Remington, gun maker, filing for bankrupcty

Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

Remington's problems have been mainly due to corporate mgmt. Cutting corners to save costs is fine, until it effect the quality of the product. Remington's issues have been well known in the shooting community for years. From safety issues with the Model 700 to generally shoddy workmanship across the board, the company has been run into the ground in the name of short term profits.

"the company has been run into the ground in the name of short term profits" The Republican Mission Statement
You know nothing of the firearm industry, Remington has been on its way out for a very long time… Mismanagement. More aggressive firearm companies passed them by.
Marlin sales and profits were at an all-time high in 2007 when Remington purchased Marlin,and instituted harmful production changes and managerial blunders that destroyed customer confidence. Selling unsafe weapons,complete disregard for quality control and customer service brought them down. The new CAD/CAM tooling and media blitz still won't get output or profits anywhere near North Haven figures from the 1990's until 2008. They did it to themselves,and still live in denial. Ignorance is not bliss,the figures don't lie.
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
I would love to hear your reasoning....

In Nixon's administration there were 8 people charged/indicted/or convicted of crimes. 8 . And he resigned in disgrace rather than be impeached and removed.

In Reagan's administration there were 138. One hundred thirty eight. But conservatives carry so much shame over Nixon that they have elevated Ronnie Two Face Reagan to worship status. He was a criminal, pure and simple.
On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
once again your mental illness is showing ya liar

They let you use the computer at the asylum now? Oh good for you Charlie, you're a big boy now.

projection is not going to work ya mental case

can you never EVER have an original thought

--nope LOL@U

Ah so you can't come up with your own stuff so you steal from me. No worries cupcake, you're like the ballboy in a tennis match. Nowhere near good enough to play but you serve a purpose.

perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
once again your mental illness is showing ya liar

They let you use the computer at the asylum now? Oh good for you Charlie, you're a big boy now.

projection is not going to work ya mental case

can you never EVER have an original thought

--nope LOL@U

Ah so you can't come up with your own stuff so you steal from me. No worries cupcake, you're like the ballboy in a tennis match. Nowhere near good enough to play but you serve a purpose.

bye troll
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.
Companies come and go and in the process, people lose and gain jobs. All part of life. The product is immaterial.

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