Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
Have you heard of the BDS Movement? Democrats have acknowledged that BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions specifically of Israel) indicates Antisemitism and in the past have discouraged BDS to avoid being compared to the highly antisemitic Nazis of Germany, and the Bolsheviks of Russia. Congresswoman Omar mentioned two other Congressmen who have joined her movement who are Congressman John Lewis and Congresswoman Rashida Talib.

Actually, this tactic did quite well in ending Apartheid in South Africa without any bloodshed.

The ugly reality is that Zionism is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land!"

There were people there. They are being treated as second class citizens in their own country.
Oh, you aren't current with the murders of tens of thousands of whites in South Africa by politically-motivated blacks to occupy their farmhouses and become lazy landowners who will crash the SA economy in good time. As of last year, 70,000 whites, many of them farmers on family homesteads of 400 years ago have been murdered, with many of those raped by their killers. Current toll figures is up to 94,000 and growing. After finding the website, my computer had to be turned off and restarted due to "bad gateway." I'm not sure what happened or if this backs up the recent charges of some bad things being done to conservatives who look up topics certain search engine interests dislike. Anyway, I loaded similar request information and got a screen with a similar inavailability of the subject matter. So pardon my lack of backup for the information I found that Democrats don't want you to know about that their insistence on Apartheid brought about, but in reality, has resulted in death for almost 100,000 white deaths in South Africa since Apartheid ended.

I watched a TV documentary on the poor whites in South Africa. Living in shacks, and relying on food banks.
Our Blacks? An interesting History....

Eh, I wanted to skip that part

Seems none of the deplorable defenders of the zionist homeland want to say what it's borders are.... probably because it's still a work in progress...

Omar hates the US, she married her brother, I seriously doubt she respects any law, and still she's an elected representative charged with making laws she obviously won't honor. That's insane, just like the people who voted for that lowlife.
If you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with me. Those people know who they are.
Why are you speaking in vague cryptologies?

Speak plainly.

Spit it out son.

I don't take bait and I don't get dragged into pointless call-outs.

If you just let an anti-Semite talk they will eventually call themselves out.

Israel have indiscriminately bombed Palestinian neighbourhoods, they are the ones with the better weapons but:


At least 9,920 Palestinians and 1,268 Israelis have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.

This number is mirrored in Civilian Deaths...

From World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Israel and Palestine


Illegal Settlers are invading Palestine and the IDF creates buffer zones for safety... More illegal settlers move in the buffer zone... So on and on.. This is cleansing the Palestinians from there land. These are not terrorists they are moving, more like olive farmers...

I know guys in the IDF and they think this is wrong too, they consider these Illegal Settlers as scum... They are armed to the teeth, quite a lot are Russian.. As one said 'What kind of prick brings there family to a war zone'. While the guy had no love for Palestinians he could see there position...
What's that got to do with anything?
It's to do with posters having their posts read rather than having them scrolled by. Not that that would concern you with your lack of substance.
Seems none of the deplorable defenders of the zionist homeland want to say what it's borders are.... probably because it's still a work in progress...
Yet apparently they're non-negotiable. Isn't 'chutzpah' the word to describe that?
First, a double standard is the application of two different sets of expectations to different groups of people. The late actress Bette Davis nailed it when she said, “When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a b—-.” That’s a double standard. When the United Nations Human Rights Council has a standing agenda item against Israel alone – ignoring the abuses of known culprits like Iran, Syria, Burma (Rohingya), and Saudi Arabia (Yemen) – that’s a double standard. When the National Women’s Studies Association boycotts Israel alone – which is the only country in the Middle East where women are free and equal – that’s a double standard.

Times of Israel.
which is the only country in the Middle East where women are free and equal – that’s a double standard.
It certainly is. Palestinian women are not as free and equal as Israeli women. But then it depends where the borders are, which is such a mystery.
It certainly is. Palestinian women are not as free and equal as Israeli women.

Some people might see that as a sign of apartheid
But then it depends where the borders are, which is such a mystery.

Unfortunately it's a secret... maybe Damien's Jared's peace plan will clear that up...

If you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with me. Those people know who they are.
Why are you speaking in vague cryptologies?

Speak plainly.

Spit it out son.

I don't take bait and I don't get dragged into pointless call-outs.

If you just let an anti-Semite talk they will eventually call themselves out.

Israel have indiscriminately bombed Palestinian neighbourhoods, they are the ones with the better weapons but:

View attachment 270604

At least 9,920 Palestinians and 1,268 Israelis have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.

This number is mirrored in Civilian Deaths...

From World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Israel and Palestine

View attachment 270605

Illegal Settlers are invading Palestine and the IDF creates buffer zones for safety... More illegal settlers move in the buffer zone... So on and on.. This is cleansing the Palestinians from there land. These are not terrorists they are moving, more like olive farmers...

I know guys in the IDF and they think this is wrong too, they consider these Illegal Settlers as scum... They are armed to the teeth, quite a lot are Russian.. As one said 'What kind of prick brings there family to a war zone'. While the guy had no love for Palestinians he could see there position...

Actually, your map is wrong ... between 1948 and 1967, the Gaza Strip was annexed by Egypt and the West Bank was annexed by Jordan ... The Palestinians didn't have a single, square inch of land they controlled until Israel kicked those occupiers out in 1967.
Why is Israel the only nation we aren’t allowed to boycott?
What other nation is our country boycotting? I am not talking about sanctions.
Our country isn’t boycotting any nation. Individuals are.
Then no one is stopping you. What are you complaining about? That some individuals don't like it?
That people seem to be proposing laws banning boycotts of one and only one country.
Why is Israel the only nation we aren’t allowed to boycott?
What other nation is our country boycotting? I am not talking about sanctions.
Our country isn’t boycotting any nation. Individuals are.
Then no one is stopping you. What are you complaining about? That some individuals don't like it?
That people seem to be proposing laws banning boycotts of one and only one country.
They purpose laws all the time. Some people want criticism of Islam to be against the law. Doesn't mean it is going to happen.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech


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