Biden’s Base Wants Supreme Court Reform. He Doesn’t.


A rich fuck with business before the Court plies Thomas with hundreds of thousands of dollars of gifts and loans and that's nothing?

And Thomas reports none of it?

You're insane

Was he required to report it ?

If so, then I see an ethics issue.

You want to flesh out your case or keep babbling ?
Was he required to report it ?

If so, then I see an ethics issue.

You want to flesh out your case or keep babbling ?
LOL...There are no ethics rules for the Supreme Court.

Funny that huh?

Again. That is the definition of corruption.
The term you're looking for is "packing the court".
Like Mitch Mc
People are just too stupid and shouldn't be allowed to vote when they are that stupid. It is NOT the Supreme Court's job to rule in what is best for the country or by their emotions or by public opinion. They are supposed to rule based on laws and the Constitution. The Supreme Court just ruled what the left have always claimed to believe - that we should not discriminate based on race. I find it amazing that even the three liberal justices believe that we should discriminate based on race regarding college admissions. Is discrimination by race against the law or not? If it is, then how on Earth can you vote against getting rid of discrimination based on race? If you are against discrimination based on race then you should be against discrimination based on race. That's a no brainer, which even the three liberal justices don't seem to believe in.
It is never racist when you enact laws protecting equal opportunity for minority groups of people in a society.
It is only racist when you oppose such laws.
Like Mitch Mc

It is never racist when you enact laws protecting equal opportunity for minority groups of people in a society.
It is only racist when you oppose such laws.
Giving preferential treatment to minorities is racist on its face, dumbass.
LOL...There are no ethics rules for the Supreme Court.

Funny that huh?

Again. That is the definition of corruption.
Yes there is....
Same exist for SCOTUS as does the President AND the same procedures apply....
IOW an impeachment.

The Senate gives advice and consent and an impeachment proceding removes a sitting Justice. (Provided he/she is found guilty)

So...unless the Democrats think that they can gather enough evidence of wrongdoing and overcome the backlash of what thus will mean for the future AND overcome the hesitancy of overriding Judicial discretion (three HUGE things) Then procede along those lines.

But chances are that no wrongdoings can be proven. No quid pro quo was granted. And there is hell to pay for disrupting the court. You Liberals just think that you want these decisions don't.

You may not like these decisions but the freedom of religion and laws against slavery exist. A person doesn't lose their rights just because they start a small business...or even a large one.

If you want a different Constitution then there is a procedure to change it. GLTY.
The SCOTUS just did want you want.
But mark my word in 50 years it is going to be white, Anglo Americans screaming for "equal rights" and some kind of affirmative action legislation for themselves.
The pendulum will have swung completely to the other side.
I doubt you're going to feel the same then.
How so?
How is passing laws that check systemic bias against minority classes racist?
Or maybe you deny that systemic bias against minority classes is and always has been a thing?
Because you lower the standards to accommodate people who clearly aren't qualified for the job, dumb shit. and there is no "systemic racism" asswipe. Liberals want the easy road rather than put in the effort, just like everyone else.
But mark my word in 50 years it is going to be white, Anglo Americans screaming for "equal rights" and some kind of affirmative action legislation for themselves.
The pendulum will have swung completely to the other side.
I doubt you're going to feel the same then.
Not going to happen, Leftist shitbag. REAL Americans have had it with your "progressive utopia" and are fighting back HARD!!!! In 50 years there will be no USA.
Republicans packed the court by every lie in the book. Time for Democrats to pack it by honest votes.
It's always interesting to read a post from someone that doesn't know what the hell they're talking about.
Or in typical Democratic party fashion, "we're not winning anymore, so we need to change the rules."

You say this after Republicans denied BY-THE-RULES Democrat appointed judge for a year because of the "we don't nominate judges so close to elections" rule...only to turn around and confirm a Republican appointed judge three weeks before election?

Save that bs for someone who doesn't know what happened.

Republicans respect only one rule and principle - brute vote count. Democrats shouldn't handicap themself by gentlemen's agreements with such brazen liars.

Having said that, I think Joe Biden and other Democrats kinda like the idea of letting Supreme Court's current partisan over-reaches help them win elections.
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