Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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Hey sshit for brains. We are not, I repeat NOT a damned democracy. You defended a fraudulent election.

We the People created a more perfect union
A Government of the people, by the people and for the people

YOU tried to destroy it
Only because you refuse to see the truth that you really ARE Communists.
It is clear that you do not know what Communism is. Let us know when the Democrats start pushing for the confiscation of private property , government take over of all means of production, and striping the 6 figure salaries and stock options from corpoate CEOs. And don't forget who it was who tried to subvert the electoral process and the will of the people.
It is clear that you do not know what Communism is. Let us know when the Democrats start pushing for the confiscation of private property , government take over of all means of production, and striping the 6 figure salaries and stock options from corpoate CEOs. And don't forget who it was who tried to subvert the electoral process and the will of the people.
You mean the duped morons who voted for Alzheimer Joe and the C* nt
Be careful what you wish for… Dumbcrat socialists antisemites who you support like AOC are turning Latinos and Asians away from your party. Heck even blacks are leaving.

TRUMP Republicans like MTG, Boebert, Matz, Gossar are like Malware in the Republican Party

They will destroy it
The left wing media is calling her an antisemite. I read all her stuff and she is not one. That's what they did to Trump, too and it was pure lies.

These are the same people who said last year when a republican won Virginia "this was a white elitist racist election" when he beat out a democrat that was.......white. One that they never said anything about racism when he won.

And ignored the fact that during the same election a black woman became LT governor and a cuban guy became attorney general.

All democrats do is say racist things about anyone they don't like, or try to use racism against others. In her case they tried to say she hated Jews. Which baffles my mind, I never met someone who hated Jews and no jew has ever bothered me. Far as I can tell Jews in America just want to do their thing and be left alone.
Really. I schooled you about communism and you have nothing else to say about it. All that you can do is childishly disparage President Biden annd VP Harris. Now, tell the class again, who's got nothing? You are not impressive
Communism IS the ultimate goal of the Left and the DemocRAT party. You fucks want the government to be our mommy and daddy from womb to the tomb. And REAL Americans like myself are not going to stand for that.
These are the same people who said last year when a republican won Virginia "this was a white elitist racist election" when he beat out a democrat that was.......white. One that they never said anything about racism when he won.

And ignored the fact that during the same election a black woman became LT governor and a cuban guy became attorney general.

All democrats do is say racist things about anyone they don't like, or try to use racism against others. In her case they tried to say she hated Jews. Which baffles my mind, I never met someone who hated Jews and no jew has ever bothered me. Far as I can tell Jews in America just want to do their thing and be left alone.
Right, It's kind of like like when you guys on the right call Democrats and anyone who you don't like Communists, pedophiles and anti American. You can dish it out but you can't take. The difference is that we are telling the truth about racism. You are in denial about it and just make shit up about us as a way of deflecting from reality

As far as Green goes, she is an equal oportunity hater including anti sematism. She is a sjck piece of shit

Communism IS the ultimate goal of the Left and the DemocRAT party. You fucks want the government to be our mommy and daddy from womb to the tomb. And REAL Americans like myself are not going to stand for that.
You seem to be confusing Democratic Socialism with Communismband and are grosly misreprenting how Democrats view government. Ensuring that Americans have access to health care, clean air and water, bridges that don't collaps , and safe food and other products is an appropriate fuction of government. It is not being mommy and daddy.Remember, there is something in the Constitution about providing for the general welfare, but I don't expect you to know that

We are the real Americans because we want America to be the best place possible for all people. Not a safe haven for oligarchs who rape the land , screw the common people and not pay taxes. Those on the right who are not wealthy have been duped and brainwashed, and those who are wealth are selfish fucks who do not give a shit about America or anybody else.
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