Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.

Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

I have seen lots of it here in the USA-----very impressively disgusting-----
the most impressive part are the abused DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW----
with no place to turn-----their own MOTHERS AND BROTHERS turn on
them. and their husbands are CERTAINLY no help either
I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.
To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISCUSS
SOMALIA? How about a little PUSH-BACK on that UMMAH BOYCOTT thing---
designed to inflict STARVATION SIEGE on Israel? ------it would not be hard to choose
a little shariah shit hole for similar treatment-----I VOTE MALDIVES to start----or maybe
something more vulnerable like MAURITANIA
Last edited:
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Why is Israel the only nation we aren’t allowed to boycott?
What other nation is our country boycotting? I am not talking about sanctions.
Our country isn’t boycotting any nation. Individuals are.
OK ... let's make this simple: how many congressional resolutions promote individual boycotts of foreign nations?
Remind me of the legislation they passed because I can’t recall it...
Why is Israel the only nation we aren’t allowed to boycott?
What other nation is our country boycotting? I am not talking about sanctions.
Our country isn’t boycotting any nation. Individuals are.
OK ... let's make this simple: how many congressional resolutions promote individual boycotts of foreign nations?
Remind me of the legislation they passed because I can’t recall it...

the Nuremburg laws
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
No need the whole entire world knows this...welcome back to life.
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.
To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.
Rape occurs everywhere, one of the worst in fact is India. The problem in many make dominated, usually developing countries is there are few recourses available to women, and they are likely to be further abused for reporting it. Russia, in fact has one of the highest domestic violence rates in the world and just recently weakened laws protecting women effectively allowing a man to brutalize his wife and get slap on the wrist with a paltry fine.

Oh...and guess what...we, the U.S. allowed the violence against women act to expire, failing to renew it or make it permanent. Maybe we don’t really care about women as much as we pretend to.

The ultimate irony is Omar has supported bills aimed at reducing violence towards women in and mandating accountability when rape is used as a tool in conflict. Do you suppose her Republican attackers have? Hell. The wouldn’t renew the Violence Against Women Act.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
This is his country. Why don’t you go back eh?
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
This is his country. Why don’t you go back eh?

Because I stand for this country, no rapes in sight. The person prefers Islam which is a rape culture. Maybe you two could go together? You even have the chance to prove that those cultures are better like the journalist who had similar opinion.

Journalist who 'shined light' on Somalia dies in terrorist attack

Much better!
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
This is his country. Why don’t you go back eh?

Because I stand for this country, no rapes in sight. The person prefers Islam which is a rape culture. Maybe you two could go together? You even have the chance to prove that those cultures are better like the journalist who had similar opinion.

Journalist who 'shined light' on Somalia dies in terrorist attack

Much better!

I seriously doubt he stands for rape. Your assumption that Muslim = rape is what is problematic here. Most dangerous countries for women
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
This is his country. Why don’t you go back eh?

Because I stand for this country, no rapes in sight. The person prefers Islam which is a rape culture. Maybe you two could go together? You even have the chance to prove that those cultures are better like the journalist who had similar opinion.

Journalist who 'shined light' on Somalia dies in terrorist attack

Much better!

I seriously doubt he stands for rape. Your assumption that Muslim = rape is what is problematic here. Most dangerous countries for women

The Muslim cultures are rape cultures. Responsible for making Sweden the rape capital of the world. Fact, no fiction... do you stand for rape?
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
This is his country. Why don’t you go back eh?

Because I stand for this country, no rapes in sight. The person prefers Islam which is a rape culture. Maybe you two could go together? You even have the chance to prove that those cultures are better like the journalist who had similar opinion.

Journalist who 'shined light' on Somalia dies in terrorist attack

Much better!

I seriously doubt he stands for rape. Your assumption that Muslim = rape is what is problematic here. Most dangerous countries for women

The Muslim cultures are rape cultures. Responsible for making Sweden the rape capital of the world. Fact, no fiction... do you stand for rape?
Rape is an acceptable way of waging war in Islam. Islamists are at war.
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
No need the whole entire world knows this...welcome back to life.

Yep, still a chicken shit, thanks for playing!
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.

You can’t back up you crap, it’s cool.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
How can go back to where I'm at stupid ?

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