Remove church from education and inject a heavy dose of Leftism..How’s that working out for us?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Remember when children were taught to be ‘conservative’ by parents, church members and educators?
Remember when it was hip to love God, to be heterosexual, decent, moral, normal, accountable, ambitious, patriotic, law abiding, nationalistic...etc etc?
I get it, the Left knew they had to push church from education in order to slide their twisted ideology in and morph American society into a confused, indecent, immoral, deviant, divided society but they couldn’t have done it without the help of Democrats.
Can anyone establish a timeline for the aforementioned? When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party? Is there any coming back, could the Democrat Party of old be resurrected and be relevant in these times?
Do you really want public schools peddling faith? I sure as Hell don't.

Not necessarily, but it’s seems our options are “peddle faith” or “peddle filth”
I’d choose faith all day everyday...wouldn’t you?
Did you enjoy your time at church this morning?

Start that thread...but stay focused on this one.

This one is about church and the schools.

You want church put back into the schools yet you do not go to church yourself.

You say the country should follow God's laws but do not do so yourself.

You say we are a Christian nation yet exhibit not a single Christian trait.
Remember when children were taught to be ‘conservative’ by parents, church members and educators?
Remember when it was hip to love God, to be heterosexual, decent, moral, normal, accountable, ambitious, patriotic, law abiding, nationalistic...etc etc?
I get it, the Left knew they had to push church from education in order to slide their twisted ideology in and morph American society into a confused, indecent, immoral, deviant, divided society but they couldn’t have done it without the help of Democrats.
Can anyone establish a timeline for the aforementioned? When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party?

Ever seen John Carpenter's THE THING?

Is there any coming back, could the Democrat Party of old be resurrected and be relevant in these times?

Do you really want public schools peddling faith? I sure as Hell don't.

Not necessarily, but it’s seems our options are “peddle faith” or “peddle filth”
I’d choose faith all day everyday...wouldn’t you?

Those are not our only options. How about neither. Seems a more prudent approach.

Also, what religious sect do you think should be the focus? I can't imagine Southern Baptists being cool with Catholic doctrine or Mormonism being the standard.
Remember when children were taught to be ‘conservative’ by parents, church members and educators?
Remember when it was hip to love God, to be heterosexual, decent, moral, normal, accountable, ambitious, patriotic, law abiding, nationalistic...etc etc?
I get it, the Left knew they had to push church from education in order to slide their twisted ideology in and morph American society into a confused, indecent, immoral, deviant, divided society but they couldn’t have done it without the help of Democrats.
Can anyone establish a timeline for the aforementioned? When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party? Is there any coming back, could the Democrat Party of old be resurrected and be relevant in these times?

You asked:

"When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party?"

I'd say that the William Jennings Bryan vs. McKinley election was the time you're asking about.

Anyway, the principal of the separation of church and state was first stated by Thomas Jefferson. So there's nothing new about it.

The fact that Americans have tolerated the insertion of religion into government institutions in the past has only been to appease religious fanatics - it didn't seem to worth fighting over. Yet the Constitution clearly stated that the government "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".

That statement alone clearly specifies that religion does not belong in any government institutions. Too bad it hasn't been rigidly enforced from day one.
There are different religions

religious beliefs have always existed in a democracy

That is why people are free to choose there religion

demos and repubs both go to church

the only difference is how religion is interrupted and what religion is chosen

I do fined it funny the way supposedly christian people are so full of hate for those who choose differently
And you think more government is the answer!? I don't.

I would be satisfied with simply replacing the social justice and subtle communism with science and math but that's just me.
Did this thread go 'as planned' for the OP.

Religion has no place in public education.
None, just a right-wing talking point.
We'd use the Anglican model ... with the President as sole arbiter of what is moral ... we'll have to change our school's curriculum every time we elect a new President ... or we'd have to get rid of elections, democracy is unholy and a thing of Satan ... Christians believe in a Kingdom ...

Alternately, we could use the Methodist model ... let every school teach morality as they see fit ... again the elections would screw this up ... best to use an inherited system, if your father was a teacher, then his sons will be teachers ...

The OP is only remembering the good parts of a moral and religious society ... forgotten are the children beaten to death, wives horsewhipped in the streets, the lack of social mobility ... conformance as a virtue stifles innovation ... and good luck forcing women back into the home and out of the job market ...
It has nothing to do with religion.
I entered kindergarten in 1970, and i cannot remember a single religious teaching whatsoever. It doesn't belong in education.
HOWEVER - what is missing today is teaching national pride. In fact national pride, being a patriot, is actually taboo throughout the entire education system and to a good 30% of our population.
This defeatist, self loathing mindset is what is causing the problems you speak of.
Not religion
Remember when children were taught to be ‘conservative’ by parents, church members and educators?
Remember when it was hip to love God, to be heterosexual, decent, moral, normal, accountable, ambitious, patriotic, law abiding, nationalistic...etc etc?
I get it, the Left knew they had to push church from education in order to slide their twisted ideology in and morph American society into a confused, indecent, immoral, deviant, divided society but they couldn’t have done it without the help of Democrats.
Can anyone establish a timeline for the aforementioned? When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party? Is there any coming back, could the Democrat Party of old be resurrected and be relevant in these times?

We sat back and let it happen.

There were voices urging to rise up and stop it.

We let them take our right to be privately segregated.
We let them take our right to be the master of our property.
We let them take our right to be safe from crime and depravity.
We let them take our right to raise our children as we please.
and on and on.
Did you enjoy your time at church this morning?

Start that thread...but stay focused on this one.

This one is about church and the schools.

You want church put back into the schools yet you do not go to church yourself.

You say the country should follow God's laws but do not do so yourself.

You say we are a Christian nation yet exhibit not a single Christian trait.

You know nothing about know what I allow you to know, you know a cyberspace persona.
Consider this, Ozzy Osborne, during his Black Sabbath days should have done the right thing and sent his children to private Christian schools just as I sent mine. You see, good people want their children surrounded by and influenced by good people...Christians tend to be good people...Weird huh?
As I’ve said before, I’m not a great Christian but I lead and live a very christian-like life, my value system is rooted in Christianity.
Regardless of how I live my life I’m intelligent enough and wise enough to know that a Christian America is a much better America than we have now.

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