Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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You seem to be confusing Democratic Socialism with Communismband and are grosly misreprenting how Democrats view government. Ensuring that Americans have access to health care, clean air and water, bridges that don't collaps , and safe food and other products is an appropriate fuction of government. It is not being mommy and daddy.

We are the real Americans because we want America to be the best place possible for all people. Not a safe haven for oligarchs who rape the land , screw the common people and not pay taxes. Those on the right who are not wealthy have been duped and brainwashed, and those who are wealth are selfish fucks who do not give a shit about America or anybody else.

Your fellow DemoKKKrats are the oligarchs who rape the land, screw the common people, and don't pay taxes. Say hi to Jeff Bezos for me, ok?
That's what I'm talking about to, or were you not aware Biden plans to raise taxes on the middle class?
Horseshit....You will believe any bullshit if it fits your narative. You are a gullible sucker
You seem to be confusing Democratic Socialism with Communismband and are grosly misreprenting how Democrats view government. Ensuring that Americans have access to health care, clean air and water, bridges that don't collaps , and safe food and other products is an appropriate fuction of government. It is not being mommy and daddy.Remember, there is something in the Constitution about providing for the general welfare, but I don't expect you to know that

We are the real Americans because we want America to be the best place possible for all people. Not a safe haven for oligarchs who rape the land , screw the common people and not pay taxes. Those on the right who are not wealthy have been duped and brainwashed, and those who are wealth are selfish fucks who do not give a shit about America or anybody else.
Far left shits like you want to tax the rich 10000% take over all means of production, and kill all political enemies. YOU are the enemy.
Far left shits like you want to tax the rich 10000% take over all means of production, and kill all political enemies. YOU are the enemy.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you actually believe your own bullshit? If you do you are seriously brainwashed. More likely, you are just repeating some bizarre crap that you heard that you don't even understand. I challange you to provide documentation that supports your claim about taxes and taking over the means of production.

What exacgtly would America look like if Democrates were in compleet controll. Spare me the vague bullshit about "being mommy and daddy from cradle to grave" Give me documented specifis about tax policy, social safety net issues, private propery, industry, the environment and consumer protection to name just a few areas, and tell me where the Communism is.
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What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you actually believe your own bullshit? If you do you are seriously brainwashed. More likely, you are just repeating some bizarre crap that you heard that you don't even understand. I challange you to provide documentation that supports your claim about taxes and taking over the means of production.

What exacgtly would America look like if Democrates were in compleet controll. Spare me the vague bullshit about "being mommy and daddy from cradle to grave" Give me documented specifis about tax policy, social safety net issues, private propery, industry, the environment and consumer protection to name just a few areas, and tell me where the Communism is.
It is not the government's job to take care of anyone. All social safety hammocks need to be eliminated.
It is the RepubliKlan Party that is attacking our Democracy

Speaking of the klan, say hi to your governor for me! You two are "in the club" together, right?

You seem to be confusing Democratic Socialism with Communismband and are grosly misreprenting how Democrats view government. Ensuring that Americans have access to health care, clean air and water, bridges that don't collaps , and safe food and other products is an appropriate fuction of government. It is not being mommy and daddy.Remember, there is something in the Constitution about providing for the general welfare, but I don't expect you to know that

We are the real Americans because we want America to be the best place possible for all people. Not a safe haven for oligarchs who rape the land , screw the common people and not pay taxes. Those on the right who are not wealthy have been duped and brainwashed, and those who are wealth are selfish fucks who do not give a shit about America or anybody else.
You're utterly retarded. But your Democrat masters thank you for unquestioningly swallowing their propaganda.
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