Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
Have you heard of the BDS Movement? Democrats have acknowledged that BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions specifically of Israel) indicates Antisemitism and in the past have discouraged BDS to avoid being compared to the highly antisemitic Nazis of Germany, and the Bolsheviks of Russia. Congresswoman Omar mentioned two other Congressmen who have joined her movement who are Congressman John Lewis and Congresswoman Rashida Talib.

Actually, this tactic did quite well in ending Apartheid in South Africa without any bloodshed.

The ugly reality is that Zionism is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land!"

There were people there. They are being treated as second class citizens in their own country.
These policies? Within the borders of the State of Israel?

What exactly are the borders of the zionist apartheid state?

Seems to include the Golan, Palestine, Lebanon (well, until Hezbollah proved them wrong)..

you "IMAGINE" ? what else do you IMAGINE ?
That you are as ignorant as your posts demonstrate. That Israel is hated for its apartheid policies and actions.

try again ISRAEL -----aka "the children of Israel" have been hated by shit like you and yours for a lot longer than there has been a UN MEMBER called Israel. Long ago-----as a child---I read the shit you and yours wrote-----LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN--------
In the not too distant past, a small group of 4 American servicemen died overseas defending American interests, and the Democrats listened in to President Trump's condolence calls to one of the families. The selected anti-Trump Congressman to punish President Trump that day was Frederica Wilson, and did she ever do a number on President Trump's character with that illegal phone tapping done by the Democrats that was 10x worse than the Watergate scandal, but due to the leftist lockstep press' collaboration with the Democrt National Party's making a mountain out of a molehill, one of the largest hatespeak went down using a dead soldier in the history of the United States of America.

Actually, what did a number on Trump's character was his lack of it. He came off as callous and didn't even remember the guy's name.

The reason why no one remembers it is because since then, he's done about 100 other awful things.
These policies? Within the borders of the State of Israel?

What exactly are the borders of the zionist apartheid state?

Seems to include the Golan, Palestine, Lebanon (well, until Hezbollah proved them wrong)..


try again ISRAEL -----aka "the children of Israel" have been hated by shit like you and yours for a lot longer than there has been a UN MEMBER called Israel. Long ago-----as a child---I read the shit you and yours wrote-----LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN--------
Again you demonstrate your ignorance. Israel was not an apartheid regime long before you were born.
borders have never been determined because islamo Nazi scum and pigs and whores like you REFUSE to recognize borders

So, the mindless creature is lying when she says the zionist homeland doesn't practice apartheid within it's borders...

But just for fun, could you tell me which borders should be recognized?

borders have never been determined because islamo Nazi scum and pigs and whores like you REFUSE to recognize borders

So, the mindless creature is lying when she says the zionist homeland doesn't practice apartheid within it's borders...

But just for fun, could you tell me which borders should be recognized?

Yeah, I'd like to know that too.
borders have never been determined because islamo Nazi scum and pigs and whores like you REFUSE to recognize borders

So, the mindless creature is lying when she says the zionist homeland doesn't practice apartheid within it's borders...

But just for fun, could you tell me which borders should be recognized?


Just watch it, Jantje.

This is upstairs. And your name calling and getting personal just shows up your pitiful lack of credibility.
why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

Which raises a follow up question ... why do so many of the Left hate Israel so vehemently?
fncceo, the Left puts out talking points to people on their payroll who influence forums and boards from coast to coast, and also to other fascists in Europe. If you see replays of the same day, you will hear fake news outlets using the identical tropes that their online counterpoints use until everyone who watches more than one news program knows the message by heart. This is politely known as ninnyhammering, but more to the point, it is repetitious propaganda, when repeated enough times, becomes the "false narrative" that follows people home who know better and places anywhere from the shadow of a doubt to out-and-out anger into the national "understanding" of what happened that day but didn't. In the not too distant past, a small group of 4 American servicemen died overseas defending American interests, and the Democrats listened in to President Trump's condolence calls to one of the families. The selected anti-Trump Congressman to punish President Trump that day was Frederica Wilson, and did she ever do a number on President Trump's character with that illegal phone tapping done by the Democrats that was 10x worse than the Watergate scandal, but due to the leftist lockstep press' collaboration with the Democrt National Party's making a mountain out of a molehill, one of the largest hatespeak went down using a dead soldier in the history of the United States of America.

General Kelly's speech begins at or around 6 minutes into the speech which is preceded by accompanying details to this moral fiasco that has now vanished since nobody held Congresswoman Wilson's tapping President Trump's phoneline to procure such information as was needed to make somethiing very negative out of a sincere hope to ease the Johnson family's pain as best as President Trump could. Not one single news source except Fox News and likely, a couple of lesser known media supporters of Judicial Watch (which has a history of being politically neutral to government leaders unless they truly are players doing really bad things which destroy or deny the Constitution) bothered showed the flip side of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson's feigned and garbage-litered calumny aimed at taking President Trump down--again, if you recall the background, General Kelly's speech begins right after the 6 minute time reference if you wish to fast forward only to his speech, which explains many things we may not be aware of even as well-informed American citizen participants in a political discussion board, with the warning that if you do not know the other background, you may agree with the lie of Ms. Wilson who was merely generating a false narrative based onto an illegal wiretap of the President's conciliatory phone message to a bereaved family:

Cnm's a paid bot?

If he's making more than this ... over paid.

try again ISRAEL -----aka "the children of Israel" have been hated by shit like you and yours for a lot longer than there has been a UN MEMBER called Israel. Long ago-----as a child---I read the shit you and yours wrote-----LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN--------
Again you demonstrate your ignorance. Israel was not an apartheid regime long before you were born.

Israel was never an apartheid regime-------the population consists of escapees from YOUR FILTH-----escapees from both Nazism and the vile stench of shariah
why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

Which raises a follow up question ... why do so many of the Left hate Israel so vehemently?
fncceo, the Left puts out talking points to people on their payroll who influence forums and boards from coast to coast, and also to other fascists in Europe. If you see replays of the same day, you will hear fake news outlets using the identical tropes that their online counterpoints use until everyone who watches more than one news program knows the message by heart. This is politely known as ninnyhammering, but more to the point, it is repetitious propaganda, when repeated enough times, becomes the "false narrative" that follows people home who know better and places anywhere from the shadow of a doubt to out-and-out anger into the national "understanding" of what happened that day but didn't. In the not too distant past, a small group of 4 American servicemen died overseas defending American interests, and the Democrats listened in to President Trump's condolence calls to one of the families. The selected anti-Trump Congressman to punish President Trump that day was Frederica Wilson, and did she ever do a number on President Trump's character with that illegal phone tapping done by the Democrats that was 10x worse than the Watergate scandal, but due to the leftist lockstep press' collaboration with the Democrt National Party's making a mountain out of a molehill, one of the largest hatespeak went down using a dead soldier in the history of the United States of America.

General Kelly's speech begins at or around 6 minutes into the speech which is preceded by accompanying details to this moral fiasco that has now vanished since nobody held Congresswoman Wilson's tapping President Trump's phoneline to procure such information as was needed to make somethiing very negative out of a sincere hope to ease the Johnson family's pain as best as President Trump could. Not one single news source except Fox News and likely, a couple of lesser known media supporters of Judicial Watch (which has a history of being politically neutral to government leaders unless they truly are players doing really bad things which destroy or deny the Constitution) bothered showed the flip side of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson's feigned and garbage-litered calumny aimed at taking President Trump down--again, if you recall the background, General Kelly's speech begins right after the 6 minute time reference if you wish to fast forward only to his speech, which explains many things we may not be aware of even as well-informed American citizen participants in a political discussion board, with the warning that if you do not know the other background, you may agree with the lie of Ms. Wilson who was merely generating a false narrative based onto an illegal wiretap of the President's conciliatory phone message to a bereaved family:

Cnm's a paid bot?

If he's making more than this ... over paid.


Minimum wage? No wonder he likes Ilhan.

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