Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
Apartheid: Dutch Exceptionalism!!!! You know: the ones that went Pro-Nazi in WW2 after a brief ............hiatus.

try again ISRAEL -----aka "the children of Israel" have been hated by shit like you and yours for a lot longer than there has been a UN MEMBER called Israel. Long ago-----as a child---I read the shit you and yours wrote-----LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN--------
Again you demonstrate your ignorance. Israel was not an apartheid regime long before you were born.

Still isn't, pakeha mongrel mob apologist!!! TAKE AWAY THEIR GUNS!!!!!!.

You sound upset. lol. Did I get to you?

This is upstairs, remember?

Sheer hatred belongs in the basement.
What, you're trolling while upstairs? How Batty.

No. You are.

Have you come up with a credible argument yet?

As opposed to lame baseless statements?

Which only reinforce your bias against Israel.
It means your judgement is tainted!!


I suppose I could bring up your treatment of the aboriginals but let's skip that part

Can you tell me what, in your unbiased judgement, the borders are of the zionist apartheid state?


Our Blacks? An interesting History. Very old but very Stone Age. I know many and am in fact an Elder
( Honorary). It was a brutal lifestyle with very low life expectancy and high levels of violence including cannibalism. Yes; there was a lot of conflict but also a lot of misplaced paternalism. Of course there were MANY who were quite successful very early on. Many whites, especially Lutherans and Catholics, ministered to them in Missions but they were very vulnerable away from their traditional lifestyle which tended to be incompatible with the 19th Century let alone 20th. But now? They're treated a lot better than you treat the Roma. They are integrated and considered equals and achieve very highly in many areas. Still a lot to do though. I consider many to be not only friends but competition. That's the true admission of equality!!

US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

Opposing apartheid does not make you anti-Semitic unless you believe the Jews of Israel have a right to steal the land and water of non-Jews living under an illegal occupation.

Anti-Zionism Does Not Equal Anti-Semitism | Torah Jews

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