shoot anyone...the owner was murdered, and her guns were stolen.....

There will be no negotiating with you assholes are beyond reason...we will fight you at the ballot box....
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

your mental illness is showing

get back on your meds

Yeah you can't respond to the OP then run along jr.

What is there in your OP that is worthy of a response?

The truth is, you're getting exactly the responses you expected, and wanted, when you typed your OP.
thats issac....

The bankruptcy is a blow to the private-equity mogul Stephen Feinberg, who has been a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump. Feinberg’s firm,
Cerberus Capital Management, acquired Remington in 2007 and subsequently saddled it with almost $1 billion in debt. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will let Remington stay in business while it works out a plan to turn around the company and pay its creditors.

Gunmaker Remington is filing for bankruptcy. Analysts say Trump is to blame

Gun ownership has become more concentrated as a result, with a small sliver of gun owners owning a growing segment of America’s firearms inventory, according to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. These gun buyers have come to be known as “super owners” and one study, conducted by Harvard and Northeastern universities, concluded that about half the guns in America are owned by only 3 percent of the adult population, with an average of 17 firearms each.

The company’s reputation has hurt efforts to line up new investors. Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

Four days after the shooting in 2012, Cerberus announced it would sell the company, as agitated Cerberus investors demanded a way out of the Remington investment, but it failed to nab a buyer. In the meantime, another pillar of American gun also collapsed, with Colt Holding Co. taking a trip through bankruptcy in 2015.
MAP: Mass shootings since Sandy Hook - New York Daily News

U.S. Stocks Mixed as Yen Leads Safe-Haven Advance: Markets Wrap

:clap::happy-1: Well, Mental NRA folks, What will Gun Nutters be using as Mass School shooting tool of choice, to replace the AR-15 Semi-Auto (really Fully-Auto) for school shootings?

I guess the NRA Gun Nutters & supporters are too few in numbers to keep the assembly line of employed co-murderers
of children employed. As making the guns alone, how sad..... :itsok:. And I would think the price to own the shit will go up YUGE! LOL..

And this is why we can find no common ground with you anti gun, nut job have a mental disorder where you hate guns...and gun owners.....Remington didn't shoot anyone, the owner of the gun did not shoot anyone...the owner was murdered, and her guns were stolen.....

There will be no negotiating with you assholes are beyond reason...we will fight you at the ballot box....

So you're against the free market putting gun makers out of business?
As so few people need AR-XXX's type thangs for home protection or hunting.
AR-xxx's type thangs ARE Just the right tools for mass school shootings is what
most people know they are used for just that purpose ONLY.
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The bankruptcy is a blow to the private-equity mogul Stephen Feinberg, who has been a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump. Feinberg’s firm, Cerberus Capital Management, acquired Remington in 2007 and subsequently saddled it with almost $1 billion in debt. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will let Remington stay in business while it works out a plan to turn around the company and pay its creditors. Remington files for bankruptcy protection
Looks like they were put out of business
Ah, good 'ol bankruptcy, enabling you to stiff your creditors. Our President sure loves it, since he used it a bunch of times.
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

As I keep telling joe...the other insane, anti have a problem. You have somehow confused guns with your sex organs.....and find sexual stimulation talking about and thinking about guns. This is not need to get help before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

that is because he is mentally ill
Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

If the killer had killed FORTY children by running them over with a Chevy Blazer, would you be after Chevy?

Of course not, because its not the tool, you tool, but the person, and putting Remington out of business won't have ONE IOTA of an effect on future school shootings! Those children died not because of Remington or ANY gun maker or the NRA, but because of crazy, unstable, unbalanced leftist loons like you who do such things, and the fools who create "gun free zones" which makes these kids easy pickings and easy targets for cowards like you. Until this world WAKES UP that there are violent idiots out there and guns have been part of this world since about 800 AD and always WILL BE, and that there are countless ways to kill people and that schools have MADE themselves a target by advertising their defenselessness, children will continue to be slaughtered and the blood shall remain on YOUR hands for ignoring the true cause.
The bankruptcy is a blow to the private-equity mogul Stephen Feinberg, who has been a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump. Feinberg’s firm, Cerberus Capital Management, acquired Remington in 2007 and subsequently saddled it with almost $1 billion in debt. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will let Remington stay in business while it works out a plan to turn around the company and pay its creditors. Remington files for bankruptcy protection
Looks like they were put out of business
Ah, good 'ol bankruptcy, enabling you to stiff your creditors. Our President sure loves it, since he used it a bunch of times.

YEP! Seems the Colt company LLC came out of their bankruptcy in 2015
Cutting worker benefits by 50% paid by the company by law, and placing
the cost on the workers that will still fail long-term. And the more expensive
to cover lost more.
Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

If the killer had killed FORTY children by running them over with a Chevy Blazer, would you be after Chevy?

Of course not, because its not the tool, you tool, but the person, and putting Remington out of business won't have ONE IOTA of an effect on future school shootings! Those children died not because of Remington or ANY gun maker or the NRA, but because of crazy, unstable, unbalanced leftist loons like you who do such things, and the fools who create "gun free zones" which makes these kids easy pickings and easy targets for cowards like you. Until this world WAKES UP that there are violent idiots out there and guns have been part of this world since about 800 AD and always WILL BE, and that there are countless ways to kill people and that schools have MADE themselves a target by advertising their defenselessness, children will continue to be slaughtered and the blood shall remain on YOUR hands for ignoring the true cause.

Passenger Cars are not made to kill people. And if they fail, you can sue the makers for damages done.
Guns are made to kill, and these makes are the only American company fully protected from civil lawsuits
for damages done. Guns can be defective and cause damage, but all
Gun Nutters are mentally defective and damaged from birth..regardless
Last edited:
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

If the killer had killed FORTY children by running them over with a Chevy Blazer, would you be after Chevy?

Of course not, because its not the tool, you tool, but the person, and putting Remington out of business won't have ONE IOTA of an effect on future school shootings! Those children died not because of Remington or ANY gun maker or the NRA, but because of crazy, unstable, unbalanced leftist loons like you who do such things, and the fools who create "gun free zones" which makes these kids easy pickings and easy targets for cowards like you. Until this world WAKES UP that there are violent idiots out there and guns have been part of this world since about 800 AD and always WILL BE, and that there are countless ways to kill people and that schools have MADE themselves a target by advertising their defenselessness, children will continue to be slaughtered and the blood shall remain on YOUR hands for ignoring the true cause.

Passenger Cars are not made to kill people. And if they fail, you can sue the makers for damages done.
Guns are made to kill

Guns are made to fire a lead projectile at a target. That can be a skeet. It can be a paper target, it can be a competition for training and sport, it can be a deer for food, or it can be at a person to stop them as an enemy threatening you. Only liberal fools like you equate them to be any more.

The bankruptcy is a blow to the private-equity mogul Stephen Feinberg, who has been a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump. Feinberg’s firm,
Cerberus Capital Management, acquired Remington in 2007 and subsequently saddled it with almost $1 billion in debt. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will let Remington stay in business while it works out a plan to turn around the company and pay its creditors.

Gunmaker Remington is filing for bankruptcy. Analysts say Trump is to blame

Gun ownership has become more concentrated as a result, with a small sliver of gun owners owning a growing segment of America’s firearms inventory, according to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. These gun buyers have come to be known as “super owners” and one study, conducted by Harvard and Northeastern universities, concluded that about half the guns in America are owned by only 3 percent of the adult population, with an average of 17 firearms each.

The company’s reputation has hurt efforts to line up new investors. Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

Four days after the shooting in 2012, Cerberus announced it would sell the company, as agitated Cerberus investors demanded a way out of the Remington investment, but it failed to nab a buyer. In the meantime, another pillar of American gun also collapsed, with Colt Holding Co. taking a trip through bankruptcy in 2015.
MAP: Mass shootings since Sandy Hook - New York Daily News

U.S. Stocks Mixed as Yen Leads Safe-Haven Advance: Markets Wrap

:clap::happy-1: Well, Mental NRA folks, What will Gun Nutters be using as Mass School shooting tool of choice, to replace the AR-15 Semi-Auto (really Fully-Auto) for school shootings?

I guess the NRA Gun Nutters & supporters are too few in numbers to keep the assembly line of employed co-murderers
of children employed. As making the guns alone, how sad..... :itsok:. And I would think the price to own the shit will go up YUGE! LOL..

Somewhat tantamount to putting 'Boeing' out of business after the hijacking of x 3 jets used in the 09-11 attacks in 2001...
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

your mental illness is showing

get back on your meds

Yeah you can't respond to the OP then run along jr.

What is there in your OP that is worthy of a response?

The truth is, you're getting exactly the responses you expected, and wanted, when you typed your OP.
thats issac....

Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!

Additionally, the requirement that each 'law abiding' family be trained and required to own a firearm for the defense of their state and Nation.... (if physically and mentally able)
Remington came under unwanted scrutiny and litigation after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which the gunman carried a small arsenal that included a Remington Bushmaster assault rifle.

If the killer had killed FORTY children by running them over with a Chevy Blazer, would you be after Chevy?

Of course not, because its not the tool, you tool, but the person, and putting Remington out of business won't have ONE IOTA of an effect on future school shootings! Those children died not because of Remington or ANY gun maker or the NRA, but because of crazy, unstable, unbalanced leftist loons like you who do such things, and the fools who create "gun free zones" which makes these kids easy pickings and easy targets for cowards like you. Until this world WAKES UP that there are violent idiots out there and guns have been part of this world since about 800 AD and always WILL BE, and that there are countless ways to kill people and that schools have MADE themselves a target by advertising their defenselessness, children will continue to be slaughtered and the blood shall remain on YOUR hands for ignoring the true cause.

Passenger Cars are not made to kill people. And if they fail, you can sue the makers for damages done.
Guns are made to kill, and these makes are the only American company fully protected from civil lawsuits
for damages done. Guns can be defective and cause damage, but all
Gun Nutters are mentally defective and damaged from birth..regardless
Na, People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!

Additionally, the requirement that each 'law abiding' family be trained and required to own a firearm for the defense of their state and Nation....
And firearms and ammo should be 100% tax write off’s
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

your mental illness is showing

get back on your meds

Yeah you can't respond to the OP then run along jr.

What is there in your OP that is worthy of a response?

The truth is, you're getting exactly the responses you expected, and wanted, when you typed your OP.
thats issac....


seek help
your mental illness is showing

get back on your meds

Yeah you can't respond to the OP then run along jr.

What is there in your OP that is worthy of a response?

The truth is, you're getting exactly the responses you expected, and wanted, when you typed your OP.
thats issac....


seek help

The Swiss seem to be doing just fine with this policy... O... and 'illegals' don't qualify...

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