Rep James Comer on how even more 1023s may exist RE bribery


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
You understand a 1023 is just an unverified accusation, don't you?
Yes, but much can be gleaned from that information. So for example, if in this next 1023 they talk about using a maze of LLC's to hide the money, we will know they are telling the truth, just like what happened in the last 1023.
Why do you need to see his confidential bank records? How would that help you in any way?

How would it help to see proof of all of this widespread corruption that you all say exists? I'll let you figure that one out on your own, imbecile.
How would it help to see proof of all of this widespread corruption that you all say exists? I'll let you figure that one out on your own, imbecile.
Both the GOP and the dems have seen it. Neither side is denying the records exist. Why are YOU demanding to see them? Are you trying to make the case that if YOU dont see the documents, then they dont exist and this is all a hoax?
Yes, but much can be gleaned from that information. So for example, if in this next 1023 they talk about using a maze of LLC's to hide the money, we will know they are telling the truth, just like what happened in the last 1023.
No it won't. When crazies make unfounded accusations, they tend to be similar to unfounded accusations by othe crazies. What you describe is proof that both are crazy.
No it won't. When crazies make unfounded accusations, they tend to be similar to unfounded accusations by othe crazies. What you describe is proof that both are crazy.
Yes, that would be the result of "unfounded accusations", but that isnt what we have here. They had reason to believe that bribery was being committed after seeing Hunters laptop. They subpoena'd his bank records and suddenly they were rewarded with THOUSANDS of shady money transfers through dozens of shell companies. When they discovered the 1023 form, the guy said they were using shitloads shell companies to hide it all. Again, the information was "founded".
Yes, that would be the result of "unfounded accusations", but that isnt what we have here. They had reason to believe that bribery was being committed after seeing Hunters laptop. They subpoena'd his bank records and suddenly they were rewarded with THOUSANDS of shady money transfers through dozens of shell companies. When they discovered the 1023 form, the guy said they were using shitloads shell companies to hide it all. Again, the information was "founded".
And which laws do you think Joe Biden broke? Proof of broken laws are usually required before your hair bursts into flames. Where is your proof of Joe Biden breaking even one law? Crazy accusations and innuendo are just crazy accusations and innuendo.
And which laws do you think Joe Biden broke? Proof of broken laws are usually required before your hair bursts into flames. Where is your proof of Joe Biden breaking even one law? Crazy accusations and innuendo are just crazy accusations and innuendo.
Bribery, money laundering, racketering and possibly tax evasion. You wont mind if we keeping digging up more evidence of these crimes, will you?

They just keep finding stuff

But hey, nothing to see here, scream the dims (!), both elites and their useful idiots...

Comer says there is something to see here!

Comer doesn't inderstand that currently Democrats are not subject to penalties for breaking US Law.

Yes, all these laws were broken
What is anyone going to do about it?

It was the same in the 50's and 60's for Democrats when it came to blacks.
Democrats would Lynch blacks and when people contacted Law enforcement the same people who did the lynching did the investigating.

Democrats during the Obama rein dramatically upped their game to include all races and all crimes.
I guess libs missed thiss (following) news story as well as all the others they have missed bc they only watch lib stations that do not cover these stories ( because said stations are anchored by nothing but political hacks who don't want things to look bad for their party) :rolleyes:

but it was right there on tape.. Fox showed the tape and likely Newsmax but the fake news folks didn't want to... Gee... can't figure out why... hmmmm :eusa_think:

On the tape Bidum is bragging about how he got Ukraine system to fire the prosecutor that was investigating bidum's son
Bribery, money laundering, racketering and possibly tax evasion. You wont mind if we keeping digging up more evidence of these crimes, will you?
Dig all you want. Let me know if you come up with something other than unproven accusations and innuendo.

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