Rep. Jesse Jackson Calls on Gov. to Hire All Unemployed Americans for $40,000 each


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Rep. Jesse Jackson Calls On Government To Hire All Unemployed Americans For $40,000 Each | Fox News

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has offered his own $804 billion jobs plan that calls on the federal government to hire the nation’s 15 million unemployed Americans for jobs paying roughly $40,000 each, and bail out all the states and cities facing budget crises.

Jackson said the government’s direct hiring of the nation’s 15 million unemployed Americans would cost $600 billion.

“It could be a five-year program,” he said. “For another $104 billion, we bail out all of the states. For another $100 billion, we bail out all of the cities.”

“And as more people work, they pay taxes, they pay taxes into the 4th quarter, they buy wares, they buy homes, they meet their obligations and our economy begins to work its way out of this protracted recession,” he continued.

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being 'not at all', and 10 being monumentally', how stupid do you think Jesse Jackson Jr. is?

I vote 10.
Obama could of done this with the original stimulus bill. Why didn't Obama just send every American Adult a check for $25,000, or send all of us a check for $2000.000 a month until the economy finally recovered? Do you know how many jobs you can create with a Trillion Dollars? anyone got a caculator? divide one trillion by 40,000 (use it as a ball park figure) tell us what u come up with.
You guys all vision 2012 as a year of multiple protests all over the country? we will have Tea Party,Ice Tea Party,Decaffinated Coffee, Unleaded Gas, and the infamous "Shitters Party" all protesting in sync throughout the summer, but with only one group that will be able to explain to reporters what they are protesting!
Obama could of done this with the original stimulus bill. Why didn't Obama just send every American Adult a check for $25,000, or send all of us a check for $2000.000 a month until the economy finally recovered? Do you know how many jobs you can create with a Trillion Dollars? anyone got a caculator? divide one trillion by 40,000 (use it as a ball park figure) tell us what u come up with.

600 billion is less than the 16 Trillion in Banker Bailouts too.
Good ol' Jesse has to make news, not necessarily sense. Got a headline here! Probably will in most newspapers, too. (Sigh), what a world.
This would cut down the welfare rolls.

Brilliant my friend. So what do you do the following year and just what to you hire them to do?

Welfare rolls are already income for the year, except we don't hire them to do anything.
But you got a point there, it would take them off the welfare rolls but they wouldn't be looking for a permanent job that year, either.
Good for Rep. Jackson. The measure will never pass this year or next year, but someone needs to be presenting ideas like this in Congress. As the nation becomes angrier and angrier at the current system, more progressive legislation will become politically possible.
This would cut down the welfare rolls.

Brilliant my friend. So what do you do the following year and just what to you hire them to do?

Welfare rolls are already income for the year, except we don't hire them to do anything.
But you got a point there, it would take them off the welfare rolls but they wouldn't be looking for a permanent job that year, either.

It was a joke!!!
Good for Rep. Jackson. The measure will never pass this year or next year, but someone needs to be presenting ideas like this in Congress. As the nation becomes angrier and angrier at the current system, more progressive legislation will become politically possible.

I think we may have found one of the few ^^^^.

Government jobs do not add value to the economy. They drain it. Basic economics. Idiot.

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