Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Hmm. It's almost like the more tests you do the more positive results you get. Who knew...

Hmmm, the fact that the positive test results all of a sudden jumped and increased.

Hmmmm, the fact that the deaths are increasing.

Has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of tests they do.

If the ruling by the supreme court didn't cause the spike, the percentage number of confirmed positives wouldn't jump and the number of deaths wouldn't jump. The percentage numbers would have stayed the same or close to it.

You people use that lame excuse for the increased confirmed cases. It no longer works. Especially since the rate of infections and deaths are increasing.

The far right radicals on the supreme court in Wisconsin are wrong and it's resulted in more people dying needlessly.

That's ok with you.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


Okay, a few preliminaries first.

If you cut-and-pasted that incoherent, morally-repugnant rant above, then you need to credit your source, or you're plagiarizing. If you actually wrote it yourself, then you are an evil, human-shaped ball of mucus from a diseased camel, and you should be aware of of that. Real humans know that that sort of glee over "I hoped people would die so I could be right, and THEY DID!" is repellent.

Now that I have addressed the deficiencies wrought by your shoddy upbringing, let's turn to the specifics of your cited article, versus your melodramatic and abhorrently pleased interpretation of it.

First of all, your linked article says that, on the 27th (the day of the record high that you're licking your disgusting chops over), there were 599 new reported cases; you said 642. The Wisconsin DHS website agrees with your article. Care to tell us where you got your number? Or do you not know, because you were so frantically cutting-and-pasting your triumphant find that you didn't bother to read it over?

To be continued . . .

All right, let's finish this.

Second of all, in your unseemly enthusiasm to shout about "record high deaths, OMG conservatives are slaughtering people!", you kinda glossed over the fact that the record high new known cases of 599 (which you misreported as 642) was up from the previous record high, one week prior, of 528, which is hardly a spike; that the record high DEATHS were 22, up from the previous daily record of 14, all of whom actually contracted the virus during the lockdowns; and that Wisconsin ALSO had a record number of tests performed that day, just coincidentally.

It must also be "coincidental" that your noxious screed, while trumpeting about "record highs", chose to go on about the TOTAL death toll, not the record high it was allegedly about. One might be forgiven in thinking that you're deliberately trying to mislead people to fuel an agenda of some sort.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


Do you think Conservatives care if a couple hundred people die each day?

It is the trade off they made
Let's not forget we still got tornado and hurricane season to get through. Shortly after that, flu season begins. Holy shit. WTF to do?

It's almost like the world is constantly trying to kill people, and eventually succeeds in 100% of cases, or something.
My argument is pragmatic..we cannot keep the lid on forever..or really...any more. Yes, people travel...but not so much anymore... I don't think that a majority of the people have any intention of going back to how it was, pre-pandemic. Best modeling shows that about 70% of the populace is going to be infected..or already has been. The curve has been flattened..enough? Depends on the region---hence my insistence that it's a local decision--in the end.

People have not yet internalized that the old economy is gone--the service industry will be decades recovering..if it ever does. Yes, going to work is a life or death thing--and when was it not?

I don't think that we are best served by our govt. trying to emulate King Canute...and attempt to order the tides.

I have to admit, I was hoping for something more fact-based, not a platitude implying a falsehood ("forever"), and subsequent false conclusions.

How this turns out does most emphatically not depend on any region, since one region cannot control this if the neighbors don't play along.

Best modeling, not to mention real-world experience, shows infections depend heavily on competent government, folks following common sense and reasonable guidelines, and a competently implemented containment strategy.

New Zealand went through roughly six weeks of strict lockdown. Over the past ten days, they had one - ONE - new confirmed case. That's how you get to open, and to get the old economy back - except for the laggards, nitwits and retards abroad they cannot let in for tourism because their incompetent layabouts they call "government" cannot get their act together. So much for "King Canute" successfully stemming the tide. But in the country of "No, we can't" the plutocracy orders the plebs back to work, and the herd faithfully re-bleats the message.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


But the people who commit suicide, the people who are missing medical procedures and tests, the people who are suffering from a mental health situation, the people that are losing everything they have worked for, the American left doesn't give a single fuck about those people. All's they care about is staying locked down because they know the longer we stay that way, the less chance the economy has to bounce back before the election.
The ruling doesn’t MAKE people at risk leave their homes.

It allows those not at risk to leave their homes.

How do you lefties not get it?

Hey, I'd have no problem if you MAGA fuckers all died of Covid. It's that you'll take the rest of us out in the process that's the problem.

Stay home, coward.

I find it very hard to imagine that anyone is clamoring for Joe to come out and spend time with them.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

When would you reopen? Why do you post Leftist propaganda. Read below.

On Day Wisconsin Has Record Number of Tests, Record Number of Confirmed Cases Discovered - the record deaths come from a three day backlog at county coroner offices following the holiday weekend. The reports were finalized Tuesday and then state officials did not report until Wed.
My argument is pragmatic..we cannot keep the lid on forever..or really...any more. Yes, people travel...but not so much anymore... I don't think that a majority of the people have any intention of going back to how it was, pre-pandemic. Best modeling shows that about 70% of the populace is going to be infected..or already has been. The curve has been flattened..enough? Depends on the region---hence my insistence that it's a local decision--in the end.

People have not yet internalized that the old economy is gone--the service industry will be decades recovering..if it ever does. Yes, going to work is a life or death thing--and when was it not?

I don't think that we are best served by our govt. trying to emulate King Canute...and attempt to order the tides.

I have to admit, I was hoping for something more fact-based, not a platitude implying a falsehood ("forever"), and subsequent false conclusions.

How this turns out does most emphatically not depend on any region, since one region cannot control this if the neighbors don't play along.

Best modeling, not to mention real-world experience, shows infections depend heavily on competent government, folks following common sense and reasonable guidelines, and a competently implemented containment strategy.

New Zealand went through roughly six weeks of strict lockdown. Over the past ten days, they had one - ONE - new confirmed case. That's how you get to open, and to get the old economy back - except for the laggards, nitwits and retards abroad they cannot let in for tourism because their incompetent layabouts they call "government" cannot get their act together. So much for "King Canute" successfully stemming the tide. But in the country of "No, we can't" the plutocracy orders the plebs back to work, and the herd faithfully re-bleats the message.

Quick question for you: Does this look like New Zealand to you?
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

When would you reopen? Why do you post Leftist propaganda. Read below.

On Day Wisconsin Has Record Number of Tests, Record Number of Confirmed Cases Discovered - the record deaths come from a three day backlog at county coroner offices following the holiday weekend. The reports were finalized Tuesday and then state officials did not report until Wed.

You are my favorite poster in the world at this moment.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

When would you reopen? Why do you post Leftist propaganda. Read below.

On Day Wisconsin Has Record Number of Tests, Record Number of Confirmed Cases Discovered - the record deaths come from a three day backlog at county coroner offices following the holiday weekend. The reports were finalized Tuesday and then state officials did not report until Wed.

You are my favorite poster in the world at this moment.
Thank you for the kind words.
The ruling doesn’t MAKE people at risk leave their homes.

It allows those not at risk to leave their homes.

How do you lefties not get it?

Hey, I'd have no problem if you MAGA fuckers all died of Covid. It's that you'll take the rest of us out in the process that's the problem.

Well, Non-MAGA far it's your ilk that has been bearing the brunt of it. New York City is left wing and it is dying.

Your home state is dying.

We, in the Mountain West, are doing much better.

So, in truth, while I mourn that people are dying anywhere.....I do take a small amount of solace in the fact there are more of you left wing assholes headed to the grave than my type.

Now, if you want to continue to do that, I am O.K. with that.

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In could say it was a success--but it's time open it up and let it rip...If that is the will of the locals. If some states or areas choose a more conservative approach...that's their prerogative. Of course...there is the danger of a 'perfect storm' when flu season gets here..but people can address the polls, right?

During the week before the Wisconsin Supreme Court inserted itself in executive policy-making, Wisconsin saw an average of daily new cases of 286, and that average was falling. Two weeks later, that average has ramped up to 441, and is rising.

In this light, where is your argument supporting your conclusion, "it's time open it up"? In case you are trying to point to the economy... how much fun is an economy going to be in case folks in significant numbers are too afraid to go out and consume, not to mention making life and death decisions while going to work?

Have you accurately gauged the "will of the locals"? Who are they, anyway? You do understand that folks are traveling? That one hotspot sends out travelers to create new hotspots elsewhere, and that for this reason, what happens in Wisconsin does not stay in Wisconsin? Should the "locals" elsewhere, having their health and life put in peril by a retarded Supreme Court have also a say?

And no, a perfect storm of synchronous covid-19 and flu waves cannot be addressed in any meaningful way at the ballot box. They are going to be "addressed" by hospitals and morgues.

During the week before the Wisconsin Supreme Court correctly ruled against violation of the citizens' civil rights was when the people in this highly-touted-for-maximum-drama "record high" actually contracted the disease. So tell me how it is that the reopening is responsible for them catching it BEFORE the reopening happened.

And while you're at it, please link the source for your numbers, because I have not a single intention in the world of discussing them as fact simply on the basis that YOUR untrustworthy ass said they were.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


But the people who commit suicide, the people who are missing medical procedures and tests, the people who are suffering from a mental health situation, the people that are losing everything they have worked for, the American left doesn't give a single fuck about those people. All's they care about is staying locked down because they know the longer we stay that way, the less chance the economy has to bounce back before the election.

And, as I keep pointing out, they're utterly oblivious to the millions in the third-world countries - and those which had been rising above the third word, prior to this shutdown - who were utterly dependent on US aid for food, clean water, medicine . . . I seem to recall the left spending decades screaming about the "eeeeevils" of the US on behalf of those people, and now they have conveniently forgotten those people even exist.
Here we go again. Democrats are wishing for failure in Wisconsin so they can blame Trump. They don't care about businesses that are failing, jobs that are lost or people who are dying as a result of the shutdown. Their concern is strictly self serving.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

First, it's NBC. Second they had a record number of tests. So guess what happened?
Looks like the judges are smart people who realize that herd immunity is the way to go.

Not sure that's even a factor in their thinking. Could just be they're smart people who realize the Constitution doesn't allow government to treat citizens like serfs, even "for their own good".
Only if Granny lived in a New York nursing home, Joey! Then she's TOAST! If she lives somewhere run by Republicans her chances of dying are far smaller! Gee, imagine that!

The US is Run by Republicans. We have 4% of the world's population and 28% of it's Covid Deaths.

Oh, what a wave of death we've seen in Wisconsin! 116 deaths in the last 14 days, or 8.2 deaths per day. If you assume this rate continues for 365 days, that would be 2,993 deaths out of 8.2 million residents, or 0.0365% of the population, or 28 times lower than 1% of the state's population.

Wisconsin is seeing a spike in Covid right now, Axis Mikey.

Here we go again. Democrats are wishing for failure in Wisconsin so they can blame Trump. They don't care about businesses that are failing, jobs that are lost or people who are dying as a result of the shutdown. Their concern is strictly self serving.

Or we realize that we aren't ready to reopen yet. Not until we have enough PPE, testing and social distancing.
Well, Non-MAGA far it's your ilk that has been bearing the brunt of it. New York City is left wing and it is dying.

Your home state is dying.

We, in the Mountain West, are doing much better.

So, in truth, while I mourn that people are dying anywhere.....I do take a small amount of solace in the fact there are more of you left wing assholes headed to the grave than my type.

Now, if you want to continue to do that, I am O.K. with that.

Actually, what I want is to contain this thing. You guys are more afraid of Trump getting voted out of office than you are of people dying.

Because then you'd have to admit you made a mistake electing him to start with.

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