Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
How can go back to where I'm at stupid ?

You are in Somalia already?

Good, then no complaints, hit the log out button, find the Somali forum and you are done.
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
How can go back to where I'm at stupid ?

You are in Somalia already?

Good, then no complaints, hit the log out button, find the Somali forum and you are done.
They again dumb ass. I'm in the best state of the union 5th largest economy where America sends its homeless AMD the cons make fun of them. Guess?
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

AAaaandd... it's time to get back to your country.
How can go back to where I'm at stupid ?

You are in Somalia already?

Good, then no complaints, hit the log out button, find the Somali forum and you are done.
They again dumb ass. I'm in the best state of the union 5th largest economy where America sends its homeless AMD the cons make fun of them. Guess?

You are one funny nut job. Prove your case.
Dumb ass there are 56 majority Muslim countries, some had female presidents while the US call the only candidate that ran nasty woman, bitch and a whore.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.

who cares? I find the incessant discussions of "how women are treated in
shariah shit-holes" silly. The only people who can change that situation are
the MOTHERS------but it is a big advantage to........whom??? da motha in law and
the mothas don't give a fly-in fluck wat happens to their daughters who are OUT OF THE HOUSE
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are a troll.
Yes it does....accusing 1.7 billion of treating women lesser than human. That makes a bigot. If you only saw how how most muslims how they cared for their moms, sisters and wives you'll be ashamed of yourself dumb ass.

Read these articles and tell me your BS again: The silence over Islamic State’s abuse of women

Bullied, beaten, trapped: Muslim women denied divorce from abusive men

'I never told anyone': 5 women's stories of sexual abuse at the Hajj - CNN

Law and Women in the Middle East

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’: Crackdown on critics and activists continues
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

I find it interesting how you are so defensive of your Muslims brothers. Didn’t mean to hit such a nerve with you.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.
Last edited:
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.

6/6 Americans have been the victim of leftist fake statistics.

Compared to Islam where women get stoned for being raped, it's a cake-walk. One of the few countries where women have more rights than men, but don't expect the feminists to STFU. They never will, and will always talk up their rape utopias.
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.

he is still playing with "I know both worlds" -----so do I. I have lots of
relatives who lived in both worlds and have also dealt with the intimate
details of victims in the USA------but I am different------if muslim women want
it----for my part, THEY CAN HAVE IT
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.

he is still playing with "I know both worlds" -----so do I. I have lots of
relatives who lived in both worlds and have also dealt with the intimate
details of victims in the USA------but I am different------if muslim women want
it----for my part, THEY CAN HAVE IT

He thinks his opinions are superior to anyone else’s. He is a bigot that rips the United States except for California. Typical liberal BS, he doesn’t vote, but then wants a say in everything. Just a real jerk.
Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.

he is still playing with "I know both worlds" -----so do I. I have lots of
relatives who lived in both worlds and have also dealt with the intimate
details of victims in the USA------but I am different------if muslim women want
it----for my part, THEY CAN HAVE IT

He thinks his opinions are superior to anyone else’s. He is a bigot that rips the United States except for California. Typical liberal BS, he doesn’t vote, but then wants a say in everything. Just a real jerk.

I am interested in his "opinions" -----I have noticed that there are people in
the USA whose "opinions" reflect the weekly khutbah jumaat feces flings----so
they are GOOD TO KNOW. I wonder if he believes that there should be
legislations regarding the opened statements of "islamophobes"
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

I find it interesting how you are so defensive of your Muslims brothers. Didn’t mean to hit such a nerve with you.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.
1 in 3 ? Prove it.
Arranged marriages in Muslim countries ? Lol non of my Muslim friends and family had an arranged marriage. That's more cultural and old school than anything else. Please educate yourself. You probably still think all muslims live in the desert and ride camels.
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.

6/6 Americans have been the victim of leftist fake statistics.

Compared to Islam where women get stoned for being raped, it's a cake-walk. One of the few countries where women have more rights than men, but don't expect the feminists to STFU. They never will, and will always talk up their rape utopias.
I provided official stats....can you please provide a proof of women getting stoned in all 56 Muslim countries?
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.

6/6 Americans have been the victim of leftist fake statistics.

Compared to Islam where women get stoned for being raped, it's a cake-walk. One of the few countries where women have more rights than men, but don't expect the feminists to STFU. They never will, and will always talk up their rape utopias.
I provided official stats....can you please provide a proof of women getting stoned in all 56 Muslim countries?

Whatever you posted is far from official stats.

It's simply LAUGHABLE assertion that women are treated better in Muslim countries. If you hate America so much that you have to lie about such a clear cut matter, it's time to pack the bags and get killed in a terrorist attack like the journalist that attempted to prove the same.

FFS, in these countries women can't even dress how they want, or in some cases drive cars. Equal rights are a far cry, woman testifying is worth much less than a man. You are simply retarded.
Muslim women do not report either rape or violence from family members-----How do I know?-----muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands, told me.
Do I have corroborating evidence? YUP----even in the USA the Islamic family
response to an hysterical abused wife trying to escape is to get the MOTHER-IN-LAW to demand SEDATIVES. Way back circa 1971----the WEST PAKISTANI
army raped, by Red Cross estimates 1/4 millon East Pakistani women. What was the family response? The girls were abandoned to the gutter and were committing suicide in droves. For the record----the rapes were deemed legal by shariah law because the WEST PAKISTANI Islamic scholars had issued an
edict of TAKFIR upon ---all of East Pakistan. Thanks for your input Issa.

Wanna know why my Husband got rescued out of the Shariah shit hole in which
he was born more than 75 years ago, ISSA? It involves a rape/murder-----death of two infants, and an atrocity of shariah law -----"the dhimmi orphan law" Lots of people have lived in muslim lands-------and they have their experiences to recount. For more information get in touch with Copts of Egypt---Marronites of Lebanon and Chaldeans of Syria and Iraq---then move
on to Zoroastrrians-----Iran and Mumbai-----and even Sikhs in the Pakistani
moiety of the Punjab Province. We have examples of ALL right here in the USA. Considering what goes on in those shariah shit holes------muslims should
concentrate on cleaning up their own MESS. ANYONE WANT TO DISBUSS

Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.

he is still playing with "I know both worlds" -----so do I. I have lots of
relatives who lived in both worlds and have also dealt with the intimate
details of victims in the USA------but I am different------if muslim women want
it----for my part, THEY CAN HAVE IT

He thinks his opinions are superior to anyone else’s. He is a bigot that rips the United States except for California. Typical liberal BS, he doesn’t vote, but then wants a say in everything. Just a real jerk.
I dont just love California I love the open minded Americans and hate racists and bigots.
Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.

6/6 Americans have been the victim of leftist fake statistics.

Compared to Islam where women get stoned for being raped, it's a cake-walk. One of the few countries where women have more rights than men, but don't expect the feminists to STFU. They never will, and will always talk up their rape utopias.
I provided official stats....can you please provide a proof of women getting stoned in all 56 Muslim countries?

Whatever you posted is far from official stats.

It's simply LAUGHABLE assertion that women are treated better in Muslim countries. If you hate America so much that you have to lie about such a clear cut matter, it's time to pack the bags and get killed in a terrorist attack like the journalist that attempted to prove the same.
Provide stats and prove of your claims if you dont have them shut the f up.
Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.

he is still playing with "I know both worlds" -----so do I. I have lots of
relatives who lived in both worlds and have also dealt with the intimate
details of victims in the USA------but I am different------if muslim women want
it----for my part, THEY CAN HAVE IT

He thinks his opinions are superior to anyone else’s. He is a bigot that rips the United States except for California. Typical liberal BS, he doesn’t vote, but then wants a say in everything. Just a real jerk.
I dont just love California I love the open minded Americans and hate racists and bigots.

Guess ya gotta be open minded to enjoy California's homeless population, welfare population, illegal population and the black plague.
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

I find it interesting how you are so defensive of your Muslims brothers. Didn’t mean to hit such a nerve with you.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.
1 in 3 ? Prove it.
Arranged marriages in Muslim countries ? Lol non of my Muslim friends and family had an arranged marriage. That's more cultural and old school than anything else. Please educate yourself. You probably still think all muslims live in the desert and ride camels.

none of your friends? so? what does that prove? Several of my muslim colleagues had arranged marriages-----not that I care
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.

6/6 Americans have been the victim of leftist fake statistics.

Compared to Islam where women get stoned for being raped, it's a cake-walk. One of the few countries where women have more rights than men, but don't expect the feminists to STFU. They never will, and will always talk up their rape utopias.
I provided official stats....can you please provide a proof of women getting stoned in all 56 Muslim countries?

Whatever you posted is far from official stats.

It's simply LAUGHABLE assertion that women are treated better in Muslim countries. If you hate America so much that you have to lie about such a clear cut matter, it's time to pack the bags and get killed in a terrorist attack like the journalist that attempted to prove the same.
Provide stats and prove of your claims if you dont have them shut the f up.

ROFLMAO @ stats. WHO stats are just a listing of the numbers PROVIDED BY EACH COUNTRY. For years Saudi Arabia reported
NO AIDS ------lots of muzzie countries claimed "no schizophrenia" ---for years. Even the muslim doctors laughed
Ladies and gentlemen this bigot above accused 1.7 billion of humans of treating women as lesser humans and he backed it with articles here and there....I'm gonna follow his logic and state the following.

1. In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S.

2. In 2007, according to the report, 64% of female homicides in the U.S. were perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner. (great family values)

3. US presidents, supreme court candidates, political donors, congressmen, police, you name it were taunted with sexual abuse and use of their social status to force themselves on women in some cases under age women.

4. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

And so much more, I can post millions of articles of women raped and killed, women asking for equal pay, women being called nasty for running for office. But i'll be a fool like you to think that all Americans are sexual predators or degrade women.

I've lived in a muslim country and women are cat call a woman in her neighberhood you get your ass kicked....if you assault a woman everyone will beat your ass up....muslims elected 8 women to be their presidents and prime ministers while the US first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman by a pussy grabber.

Get off your high horse, and try to stop the rape and violence against women in the US that has one of the highest numbers in the world and one of the least safe places for women.

Got links?
You play dumb? No problem.

You paint brushed all muslims with the same brush of mistreating women that makes you ignorant and bigot.
I said that women in the US is one of the countries for women, and you asking for links.
This is the country that voted for a pussy grabber, where a supreme court judges still get appointed after been accused of rape, presidents use their power to get blowjobs in white house, and many sexual acts that went undetected, where women get kidnapped raped and killed, girls as young as 3 years old.
Where the first woman that ran for president was called a nasty woman and the so called conservatives cheered.
This is a country where women have to carry guns to protect themselves from being sexually assaulted or killed.

Now let's go to the stats, shall we?



  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
    • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
    • 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.9
  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.10
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.2
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.2
  • 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.2
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.2
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.2
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime.1
  • Almost half of female (46.7%) and male (44.9%) victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner.11
NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


AND i told you many times, I've lived in both worlds and i know what i'm talking about. Are women abused in certain parts of the Islamic world ? Of course...but to say all Muslims threat women as lesser human that's a bigoted ignorant statement. In lot of those countries the woman is very sacred and protected, and many Muslim countries elected women for president. And you have to understand that every countries culture and norms are different.
But one thing for sure the US has a long way to go to protect and value women and it's in no position to give lessons to other countries about women's rights Especially after electing a pussy grabber.

Your 1 in 6 in America as pointed out earlier is 1in 3 in Muslim countries and pre arranged marriages are still common in Muslim countries.

I find it interesting how you are so defensive of your Muslims brothers. Didn’t mean to hit such a nerve with you.

Every country has a long way to go in protecting women. Muslim countries have a longer way to go.
1 in 3 ? Prove it.
Arranged marriages in Muslim countries ? Lol non of my Muslim friends and family had an arranged marriage. That's more cultural and old school than anything else. Please educate yourself. You probably still think all muslims live in the desert and ride camels.

I know protect the Muslim men, that is your way isn't?

Muslims live in modern society well, I have sent you link after link after link proving it is one and three, in thread after thread, yet you always ask, go look it up yourself I'm through with your silly games.
Him and I have gone over and over and over how under reported the violence and sexual assault is for Muslim women. He call me a bigot for pointing out the facts that these women are exploited by the men and the men treat these women as second class citizens, which Sharia law explicitly forbids. He has never been able to deny those facts he just tries to switch the subject.
Facts? U posted news articles and u call those facts ?
I've lived in both worlds...saudi Arabia is not Turkey or Malaysia. So when you paint brush all muslim countries with the same brush you just showing how ignorant you are.
Maybe he is painting Islam the same way. Which you can do.

he is still playing with "I know both worlds" -----so do I. I have lots of
relatives who lived in both worlds and have also dealt with the intimate
details of victims in the USA------but I am different------if muslim women want
it----for my part, THEY CAN HAVE IT

He thinks his opinions are superior to anyone else’s. He is a bigot that rips the United States except for California. Typical liberal BS, he doesn’t vote, but then wants a say in everything. Just a real jerk.
I dont just love California I love the open minded Americans and hate racists and bigots.

And yet you persist with your bigotry against Americans that don't live in California. You are bigoted hypocrite. Done with your silly games.

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