Remove church from education and inject a heavy dose of Leftism..How’s that working out for us?

You know nothing about know what I allow you to know, you know a cyberspace persona.

This is true, you might be some 16 year old kid living in your parents basement. But since all I have to go off of is you cyberspace persona, I will assume this is the real you. Or would you prefer me to assume you are lying about having daughters and owning property and all the rest.

Consider this, Ozzy Osborne, during his Black Sabbath days should have done the right thing and sent his children to private Christian schools just as I sent mine. You see, good people want their children surrounded by and influenced by good people...Christians tend to be good people...Weird huh?

If they are such good people, why not join them? Why not teach those things to your kids yourself? Why do you need the government or a school to do it for you.

As I’ve said before, I’m not a great Christian but I lead and live a very christian-like life, my value system is rooted in Christianity.

You would not know a Christ-like life if one slapped you in the face. Have you ever even picked up a bible, let alone read one?

The only "trait" you exhibit from the bible is the view that women are inferior to men and need to be controlled by their men.

Which of these two traits do you think you possess...

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,"

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

You seem to enjoy playing stupid...that’s weird.
This thread is not complex in nature nor is my position. Let me really dumb it down further for ease of understanding.
If you had a choice to send your children to be babysat by an atheist, chick with a dick, sporting a giant blue Mohawk, nose piercings and face tattoos or a normal looking, devout Protestant Christian girl who would you prefer influence your children in any capacity? Come on fools, this shit isn’t it mdk ?

No, presenting false dichotomies isn’t very complicated. In fact, it’s all you ever do here.

Again, which religious sect should be the standard for schools?

If it were not for false dichotomies BL would never make a post on this forum....sadly I am pretty sure he is not smart enough to know what the phrase means.

The thing LefTarded folks use the proclamation of “false dichotomy” like you use the word “racist”.....You simply have no logical refutation to offer so you default to your defense mechanism and scream “dichotomy” and “racist” at the sky...I totally get it.
Weird that you people can never tell anyone how or why their posts contain false dichotomies...huh?

Your only two options for a sitter isn't a tranny or a devout Protestant. How embarrassing that you need your logical fallacies explained to you like a five year old.
The thing LefTarded folks use the proclamation of “false dichotomy” like you use the word “racist”.....You simply have no logical refutation to offer so you default to your defense mechanism and scream “dichotomy” and “racist” at the sky...I totally get it.
Weird that you people can never tell anyone how or why their posts contain false dichotomies...huh?

Here is one of your false dichotomies...too bad you are too stupid to even know what that means....

If you had a choice to send your children to be babysat by an atheist, chick with a dick, sporting a giant blue Mohawk, nose piercings and face tattoos or a normal looking, devout Protestant Christian girl who would you prefer influence your children in any capacity some twisted weirdos decide to define something as a false dichotomy so therefore it is.
WTF do you think an accurate example of dichotomy deciding it is false is you simply being ignorant.

  1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
    "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"
The thing LefTarded folks use the proclamation of “false dichotomy” like you use the word “racist”.....You simply have no logical refutation to offer so you default to your defense mechanism and scream “dichotomy” and “racist” at the sky...I totally get it.
Weird that you people can never tell anyone how or why their posts contain false dichotomies...huh?

Here is one of your false dichotomies...too bad you are too stupid to even know what that means....

If you had a choice to send your children to be babysat by an atheist, chick with a dick, sporting a giant blue Mohawk, nose piercings and face tattoos or a normal looking, devout Protestant Christian girl who would you prefer influence your children in any capacity some twisted weirdos decide to define something as a false dichotomy so therefore it is.
WTF do you think an accurate example of dichotomy deciding it is false is you simply being ignorant.

  1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
    "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"

You try so hard, and fail every single time...poor BL

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The thing LefTarded folks use the proclamation of “false dichotomy” like you use the word “racist”.....You simply have no logical refutation to offer so you default to your defense mechanism and scream “dichotomy” and “racist” at the sky...I totally get it.
Weird that you people can never tell anyone how or why their posts contain false dichotomies...huh?

Here is one of your false dichotomies...too bad you are too stupid to even know what that means....

If you had a choice to send your children to be babysat by an atheist, chick with a dick, sporting a giant blue Mohawk, nose piercings and face tattoos or a normal looking, devout Protestant Christian girl who would you prefer influence your children in any capacity some twisted weirdos decide to define something as a false dichotomy so therefore it is.
WTF do you think an accurate example of dichotomy deciding it is false is you simply being ignorant.

  1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
    "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"

At end of the day BL thinks ya'll are too inept at instilling your Christian values in your children, so he needs the government to do it for you. How feeble your faith must be.
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At end of the day BL thinks ya'll are too inept at instilling your Christian values in your children, so he needs the government to do it for you. How feeble your faith must be.

Haha..,you dumbmotherfuckers struggle with reading comprehension..that or you have way too much time on your hands.
The thread is about removing Church from schools so Leftism could be installed as the programming.
The debate to be had here is whether or not Leftism being taught to our youth yeilds better adults than does Christian values being taught, this shit is super simple if you allow it to be. Again, this is not about me wanting any government intervention in schools....stay focused fools.
At end of the day BL thinks ya'll are too inept at instilling your Christian values in your children, so he needs the government to do it for you. How feeble your faith must be.
The funniest part to me is that some of these folks don't quite realize that they're not exactly the most inspirational ambassadors of Christianity.

It would be much smarter for them to just not address the topic, y'know?
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At end of the day BL thinks ya'll are too inept at instilling your Christian values in your children, so he needs the government to do it for you. How feeble your faith must be.
The funniest part to me is that some of these folks don't quite realize that they're not exactly the most inspirational ambassadors of Christianity.

It would be much smarter for them to just not address the topic, y'know?

He's a hypothetical, finger-wagging moralist, but he does provide an endless mine of hilarity.
At end of the day BL thinks ya'll are too inept at instilling your Christian values in your children, so he needs the government to do it for you. How feeble your faith must be.
The funniest part to me is that some of these folks don't quite realize that they're not exactly the most inspirational ambassadors of Christianity.

It would be much smarter for them to just not address the topic, y'know?

The thing is; nobody stand-up really logs on to this site with the hopes of changing the twisted minds and positions of the disgusting, degenerate pukes here....we simply like to poke fun of your filth and foolishness...that’s all.
mdk said:
Those are not our only options. How about neither. Seems a more prudent approach.
Sorry, Dude
Currently Filth, Homosexuality, And The Lie Of Transgender Is What You've Got
So What Are You Going To Do About It
Before Pedophilia Is Ruled Accepted Sexual Choice

Or Maybe You've Been Trained To Believe
Morals Are An Individual Matter
And All Values Are Equally Valid

Then The Left's Mission Has Been Accomplished
The thing is; nobody stand-up really logs on to this site with the hopes of changing the twisted minds and positions of the disgusting, degenerate pukes here....we simply like to poke fun of your filth and foolishness...that’s all.
What a coincidence.
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At end of the day BL thinks ya'll are too inept at instilling your Christian values in your children, so he needs the government to do it for you. How feeble your faith must be.
The funniest part to me is that some of these folks don't quite realize that they're not exactly the most inspirational ambassadors of Christianity.

It would be much smarter for them to just not address the topic, y'know?

The thing is; nobody stand-up really logs on to this site with the hopes of changing the twisted minds and positions of the disgusting, degenerate pukes here....we simply like to poke fun of your filth and foolishness...that’s all.

mdk said:
Those are not our only options. How about neither. Seems a more prudent approach.
Sorry, Dude
Currently Filth, Homosexuality, And The Lie Of Transgender Is What You've Got
So What Are You Going To Do About It
Before Pedophilia Is Ruled Accepted Sexual Choice

Or Maybe You've Been Trained To Believe
Morals Are An Individual Matter
And All Values Are Equally Valid

Then The Left's Mission Has Been Accomplished

The filthy Left loves to play stupid, they know that cancerous Leftist ideology has infected our public education system but they’ll pretend it hasn’t happened for obvious reasons. They’ll twist, spin and squirm...busting their asses to spawn a different debate to avoid making the admission.
(Watch how Golfing Gator mdk and Mac1958 play stupid and tapdance around this very simply framed question...shit, they may even pretend they didn’t see it.)
Hey fellas, play along can only choose one of the following....Don’t be scared, this is a hypothetical exercise.
Would you prefer your children be taught by committed Leftist educators or devout Christian educators?

Grab your nuts....go!
The filthy Left loves to play stupid, they know that cancerous Leftist ideology has infected our public education system but they’ll pretend it hasn’t happened for obvious reasons. They’ll twist, spin and squirm...busting their asses to spawn a different debate to avoid making the admission.
(Watch how Golfing Gator mdk and Mac1958 play stupid and tapdance around this very simply framed question...shit, they may even pretend they didn’t see it.)
Hey fellas, play along can only choose one of the following....Don’t be scared, this is a hypothetical exercise.
Would you prefer your children be taught by committed Leftist educators or devout Christian educators?

Grab your nuts....go!

Both work for me as long as they leave their religious views out of the classroom. My son has some of both, neither are better than the other

It is not their job to teach the kids about faith, that is the parents job. Too bad you lazy fucks want to outsource it to the schools.
Remember when children were taught to be ‘conservative’ by parents, church members and educators?
Remember when it was hip to love God, to be heterosexual, decent, moral, normal, accountable, ambitious, patriotic, law abiding, nationalistic...etc etc?
I get it, the Left knew they had to push church from education in order to slide their twisted ideology in and morph American society into a confused, indecent, immoral, deviant, divided society but they couldn’t have done it without the help of Democrats.
Can anyone establish a timeline for the aforementioned? When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party? Is there any coming back, could the Democrat Party of old be resurrected and be relevant in these times?

What do you mean by "church"? Do you mean church, synagogue, mosque, temple? It is the duty and the privilege of parents to teach their children to practice their faith.

Schools must remain neutral religiously so that parents may raise their children as they think appropriate. Surely, parents know of resources available in their communities to assist them in raising their children in their faith.

I was a little kid before the school-prayer decision came down. I had Jewish classmates and I never realized until I was an adult that the Lord's Prayer, which the teacher led every morning, did not exist in the Jewish faith. I also had a friend, as an adult, whose daughter was recruited by an anti-gay protestant fundie group, and it took some effort to talk her daughter out of it. It was scary. She had always tried to raise her daughter right.
Remember when children were taught to be ‘conservative’ by parents, church members and educators?
Remember when it was hip to love God, to be heterosexual, decent, moral, normal, accountable, ambitious, patriotic, law abiding, nationalistic...etc etc?
I get it, the Left knew they had to push church from education in order to slide their twisted ideology in and morph American society into a confused, indecent, immoral, deviant, divided society but they couldn’t have done it without the help of Democrats.
Can anyone establish a timeline for the aforementioned? When did Democrats decide to fully allow the Left to hijack their Party? Is there any coming back, could the Democrat Party of old be resurrected and be relevant in these times?

Helps if you know the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Want me to explain?
Zero college or the shut down TrumpU?
Read where an evangelical pastor said yes Christ was an immigrant, but not an illegal one?
Would you prefer your children be taught by committed Leftist educators or devout Christian educators?

Grab your nuts....go!

Let me put it another way...if my choices are my children be taught by committed Leftist or by you the Christian values man that you are, I will go with the former 99.9 times out of 90.
Religion has no place in public education.

I would be willing to concede on this point, if your side would agree that the teaching and promotion of immoral and insane sexual perversions, such as homosexuality and transgenderism, has no place in public school, nor anywhere else where the audience includes underaged children.

Of course you may be able to find a few selected examples, but in no way, is what you have suggested, a Standard in Public Education.

Schools don't Teach or Promote homosexuality and transgenderism, but they do protect those that are, as they should.
Let's not argue if schools teach and promote, because some will never be convinced otherwise.


Let me ask you a question, do you have a problem with school officials protecting the LGBQT individuals?

WTF is with all the hyphens?

I don't recognize your words like "regilon", "them-selfs", and "reglion".

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