Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Firey Bannon Contempt Hearing

The investigation of the Jan. 6 attack is of paramount importance to the nation and to every American.
The fearless minions of the Effa Bee Eye have already DONE THAT. There was no conspiracy. Since that time we've learned that the FBI may have actually helped to stage the illegal activity and that Pelosi refused to ask for NG troops to be present. Your party is so EFFING CORRUPT that they risk setting this nation on fire and people like you don't give a damn...yet... but once the violence begins and spreads to the point where your own interests are threatened, THEN you'll wish you hadn't enabled it all but by then it won't be something easily stopped.
What is being investigated is the Jan. 6 attack on Congress as it sat in session to carry out its duty under the Constitution, which was an historic attack on the United States Government. The Capitol had not been attacked since the British in 1814. The other incidents that you mention are not connected to Jan. 6, the events of which are of utmost importance to the U.S. nation as a whole.

The fire in the basement of St. John's was soon discovered and put out. The clergy and parishioners of St. John's were assisting the protesters and no one knows who set the fire. The officials of the Diocese of Washington have gone out of their way to distance the Episcopalian Church from the political displays during the trump administration. Remember that the proud boys gang stole a banner from a downtown DC church, Asbury Methodist, and destroyed it in the middle of the street. The investigation of the Jan. 6 attack is of paramount importance to the nation and to every American.

Decision By January 6th Commission to Ignore Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Just Unmasked Their Entire Investigation​

The January 6 commission expanded its fishing expedition still further last week with its request of phone records from President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.

Meanwhile neither the FBI nor the 1/6 Commission have responsibly answered why Ray Epps has neither been arrested or subpoenaed for appearance and questioning his actions of January 6th, 2021. Video evidence shows his criminal actions on Jan 6th.
What are they investigating? Reporting has already come out that there was no central command and any violence was local and not coordinated.

Why can't we question Pelosi on why she had the NG stand down and not protect the capitol? After all, she's speaker, she's responsible for the safety and security of the capitol. Why isn't she being questioned?

Oh that's right, because she's a democrat.
Another BIG LIE, "Reporting has already come out that there was no central command and any violence was local and not coordinated."
The inclusion of Meadows on the list, alongside McCarthy and 10 other far-right House Republicans, nonetheless provides a clearer picture of the sharpening contours of the investigation and its overall direction as the select committee ramps up its work.

It also echoes congressional investigations of eras past: Richard Nixon’s White House chief of staff, HR Haldeman, came under scrutiny from the Senate select committee into the Watergate scandal and was forced to testify about the extent of Nixon’s involvement.

The hypocrisy on the extreme Right put HRC on the hot seat for the attack at Benghazi, and She appeared before the committee and answered all the questions because she had nothing to hide.

And let's not forget Trump's comment on the 5th Amendment:

The hypocrisy of Trump and his fellow travelers is despicable.
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Like Jordan said, you assholes have nothing else to talk about, but this lame-assed and poorly conceived and amateurishly concealed false flag.

Now buzz the fuck off, psycho.
Nice rebuttal, LOL.

It proved this, you are not a patriot and are incapable of proving anything to support whatever you post as credible. Jordan is a bully, and you're a mirror image of that creep.

BTW I repeat this quote from my post above:

The inclusion of Meadows on the list, alongside McCarthy and 10 other far-right House Republicans, nonetheless provides a clearer picture of the sharpening contours of the investigation and its overall direction as the select committee ramps up its work.

It also echoes congressional investigations of eras past: Richard Nixon’s White House chief of staff, HR Haldeman, came under scrutiny from the Senate select committee into the Watergate scandal and was forced to testify about the extent of Nixon’s involvement.

Prove this is not a credible example of the hypocrisy of the Trump Era, and you are one of them.
Gaetz and Jordan. LoL - What crybabies. :crying:

then why the threats against mike pence's life?

why the literal hunting down of nancy pelosi?

it was an insurrection & some thought, on the orders of their chosen one - who, btw LIED & said he would walk to the capital with them - & wanted them to take their country back ... carried out his orders? there were weapons & there was violence. thankfully our guardrails held &those that are responsible for that bloody attempted coup will be brought to justice.

Those were FBI guys and AntiFa ;)
You really are opposed to the law, when it fits your fancy.


Through the years Congress has held political appointees in "Contempt" for refusal to appear or furnish specific information. None have gone to jail...They are as follows:
Other Cabinet-level or senior executive branch officials cited for contempt in recent history include Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Commerce Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton in 1975; Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr. in 1978; Energy Secretary Charles Duncan in 1980; Energy Secretary James B. Edwards in 1981; Interior Secretary James Watt in 1982; Anne Gorsuch Burford (Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch's mother) and Attorney General William French Smith in 1983; White House Counsel John M. Quinn in 1996; and Attorney General Janet Reno in 1998.​
Then there's the act of perjury when testifying before Congress....


Through the years Congress has held political appointees in "Contempt" for refusal to appear or furnish specific information. None have gone to jail...They are as follows:
Other Cabinet-level or senior executive branch officials cited for contempt in recent history include Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Commerce Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton in 1975; Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr. in 1978; Energy Secretary Charles Duncan in 1980; Energy Secretary James B. Edwards in 1981; Interior Secretary James Watt in 1982; Anne Gorsuch Burford (Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch's mother) and Attorney General William French Smith in 1983; White House Counsel John M. Quinn in 1996; and Attorney General Janet Reno in 1998.​
Then there's the act of perjury when testifying before Congress....

Hey Bozo, you didn't state that anyone of them were subpoenaed to appear before The Congress. HRC appeared to answer questions before the Congress Committee on Benghazi, she answered the questions for hours.

Why? Because she had nothing to hide. Even those with a double IQ Score must wonder what Trump and his family, friends and a number of Republican Pols are hiding!
Hey Bozo, you didn't state that anyone of them were subpoenaed to appear before The Congress. HRC appeared to answer questions before the Congress Committee on Benghazi, she answered the questions for hours.

Why? Because she had nothing to hide. Even those with a double IQ Score must wonder what Trump and his family, friends and a number of Republican Pols are hiding!

Aux contraire HRC 's testimony was perjured....
See: Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee

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