Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
Then no one is stopping you...

US House passes resolution condemning boycott of Israel

The US lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved a non-binding resolution that condemns the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as harmful to the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stopping short of openly declaring it anti-Semitic.

House Resolution 246, which was introduced in March by Rep. Bradley Schneider (D-Illinois), passed with flying colors in a 398 to 17 vote in the House of Representatives on Tuesday. The bill opposes the BDS movement and particularly any “efforts to target United States companies.”

The powerful American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbying group immediately welcomed the resolution, claiming that BDS is discriminatory and “disguises its true intentions under the banner of 'human rights.'”

Why is Israel the only nation we aren’t allowed to boycott?
What other nation is our country boycotting? I am not talking about sanctions.
Our country isn’t boycotting any nation. Individuals are.
Then no one is stopping you. What are you complaining about? That some individuals don't like it?
That people seem to be proposing laws banning boycotts of one and only one country.
They purpose laws all the time. Some people want criticism of Islam to be against the law. Doesn't mean it is going to happen.

There are no laws banning criticism of Islam in the US. There are however laws banning boycotts of Israel.
Fuck all the middle east, inbred, racist cults. Yahweh was a fag and Allah was a homo.
What other nation is our country boycotting? I am not talking about sanctions.
Our country isn’t boycotting any nation. Individuals are.
Then no one is stopping you. What are you complaining about? That some individuals don't like it?
That people seem to be proposing laws banning boycotts of one and only one country.
They purpose laws all the time. Some people want criticism of Islam to be against the law. Doesn't mean it is going to happen.

There are no laws banning criticism of Islam in the US. There are however laws banning boycotts of Israel.
Show me the laws.
Then no one is stopping you...

US House passes resolution condemning boycott of Israel

The US lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved a non-binding resolution that condemns the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as harmful to the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stopping short of openly declaring it anti-Semitic.

House Resolution 246, which was introduced in March by Rep. Bradley Schneider (D-Illinois), passed with flying colors in a 398 to 17 vote in the House of Representatives on Tuesday. The bill opposes the BDS movement and particularly any “efforts to target United States companies.”

The powerful American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbying group immediately welcomed the resolution, claiming that BDS is discriminatory and “disguises its true intentions under the banner of 'human rights.'”

non-binding resolution
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

Fuck Israel is a terror state and we need to stop giving them charity.
And everyone that feels sorry for Israel can go live there.
At least they're making their intentions known. I like my enemies better when they're not pretending to be my friend.
Who are you claiming are your enemies here, and why?

If you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with me. Those people know who they are.
Crying wolf. Israel has been committing crimes against Palestinians how is boycotting them affect your sorry ass who lives in the US? If you love Israel more than the US move there.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

The evangelicals they support Israel so the prophecy happens and the messiah comes back. Then they can slaughter everyone including the Jews.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

Fuck Israel is a terror state and we need to stop giving them charity.
And everyone that feels sorry for Israel can go live there.

Palestinians kill babies and their families get paid. Does Israeli terror have benefits for families? Islam does.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

Fuck Israel is a terror state and we need to stop giving them charity.
And everyone that feels sorry for Israel can go live there.

Palestinians kill babies and their families get paid. Does Israeli terror have benefits for families? Islam does.

Wtf you talking about. Israeli settlers and war machine Crimea against Palestinians ate documented since 1948.
Like you care about the Jews, you just want the messiah to come back. Even the Jews dont recognize jesus and they dont care for you or your religion just keep on sending them billions of dollars, while your own are dying in the streets dumb ass.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

Fuck Israel is a terror state and we need to stop giving them charity.
And everyone that feels sorry for Israel can go live there.

Palestinians kill babies and their families get paid. Does Israeli terror have benefits for families? Islam does.

Wtf you talking about. Israeli settlers and war machine Crimea against Palestinians ate documented since 1948.
Like you care about the Jews, you just want the messiah to come back. Even the Jews dont recognize jesus and they dont care for you or your religion just keep on sending them billions of dollars, while your own are dying in the str.eets dumb ass.

Wtf you talking about
The Fogels.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
If you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with me. Those people know who they are.
Why are you speaking in vague cryptologies?

Speak plainly.

Spit it out son.

I don't take bait and I don't get dragged into pointless call-outs.

If you just let an anti-Semite talk they will eventually call themselves out.

Funny. After all these claims of racism, it turns out that the only real racist here is Omar herself! :auiqs.jpg:

I agree. Hell Congress took a vote and declared Trump a racist.

Wonder how come they haven't taken a vote on the two death cult members of Congress who are real racists??

Both should have been censured long ago.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.

Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.

Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

Fuck Israel is a terror state and we need to stop giving them charity.
And everyone that feels sorry for Israel can go live there.

Palestinians kill babies and their families get paid. Does Israeli terror have benefits for families? Islam does.

Wtf you talking about. Israeli settlers and war machine Crimea against Palestinians ate documented since 1948.
Like you care about the Jews, you just want the messiah to come back. Even the Jews dont recognize jesus and they dont care for you or your religion just keep on sending them billions of dollars, while your own are dying in the streets dumb ass.

the people who now call themselves "muslims" have been murdering, raping and enslaving jews since the career of the rapist dog of mecca began. The scum
ass lickers of the very same dog Muhummad----invaded the land of Judea a bit less than 1000 years ago and have been imposing their shit ever since......not only in Judea but in large parts of both Africa and Asia and are still trying to stink
up the whole world

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