Rep. Darrell Issa Suggests Trump-Russia Inquiry Needs Special Prosecutor, Not Jeff Sessions

Merged 2 identical topics in Politics. 2nd thread starts just before noon this day..
Still trying to prove Hillary lost because of Russia?

Still trying to pretend all of Putin's influence and sabatoge was directed solely for Trump and against Hillary?
13 of our intelligence agencies confirmed it.

No one has given one bit of proof. Not one bit of proof. Until I see proof that Putin actively ordered agents to hack the DNC I'm not going to beleive jack shit.

On the other hand I can come up with over 100 world leaders and over 1000 global businesses that were hacked by the NSA who would be just as interested as Putin to keep another Democrat from power. Or for simple revenge.

You know that correct? The NSA even spied on Merkel. Or is your memory that short.
Still trying to prove Hillary lost because of Russia?

Still trying to pretend all of Putin's influence and sabatoge was directed solely for Trump and against Hillary?
13 of our intelligence agencies confirmed it.

No one has given one bit of proof. Not one bit of proof. Until I see proof that Putin actively ordered agents to hack the DNC I'm not going to beleive jack shit.

On the other hand I can come up with over 100 world leaders and over 1000 global businesses that were hacked by the NSA who would be just as interested as Putin to keep another Democrat from power. Or for simple revenge.

You know that correct? The NSA even spied on Merkel. Or is your memory that short.
There will be no proof until this is thoroughly investigated by either congress or a special prosecutor. Surely you favor this, don't you
Still trying to prove Hillary lost because of Russia?

Still trying to pretend all of Putin's influence and sabatoge was directed solely for Trump and against Hillary?
13 of our intelligence agencies confirmed it.

No one has given one bit of proof. Not one bit of proof. Until I see proof that Putin actively ordered agents to hack the DNC I'm not going to beleive jack shit.

On the other hand I can come up with over 100 world leaders and over 1000 global businesses that were hacked by the NSA who would be just as interested as Putin to keep another Democrat from power. Or for simple revenge.

You know that correct? The NSA even spied on Merkel. Or is your memory that short.
There will be no proof until this is thoroughly investigated by either congress or a special prosecutor. Surely you favor this, don't you

All I have read to date is that there is no evidence of wrong doing on anyones part. Not even Flynn.
Welcome to the NEWEST thread that didn't check the forum listings before creating it... :badgrin:
Still trying to prove Hillary lost because of Russia?

Still trying to pretend all of Putin's influence and sabatoge was directed solely for Trump and against Hillary?
13 of our intelligence agencies confirmed it.

No one has given one bit of proof. Not one bit of proof. Until I see proof that Putin actively ordered agents to hack the DNC I'm not going to beleive jack shit.

On the other hand I can come up with over 100 world leaders and over 1000 global businesses that were hacked by the NSA who would be just as interested as Putin to keep another Democrat from power. Or for simple revenge.

You know that correct? The NSA even spied on Merkel. Or is your memory that short.
There will be no proof until this is thoroughly investigated by either congress or a special prosecutor. Surely you favor this, don't you

All I have read to date is that there is no evidence of wrong doing on anyones part. Not even Flynn.
Who said that? Be specific
Remember when Issa was the devil incarnate to Liberals? Were was all this enthusiasm for bipartisanship during the Obama administration ?

Meh, I still think Issa is a twit. I also think this is a terrible idea. The problem with special prosecutors is that they don't know when to quit, even after the thing they were originally supposed to investigate were resolved. Cases in point.

1) Lawrence Walsh prosecuting Cap Weinberger for not thinking his meeting notes constituted a diary. (It was originally about selling weapons to Iran and giving the money to the Contras)

2) Ken Starr prosecuting Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job in a meritless civil suit. (It was originally about a failed land deal where Clinton lost money).

3) Patrick Fitzgerald prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim Russert did. (It was originally about how someone else had outed Valerie Plame.)

Now, I think that we SHOULD investigate how deep in bed Trump and his people are with the Russians. But this should be done by the FBI, Justice Department and Congress, and it looks like they are all over it.
All Democrats are going to accomplish is getting Uncle Vlad ticked off so he flips all 25 Democrat Senate seats in the midterm
Just think what your reaction would have been, Bubba, if it was Obamas team who had contact with the Russians.

Oh, the white sheets and pointed hoods would come out of the closets......The only thing worse that I can think of to piss off right wingers, would be if Obama had secretly contacted the Kenyan embassy..
Remember when Issa was the devil incarnate to Liberals? Were was all this enthusiasm for bipartisanship during the Obama administration ?

Tax your brain cells (whatever many you may have left.....) The O/P is NOT praising Issa.....what that crooked congressman is doing is looking out for his OWN sorry ass at the next mid-term....

Siding with Trump a bit too much, is TOXIC to one's reelection .
If Trump is toxic what does that make Hillary ? Nah the Trump win was a total rejection of the left and the establishment Republicans. If those groups double down on the same shit they are going to lose more than the WH.
Remember when Issa was the devil incarnate to Liberals? Were was all this enthusiasm for bipartisanship during the Obama administration ?

Tax your brain cells (whatever many you may have left.....) The O/P is NOT praising Issa.....what that crooked congressman is doing is looking out for his OWN sorry ass at the next mid-term....

Siding with Trump a bit too much, is TOXIC to one's reelection .
If Trump is toxic what does that make Hillary ? Nah the Trump win was a total rejection of the left and the establishment Republicans. If those groups double down on the same shit they are going to lose more than the WH. Nice try with the attempt at an insult lets me know you have no real answer.
Those establishment PUBS are really trying their best to discredit Trump.

They are afraid....FOCKING POSSIES.
Just think what your reaction would have been, Bubba, if it was Obamas team who had contact with the Russians.

So who on the campaign had contact with the Russians? Be specific now.
. They are typical government dependent liberals who don't mind using government resources to chase ghost around, and this even if there is no smoking ghost buster guns. They for political purposes want or think that they can just order up government resources on a political witch hunt. Are Americans ever gonna tire of their bull crap ? Hold on to your wallets when these people are around or in power, because they will bleed it dry.
Those establishment PUBS are really trying their best to discredit Trump.

They are afraid....FOCKING POSSIES.
Just think what your reaction would have been, Bubba, if it was Obamas team who had contact with the Russians.

So who on the campaign had contact with the Russians? Be specific now.
. They are typical government dependent liberals who don't mind using government resources to chase ghost around, and this even if there is no smoking ghost buster guns. They for political purposes want or think that they can just order up government resources on a political witch hunt. Are Americans ever gonna tire of their bull crap ? Hold on to your wallets when these people are around or in power, because they will bleed it dry.
We know that members of Trumps administration were in contact with Russia, so why is this a witch hunt. When the phyuck will you put country over party?
Those establishment PUBS are really trying their best to discredit Trump.

They are afraid....FOCKING POSSIES.
Just think what your reaction would have been, Bubba, if it was Obamas team who had contact with the Russians.

So who on the campaign had contact with the Russians? Be specific now.
. They are typical government dependent liberals who don't mind using government resources to chase ghost around, and this even if there is no smoking ghost buster guns. They for political purposes want or think that they can just order up government resources on a political witch hunt. Are Americans ever gonna tire of their bull crap ? Hold on to your wallets when these people are around or in power, because they will bleed it dry.
We know that members of Trumps administration were in contact with Russia, so why is this a witch hunt. When the phyuck will you put country over party?
. When you prosecute Obama for his comments with his Russian counterpart prior to being elected, then I will take your crap serious. You people got nothing, and yet you gave your guy a pass ?
If Trump is toxic what does that make Hillary ? Nah the Trump win was a total rejection of the left and the establishment Republicans.

Remember TWO important little factoids that may help your IQ improve

Hillary is NO LONGER in the picture (really, trust me as Trump would say)....
,,,,and when you talk about the Trump "win" ALWAYS remember that MORE people voted against him than voted for the orange clown.....

You can thank me later for helping with your IQ
When you prosecute Obama for his comments with his Russian counterpart prior to being elected, then I will take your crap serious. You people got nothing, and yet you gave your guy a pass ?

Obama had loans with Russian oligarchs????? Amazing what you learn on here.....

Oh, you mean Obama chatting with Mevdevev ???? Are you comparing this Russian with the ex-KGB thug Putin???
If Trump is toxic what does that make Hillary ? Nah the Trump win was a total rejection of the left and the establishment Republicans.

Remember TWO important little factoids that may help your IQ improve

Hillary is NO LONGER in the picture (really, trust me as Trump would say)....
,,,,and when you talk about the Trump "win" ALWAYS remember that MORE people voted against him than voted for the orange clown.....

You can thank me later for helping with your IQ
There's nothing wrong with my IQ as there is probably nothing wrong with yours. What I do see is that you have an comprehension problem. Some how you lefties can't comprehend that the President is not elected by popular vote and the office is certainly not filled at the whim of California and NY which is were Clinton got that popular vote win.

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