Biden’s Base Wants Supreme Court Reform. He Doesn’t.

The president, a staunch institutionalist,
One of many reasons why President Biden is fit to be president.

It also illustrates the right’s unwarranted contempt for President Biden – conservatives seek only to destroy our democratic institutions.
How? We have term limits for Mayors, Governors & Presidents. Why not Supreme Court Justices?

Congress has limits built in due to their seeking elections. For the SC, the only limit is their mortality. Unless they choose to retire.
Needless to say, conservatives would support term limits for justices if the Court had a liberal majority.
Of course authoritarian right wingers have stacked the Courts with authoritarian corporatist who are ethically challenged.

THEY hate every liberal principle that the Courts have upheld over the last 80 years and are trying their damndest to roll them back

I know you mean to include some backup to your "ethically challenged" claim, but it didn't make it.

Can you please repost it.
Needless to say, conservatives would support term limits for justices if the Court had a liberal majority.

Well, since you felt the need to say it anyway......

No, I would not support term limits for the court today (liberal or otherwise).

I would consider it the day after congress term limits itself.
I know you mean to include some backup to your "ethically challenged" claim, but it didn't make it.

Can you please repost it.
You aren’t aware that rich fucks with business before the Court have given Thomas all sorts of gifts?? And Alito
Liberals complain about Justice Barrett being appointed to replace RBG, but they never want to blame RBG for staying too long. She made her choice, and decided to try to outrun Mother Nature. It didn't work.

See, conservatives understand the value of planning and preparation far better than liberals. Not sure why that is, exactly, it just seems to be baked in for some reason.

But even though liberals probably won't ever get it through their heads, and most liberal justices will likely continue to repeat RBG's mistakes, I think some Democrats somewhere along the way will eventually realize that when they hold both Congress and the White House, they have sufficient power to effect change without resorting to anything as radical as court packing. It's very simple. All they need to do is create a temporary expansion of one Justice.

Next time Dems controls both Houses and the Presidency, they should pass a bill that expands the court by ONE justice, and further specifies that upon the next naturally occurring vacancy in the court, the new vacancy will become null with the court returning to its previous size. They can then have their President add one more justice.
This corruption of the political class passing members into Supreme Court has been going of many many decades. Somehow people passed who were supposed to be conservative became liberals with others voting liberal at times. Progs jettisoned a Liberal court member due to age fearing if the Republicans come ack with a Trump like candidate as President to put in a stupid cookie cutter African American woman who knows everything and does not know what a woman is and approves of pedophile relationships. The all-powerful Progressive Socialist Party is the real cult and is beholden to the world government people.
Of course if there were six liberal leaning justices on the court and three conservative ones and the left was getting the rulings they agreed with they would have no issue with the court or want it reformed. To be fair it would then be the right having the issues and wanting to change the court this is the problem with blind partisans on either side whenever they don't get their way want to rework the system so they will.
Enough ?

It's nothing.

Rich or poor....ethics are based on rules and generally accepted behaviour.

Make your case.

A rich fuck with business before the Court plies Thomas with hundreds of thousands of dollars of gifts and loans and that's nothing?

And Thomas reports none of it?

You're insane
Three separate branches of Government....each with specific duties.
The problem is that the Democrats have regularly used the Federal Circuit Courts as a means to enact legislation when they can't get congress to enact legislation.

And that's been a massive overreaching by the courts....which in part has been retaliation for congress enacting minimum/maximum sentencing guidelines.

The Presidents have also overstepped often with excessive discretionary spending and outright defiance of dictates from congress.
A little bit of shoving the manure back in the mule is called for here.

The only victories the left get are through the courts.
They are a regional party.

A rich fuck with business before the Court plies Thomas with hundreds of thousands of dollars of gifts and loans and that's nothing?

And Thomas reports none of it?

You're insane

Thomas is a Constitutional Conservative.
Did anyone cause hm to vote otherwise?

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