removeing statues from disney parks

Oh I know folks like you love it when black folks are playing clowns and bufoons.
The last few decades easily, many commercials, TV programs and movies have white males as buffoons. The same has often become preachy in pushing agendas and obvious when doing it. Endless programs in all forms of entertainment has made a percentage of African Americans who are criminal have a sympathetic response. 100 pound women routinely physically beat 200 pound men and outthink them in movies of authority. Inclusion was not supposed to be this.
The last few decades easily, many commercials, TV programs and movies have white males as buffoons. The same has often become preachy in pushing agendas and obvious when doing it. Endless programs in all forms of entertainment has made a percentage of African Americans who are criminal have a sympathetic response. 100 pound women routinely physically beat 200 pound men and outthink them in movies of authority. Inclusion was not supposed to be this.
No comparison. White males have never had to endure what black folks have do don't start that bullshit.
Yet another irrelevant and racist comment. "The blacks", but "whites" without the article. Even your language usage is racist. Racist to the core, you froth over any mention of racism and live in a constant state of agitation over all the blacks folks on TV, I'll bet...
what vivid imagination.
Their Evan? They have their own Evan who renames rides? I never knew...

But honestly, who really give a flying rhinoceros shit what Disney does? People looking for a reason to be outraged about... anything. That's who.

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