Rep. Madison Cawthorn offers Kyle Rittenhouse “an internship,” and tells followers to also “be armed dangerous, & moral”

The time for being calm has passed. We need 100,000 on the streets armed and ready for riots.
Isn't it amusing when those who've done the most to stoke violence and rage, suddenly get religion and want everyone to be peaceful? When those who've made it their business to shit on the law and our Constitution, suddenly want us to be uber-observant of both, lest there be a breakdown in civility? These fools don't have a clue what kind of madness they are creating. Their media has convinced them that the only reality is the one they see on their screens and that anything that disagrees with it is wrong and can be ignored. Hehehe... oh my, GOODNESS, what a day is coming.
Isn't it amusing when those who've done the most to stoke violence and rage, suddenly get religion and want everyone to be peaceful? When those who've made it their business to shit on the law and our Constitution, suddenly want us to be uber-observant of both, lest there be a breakdown in civility? These fools don't have a clue what kind of madness they are creating. Their media has convinced them that the only reality is the one they see on their screens and that anything that disagrees with it is wrong and can be ignored. Hehehe... oh my, GOODNESS, what a day is coming.

That day cannot come too soon. Tens of millions of us are just so tired of this bullshit.
Make no mistake about it: There is a silent message of endorsement sent to would-be killers, sent to individuals whose brains are spiraling out of control, when the highest levels of the U.S. government does nothing, shooting after shooting.

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