Remington, gun maker, filing for bankrupcty

Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.
Ahhh, a constitutionalist of the left wing variety I see, does private property create as much disdain and hatred for Americans as the second amendment does for you?
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.
Ahhh, a constitutionalist of the left wing variety I see, does private property create as much disdain and hatred for Americans as the second amendment does for you?

Just an honest question if I may.

Do you ever have an original thought anymore? Or is it just a rolodex of fake memes that releases seratonin into your brain for five minutes that drives all your thoughts?
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.
It's not worth having another Obama in the Presidency to put gun sales through the roof.
Just an honest question if I may.

Do you ever have an original thought anymore? Or is it just a rolodex of fake memes that releases seratonin into your brain for five minutes that drives all your thoughts?
And like most lefties your idea of an "honest" question falls way short of acceptable intelligent thought...check my post against the one I replied to and tell me honestly which one was more original, keep honesty in the fore of what passes for thought in your thinking,... btw, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from education...that previous post of yours was indecipherable at times, or was that just something else that passes muster with you as "original thought"?
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
I would love to hear your reasoning....
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
once again your mental illness is showing ya liar
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"
Ronnie was an idiot who never saw his town destroyed by a natural disaster who became president of an entity he hates. Margaret Thatcher said "the poor dear has nothing between his ears".
Just an honest question if I may.

Do you ever have an original thought anymore? Or is it just a rolodex of fake memes that releases seratonin into your brain for five minutes that drives all your thoughts?
And like most lefties your idea of an "honest" question falls way short of acceptable intelligent thought...check my post against the one I replied to and tell me honestly which one was more original, keep honesty in the fore of what passes for thought in your thinking,... btw, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from education...that previous post of yours was indecipherable at times, or was that just something else that passes muster with you as "original thought"?
And like most rightists your ignorance of the Constitution is exceeded only by your contempt for individual liberty and a propensity for lying.

Neither the OP nor anyone else has advocated any government action remotely contrary to Second Amendment jurisprudence.

The stupidity common to most conservatives has resulted again in rightwing nitwits incorrectly inferring that ridicule of gun owners is an ‘attack’ on Second Amendment rights, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Remington, maker of guns and typewriters.
Gerber, maker of baby food and very sharp knives with which to circumcise the aforementioned babies. Husqvarna, maker of sewing machines and chainsaws.

All the cutesy hubby-and-wifey claptrap you can afford on a libtard union paycheck.
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
I would love to hear your reasoning....

yes indeed
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
once again your mental illness is showing ya liar

They let you use the computer at the asylum now? Oh good for you Charlie, you're a big boy now.
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"
Ronnie was an idiot who never saw his town destroyed by a natural disaster who became president of an entity he hates. Margaret Thatcher said "the poor dear has nothing between his ears".

you sound like a butt hurt leftist
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

On a Federal & State (VT at least) a very compelling argument could be made for subsidizing our US based firearm manufacturers...!!!
perhaps however i prefer less government digging into my rights

what did Ronnie once say "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

Ronnie was the worst criminal to hold office in the US. Bad example.
once again your mental illness is showing ya liar

They let you use the computer at the asylum now? Oh good for you Charlie, you're a big boy now.

projection is not going to work ya mental case

can you never EVER have an original thought

--nope LOL@U
And like most rightists your ignorance of the Constitution is exceeded only by your contempt for individual liberty and a propensity for lying.

Neither the OP nor anyone else has advocated any government action remotely contrary to Second Amendment jurisprudence.

The stupidity common to most conservatives has resulted again in rightwing nitwits incorrectly inferring that ridicule of gun owners is an ‘attack’ on Second Amendment rights, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
I see name calling is part of your education as well, consider your LW credentials validated, and pretending that the second amendment is not under attack can only be attributed to lying, willful ignorance or both, and assuming I have not been a democrat [as oppsed to the left wing commies that have hijacked the party]my entire life so that you can exercise your LW name calling prowess makes your post a complete sweep in 'couldn't be more wrong' without a LW phd...I didn't vote for trump, [or the anointed one for that matter] and I voted for Obama both times and in 2017 voted [with one exception] democrat across the line...gee I wonder if you have an excuse to stay the course anyway? [rhetorical question]
Remington files for bankruptcy protection

Gun lickers have you dropped out of the gun of the month club? Remington needs you! Where's your dear leader Little Lying Donald to save all these jobs at Remington? Maybe all the people that got laid off from Carrier can console them on losing their lively-hood thanks to the Trump regime.

How're all those fake 'minutemen' that were itching to 'fight th' gubmint' when they start their Walmart war and Jade Helm '18 going to get along now? Glock? "Nivver, aw'l nivver own a gun from Austria comrade". Where are the yuge gubmint contracts for Remington to keep them in business?

Tonight all across the land gungsters will be licking their guns with great tenderness and creepy vigor.

Your kink is really pathetic.

Just sayin'.


Yes, you are clearly familiar with that sentiment.

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