Rep. Elijah Cummings hits Obama while putting his foot in his mouth

You admitted V15 got tax payer money up to 2014...
No I didn't, you liar! OneVoice got tax payer money up until November 2014. Then in December 2014 NaziYahoo called for early elections and V15 was then formed, so V15 didn't even exist until AFTER the taxpayer money to OneVoice ran out.
They were considered linked to each other
Prove otherwise..
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported
V15 was viewed as part of a broader campaign to oust Netanyahu. The groupwas linked to Washington-based nonprofit OneVoice Movement, which reportedly received $350,000 in State Department grants. Money to OneVoice stopped flowing in November, officials said, before the Israeli elections.
No one ever denied that V15 partnered with OneVoice, that is just YOUR Straw Man. The Facts are:
1. Taxpayer money to OneVoice ran out November 2014.
2. In December 2014 NaziYahoo called for early elections, V15 does not exist yet.
3. After the call for early elections V15 forms.
4. After forming, V15 partners with OneVoice.
Therefore NO taxpayer money went to V15.

I am going to shove your nose in it ..

This is the report, they admitted team Obama meddled in Israels election.

Senate Report: State Department Funded Effort to Overthrow Netanyahu

the problem is the timeline is irrelevant.
Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.

Here is the report July 2016

A new report posted today by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), led by chair Rob Portman (R-OH) confirms that the U.S. State Department funded an Israeli political organization that later ran a campaign dedicated to ousting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


On December 2, 2014, at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset voted to schedule new national parliamentary elections for March 2015. Within weeks, an international organization known as the OneVoice Movement absorbed and funded an Israeli group named Victory15 or "V15" and launched a multimillion-dollar grassroots campaign in Israel. The campaign's goal was to elect "anybody but Bibi [Netanyahu]" by mobilizing center-left voters.1 The Israeli and Palestinian arms of OneVoice, OneVoice Israel (OVI), and OneVoice Palestine (OVP), received more than $300,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department to support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine over a 14- month grant period ending in November 2014.



The grants funded expanded "social media presence, built a larger voter database, and hired an American political consulting firm to train its activists and executives in grassroots organizing methods in support of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process."

Only, once the infrastructure was built, it was used in an attempt to topple the government of one of America's closest allies.

OneVoice used the campaign infrastructure and resources built, in part, with State Department grants funds to support V15. In service of V15, OneVoice deployed its social media platform, which more than doubled during the State Department grant period; used its database of voter contact information, including email addresses, which OVI expanded during thegrant period; and enlisted its network of trained activists, many of whom were recruited or trained under the grant, to support and recruit for V15. This pivot to electoral politics was consistent with a strategic plan developed by OneVoice leadership and emailed to State Department officials during the grant period. The State Department diplomat who received the plan told the Subcommittee that he never reviewed it.

OneVoice's use of government-funded resources for political purposes was not prohibited by the grant agreement because the State Department placed no limitations on the post-grant use of those resources. Despite OneVoice's previous political activism in the 2013 Israeli election, the Department failed to take any steps to guard against the risk that OneVoice could engage in political activities using State-funded grassroots campaign infrastructure after the grant period.
Again, that is the GOP scripted lie straight from the horses mouth. You have been shown how the timeline disproves the GOP scripted lie, which assumes Obama, Bird and OneVoice knew years in advance that NaziYahoo would call for early elections. :cuckoo:
the problem is the timeline is irrelevant.
Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
Here is the report July 2016

A new report posted today by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), led by chair Rob Portman (R-OH) confirms that the U.S. State Department funded an Israeli political organization that later ran a campaign dedicated to ousting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


On December 2, 2014, at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset voted to schedule new national parliamentary elections for March 2015. Within weeks, an international organization known as the OneVoice Movement absorbed and funded an Israeli group named Victory15 or "V15" and launched a multimillion-dollar grassroots campaign in Israel. The campaign's goal was to elect "anybody but Bibi [Netanyahu]" by mobilizing center-left voters.1 The Israeli and Palestinian arms of OneVoice, OneVoice Israel (OVI), and OneVoice Palestine (OVP), received more than $300,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department to support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine over a 14- month grant period ending in November 2014.
There it is again in YOUR OWN pull quote, V15 partnered with OneVoice weeks after the early election was called in December 2014 and well after the taxpayer funding to OneVoice ran out in November 2014.

Admit it, ALL your sources lied to you about when Bird became involved with OneVoice and about taxpayer funding for V15.

Nana Nana hey hey good bye

Senate Report: State Department Funded Effort to Overthrow Netanyahu
The left's "School of the Americas"
11:27 AM, JUL 12, 2016 | By JIM SWIFT

Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
Here is the report July 2016

A new report posted today by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), led by chair Rob Portman (R-OH) confirms that the U.S. State Department funded an Israeli political organization that later ran a campaign dedicated to ousting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


On December 2, 2014, at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset voted to schedule new national parliamentary elections for March 2015. Within weeks, an international organization known as the OneVoice Movement absorbed and funded an Israeli group named Victory15 or "V15" and launched a multimillion-dollar grassroots campaign in Israel. The campaign's goal was to elect "anybody but Bibi [Netanyahu]" by mobilizing center-left voters.1 The Israeli and Palestinian arms of OneVoice, OneVoice Israel (OVI), and OneVoice Palestine (OVP), received more than $300,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department to support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine over a 14- month grant period ending in November 2014.
There it is again in YOUR OWN pull quote, V15 partnered with OneVoice weeks after the early election was called in December 2014 and well after the taxpayer funding to OneVoice ran out in November 2014.

Admit it, ALL your sources lied to you about when Bird became involved with OneVoice and about taxpayer funding for V15.

Nana Nana hey hey good bye

Senate Report: State Department Funded Effort to Overthrow Netanyahu
The left's "School of the Americas"
11:27 AM, JUL 12, 2016 | By JIM SWIFT

REPUBLICAN Senate report, using taxpayer money to spread GOP lies and propaganda.
the problem is the timeline is irrelevant.
Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.

Here is the report July 2016

A new report posted today by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), led by chair Rob Portman (R-OH) confirms that the U.S. State Department funded an Israeli political organization that later ran a campaign dedicated to ousting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


On December 2, 2014, at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset voted to schedule new national parliamentary elections for March 2015. Within weeks, an international organization known as the OneVoice Movement absorbed and funded an Israeli group named Victory15 or "V15" and launched a multimillion-dollar grassroots campaign in Israel. The campaign's goal was to elect "anybody but Bibi [Netanyahu]" by mobilizing center-left voters.1 The Israeli and Palestinian arms of OneVoice, OneVoice Israel (OVI), and OneVoice Palestine (OVP), received more than $300,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department to support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine over a 14- month grant period ending in November 2014.


The admitted it, but it wasn't illegal

Senate Report: State Department Funded Effort to Overthrow Netanyahu


So now admit you lied and we were right..



The report found no wrongdoing by the State Department. | AP Photo/Oded Balilty, File

Senate report: State Dept. grant also aided campaign to unseat Netanyahu

07/12/2016 11:49 AM EDT

Updated 07/12/2016 12:23 PM EDT

A State Department grant intended to rally support for peace between Israel and Palestine also helped set up political infrastructure that was later used for a campaign opposing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015, according to a bipartisan Senate investigative report released on Tuesday.

The report found no legal wrongdoing by the State Department, since the $349,000 in grants for OneVoice were used to further the Middle East process as intended. But shortly after Netanyahu called an election for 2015, the voter databases constructed with the grant

The report found no legal wrongdoing by the State Department, since the $349,000 in grants for OneVoice were used to further the Middle East process as intended.
Again, your OWN pull quote exposes your lie.
Keep 'em comin'.
You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
Here is the report July 2016

A new report posted today by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), led by chair Rob Portman (R-OH) confirms that the U.S. State Department funded an Israeli political organization that later ran a campaign dedicated to ousting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


On December 2, 2014, at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset voted to schedule new national parliamentary elections for March 2015. Within weeks, an international organization known as the OneVoice Movement absorbed and funded an Israeli group named Victory15 or "V15" and launched a multimillion-dollar grassroots campaign in Israel. The campaign's goal was to elect "anybody but Bibi [Netanyahu]" by mobilizing center-left voters.1 The Israeli and Palestinian arms of OneVoice, OneVoice Israel (OVI), and OneVoice Palestine (OVP), received more than $300,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department to support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine over a 14- month grant period ending in November 2014.
There it is again in YOUR OWN pull quote, V15 partnered with OneVoice weeks after the early election was called in December 2014 and well after the taxpayer funding to OneVoice ran out in November 2014.

Admit it, ALL your sources lied to you about when Bird became involved with OneVoice and about taxpayer funding for V15.

Nana Nana hey hey good bye

Senate Report: State Department Funded Effort to Overthrow Netanyahu
The left's "School of the Americas"
11:27 AM, JUL 12, 2016 | By JIM SWIFT

REPUBLICAN Senate report, using taxpayer money to spread GOP lies and propaganda.

So now this is your excuse now when we kicked your ass?

Oh look you lied again it was bi partisian ...

And look what I have a link from the US government..

Majority Media | Media | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016
MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Grantee Complied with State Rules, Which Placed No Limit on Post-Grant Use of Taxpayer-Funded Resources

Washington, D.C.Today, U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), released abipartisan report examining the U.S. State Department’s grants to OneVoice—a non-governmental organization operating in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The group received nearly $350,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department to support peace negotiations between Israelis and the Palestinian Authority over a 14-month grant period ending in November 2014. In December 2014, Israeli elections were called following the collapse of peace negotiations

You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers


U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751
Get DirectionsContact The Committee

You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Hey pinhead, that is NOT the report, it is a Republican Majority MEDIA SUMMARY of the report. Neither McCaskill nor Portman wrote the summary.
You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Hey pinhead, that is NOT the report, it is a Republican Majority MEDIA SUMMARY of the report. Neither McCaskill nor Portman wrote the summary.

What's stopping you.from.posting it loser?

You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Hey pinhead, that is NOT the report, it is a Republican Majority MEDIA SUMMARY of the report. Neither McCaskill nor Portman wrote the summary.

What's stopping you.from.posting it loser?


Even the New York Post....

You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Hey pinhead, that is NOT the report, it is a Republican Majority MEDIA SUMMARY of the report. Neither McCaskill nor Portman wrote the summary.

What's stopping you.from.posting it loser?


Even the New York Post....

Like I said, the Right lie in packs. The timeline exposes the lie and you cannot refute the timeline, so you cite as many liars as you can find in the GOP echo chamber of liars.
You have a link from the REPUBLICAN Majority media arm putting their spin on the report using taxpayer's dollars.

What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Hey pinhead, that is NOT the report, it is a Republican Majority MEDIA SUMMARY of the report. Neither McCaskill nor Portman wrote the summary.

What's stopping you.from.posting it loser?


Even the New York Post....

Like I said, the Right lie in packs. The timeline exposes the lie and you cannot refute the timeline, so you cite as many liars as you can find in the GOP echo chamber of liars.

Listen cupcake

All these left wing and right wing media reporting that Obama meddled in the election

Yet they lie and we're supposed to believe some anonymous partisian hack like you?


What part of bi partisian don't you get ...they even have phone numbers of the congressmen and women

Call them up loser.

Portman, McCaskill Release Bipartisan Report Regarding State Department Grantee In Israel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MEDIA CONTACTS: Kevin Smith (Portman) | 202-224-5190

John LaBombard (McCaskill) | 202-228-6263

Report Finds the State Department Failed to Adequately Guard

Against a Grantee’s Post-Grant Political Efforts Using Resources Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers

Hey pinhead, that is NOT the report, it is a Republican Majority MEDIA SUMMARY of the report. Neither McCaskill nor Portman wrote the summary.

What's stopping you.from.posting it loser?


Even the New York Post....

Like I said, the Right lie in packs. The timeline exposes the lie and you cannot refute the timeline, so you cite as many liars as you can find in the GOP echo chamber of liars.

Listen cupcake

All these left wing and right wing media reporting that Obama meddled in the election

Yet they lie and we're supposed to believe some anonymous partisian hack like you?


You can't refute the timeline, so you resort to the "Appeal to authority" fallacy.

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