Rep. Darrell Issa Suggests Trump-Russia Inquiry Needs Special Prosecutor, Not Jeff Sessions

. What part of the word Russian do you think that being a Russian means ? You can try to separate the Russians for the game you want to play, but a Russian will always be a Russian no matter what level of government they exist in.

Absolutely "brilliant".........Someone like Gorbachev has the same level of credibility as the shirtless KGB clown Putin.....You heard it here first, folks.
Trump was a private citizen. Hillary paved the way for Russia to obtain lucrative uranium sites when she was secy/state. When are politicians going to call for an indictment against the Clinton Foundation?

Guy, that deal was approved by seven cabinet departments, not just State.

You see, the real problem, that was an international consortium which specializes in putting uranium in the international market. It wasn't like it goes to Russia (they already have plenty.)
Issa has seen the evidence and must be alarmed. Nail the Comrade!
. More projection from a leftist hack hell bent on going back to the status quo. Maybe you are for Americans rights going to hell with gasoline drawers on, but the rest of us are staying out the pit you people have dug for your fellow Americans.
The more investigations the better! After all of Trump's birther nonsense - I want to see that bastard destroyed.
. OK, so Obama was born here, but his actions had Muslim written all over them, and they also had anti-Semitism written all over them, and they had racist written all over them. If this nation goes anywhere near that bull crap again, it will be way to soon for many who got burned, dead and way worse under these people.
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. What part of the word Russian do you think that being a Russian means ? You can try to separate the Russians for the game you want to play, but a Russian will always be a Russian no matter what level of government they exist in.

Absolutely "brilliant".........Someone like Gorbachev has the same level of credibility as the shirtless KGB clown Putin.....You heard it here first, folks.
. This is why Trump won't play your silly games, because you people stay up to no good day in and day out. Trump best understand that he is up against pure devil's in this nation.
[. OK, so Obama was born here, but his actions had Muslim written all over them, and they also had anti-Semitism written all over them, and they had racist written all over them. If this nation goes anywhere near that bull crap again, it will be way to soon for many who got burned, dead and way worse under these people.

Uh, guy, More Americans died at the hands of Muslims on Bush's watch than Obama's watch. did you just miss the memo on that?
Trump best understand that he is up against pure devil's in this nation.

Wow...Beagle....Trump"is up against pure devils?"......Speaking of making Trump your Messiah in the "new" Trumpster religion.....LOL
Trump tries to establish positive relations with Russia...he is a traitor.

Obama on a hot mic tells a Russian ambassador that he will have more flexibility after he is reelected...nothing to see here!

Snowflake logic.
Why didn't The Obama Administration Subpoena The DNC server Hillary Clinton claimed was hacked?

The was a political Nuclear Bomb that would have won the election for the Dems so why didn't The DNC Use The Uber Bomb?

Why didn't the FBI, CIA, DOJ subpoena this DNC server with the so called "Evidence?"

The first thing that needs done is for Sessions to Subpoena The DNC server and prove to The American People That Allegations Of Russian Hacking Were True!

Show us The Evidence!

The DNC could Impeach Trump with it, so why are they refusing to show it to us?
Why didn't The Obama Administration Subpoena The DNC server Hillary Clinton claimed was hacked?

The was a political Nuclear Bomb that would have won the election for the Dems so why didn't The DNC Use The Uber Bomb?

Why didn't the FBI, CIA, DOJ subpoena this DNC server with the so called "Evidence?"

The first thing that needs done is for Sessions to Subpoena The DNC server and prove to The American People That Allegations Of Russian Hacking Were True!

Show us The Evidence!

The DNC could Impeach Trump with it, so why are they refusing to show it to us?
The FBI told them it had been hacked and they said fuck you to the FBI when they offered to help. I wonder why? They still had the Obama protection squad in place.
So what leftards are claiming is that Russia interfered by hacking DNC operatives showing e-mail communications as to how the DNC was going to steal the election like they stole the DNC nomination from Sanders? Do the leftards REALLY want to go with that????

So what leftards are claiming is that Russia interfered by hacking DNC operatives showing e-mail communications as to how the DNC was going to steal the election like they stole the DNC nomination from Sanders? Do the leftards REALLY want to go with that????

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What about comrade Trump's Russian ties? You are just going to ignore that and blat about Hillary and Obama aren't you.
So what leftards are claiming is that Russia interfered by hacking DNC operatives showing e-mail communications as to how the DNC was going to steal the election like they stole the DNC nomination from Sanders? Do the leftards REALLY want to go with that????

View attachment 114420

What about comrade Trump's Russian ties? You are just going to ignore that and blat about Hillary and Obama aren't you.

What about how Hillary sold American mineral rights to Russia while she was Secretary of State? Aye?

Mineral rights to Uranium mines.


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