Rep. Darrell Issa Suggests Trump-Russia Inquiry Needs Special Prosecutor, Not Jeff Sessions


Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said on “Real Time With Bill Maher,” “You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office.”

“You cannot have somebody who was on the campaign and who is an appointee,” the GOP congressman says.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said during an interview on “Real Time With Bill Maher” on Friday night that the investigation into Russia’s ties to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the U.S. election hacking needs a special prosecutor ― not Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The conservative congressman, who supported Trump during his 2016 campaign, also seemed to agree with host Bill Maher that Sessions should recuse himself from the investigation.

Maher posed a question to Issa about the FBI’s investigation Trump-Russia by flipping the controversy on its head.

Maher asked Issa if, in 2012, he “would let it slide” had Russians hacked Mitt Romney’s campaign and been in talks with former President Barack Obama’s campaign.

“No,” Issa said quickly. When asked if he’d let it slide in Trump’s administration, Issa said again, just as quickly: “No.”

“We need an independent prosecutor,” Maher said later. “And Jeff Sessions should recuse himself, the same way Loretta Lynch recused herself, because he was a part of the Trump campaign, is that correct?” Maher asked, referring to former Attorney General Lynch andHillary Clinton’s email investigation.

That’s when Issa appeared to make his response more clear.

“You’re right that you cannot have somebody, a friend of mine, Jeff Sessions, who was on the campaign and who was an appointee,” Issa told Maher. “You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office.”

Then, Issa doubles down on his statement with a critical take on Russia.

More: Rep. Darrell Issa Suggests Trump-Russia Inquiry Needs Special Prosecutor, Not Jeff Sessions

Issa must really be afraid of being voted out of office - otherwise I can't imagine him making such a statement.

Talk is cheap. Let's wait to see what Issa actually does. By the way, read his Wiki biography some time. His early life is pretty much a series of police blotter stories.

Yep, stealing cars for one.

Not to mention gun charges, and very likely insurance motivated arson, as well.

Yep, Issa is a thug.
Issa is not only a Conservative - he's an evil Conservative! However, he apparently knows this could destroy him and Republicans if not handled correctly. The Trump/Russia connections run deep...

Trump administration sought to enlist intelligence officials, key lawmakers to counter Russia stories
Issa barely won his seat back in November.....his opponent pushed his ties to the so-called president and it almost cost him the election. (I'm in the next district and saw all the commercials, news, etc) I have to give him some credit for daring to say such a thing.
I watched the entire interview, and your link buried the lead.

Maher asked Issa about health care reform and what the GOP plan is. Incredibly, Issa started holding up Canada and Sweden as examples that should be looked at!

I had to rewind it three times to be sure I was hearing correctly.

Another one of my predictions is coming true.
The outcome will be a catastrophe. ObamaCare will bankrupt the federal budget as well as most state budgets. Eventually, it will be so disastrous that the American people will cry out for single payer healthcare. Obama will be well into retirement at that point, laughing his ass off on the golf course. If I am wrong on this point, it will be that it will happen sooner than I expect.
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It's funny to see a NaziCon thug like Issa fighting for self-preservation. If his House seat was safe - there is no way he would be calling for a special prosecutor.
Remember when Issa was the devil incarnate to Liberals? Were was all this enthusiasm for bipartisanship during the Obama administration ?

Tax your brain cells (whatever many you may have left.....) The O/P is NOT praising Issa.....what that crooked congressman is doing is looking out for his OWN sorry ass at the next mid-term....

Siding with Trump a bit too much, is TOXIC to one's reelection .
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With Issa, there is a fairly clear indication that some "RATS are abandoning the Titanic" that is the Trump administration.......and this is only after just ONE month......I love it !!!!
Now maybe we might just get somewhere

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said during an interview on “Real Time With Bill Maher” on Friday night that the investigation into Russia’s ties to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the U.S. election hacking needs a special prosecutor ― not Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The conservative congressman, who supported Trump during his 2016 campaign, also seemed to agree with host Bill Maher that Sessions should recuse himself from the investigation.

Maher posed a question to Issa about the FBI’s investigation Trump-Russia by flipping the controversy on its head.

Maher asked Issa if, in 2012, he “would let it slide” had Russians hacked Mitt Romney’s campaign and been in talks with former President Barack Obama’s campaign.

“No,” Issa said quickly. When asked if he’d let it slide in Trump’s administration, Issa said again, just as quickly: “No.
Will more Republicans join Issa in calling for a special prosecutor? We shall see...
Those establishment PUBS are really trying their best to discredit Trump.

They are afraid....FOCKING POSSIES.

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