Rep. Eric Swalwell’s attempt to convince everybody Dems are the ‘party of freedom’ doesn’t survive reality checks

Swawell has always been an idiot

Over and over and over again. We're a nation of marks, falling for the same two-party con, every single election.
Perhaps once that was almost true, then again, not really. The Democrats have always been on the wrong side of history. Supporting slavery, supporting the Klan, supporting Jim Crow, supporting the Weather Underground, all the way to supporting today's domestic terrorists in BLM and Antifa. There may have been a time when not all Democrats hated America, but that time is past, there are two distinct sides that only liberal trash try to blur the lines.
Perhaps once that was almost true, then again, not really. The Democrats have always been on the wrong side of history. Supporting slavery, supporting the Klan, supporting Jim Crow, supporting the Weather Underground, all the way to supporting today's domestic terrorists in BLM and Antifa. There may have been a time when not all Democrats hated America, but that time is past, there are two distinct sides that only liberal trash try to blur the lines.
Sure man. "Vote for me! Not as bad as the other guy!"

What a fucking joke we've become.

The article lists the hypocrisy, but I’ll add my own.

We are the party of freedom.
Unless you’re a kid selling lemonade on a street corner or a lone surfer on the beach or a small business ordered to stay closed long after the epidemic is over.

Freedom to make your own health care choices.
Unless it’s to choose to have your unplanned baby or not get the mystery substance injected.

Freedom from your fear of gun violence.
By releasing over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early and not prosecuting violent felons.

Freedom to have your vote counted.
Along with all the bot votes.

Our message is our values.
Your actions are your values.

Freedom for all.
Especially violent felons.

These fucking jerks think they have the freedom to riot and get in my childrens' faces. They don't. Not at all.

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