Rep. marjorie taylor greene Says Democrats Are ‘Destroying God’s Creation’ By Supporting Anti-Domestic Violence Bill

....or Wife/Mother too.

While the mother may have limited disciplinary powers over the children, it is the Father who sets the rules and who needs to be the arbiter of any significant or repeated offenses. He, not she, is the Head of the Household.
"Trump and his flock are going to see to it that many more like her will be running in 2022."

You know, Mac.....that could be good news. Could be bad news.

Good: If they put up for election the Gun Crazies, or Abortion Crazies, or Jesus could blow up just like the Tea Party did with their witches and 'legitimate rape' advocates.

Bad: They put up more MarjorieSpaceLazers ....and they win. That's bad no matter how one slices it. It's bad for America, obviously. It's bad for the moderate rationale Republicans who have to spend time, energy, and air-time deflecting, dodging, and running from the press seeking their opinion on the NutsoCrazoids of their party.

It's not so bad though, for us gossipboard chatterati......cause those Snickerdoodles make great copy, and serve as an ever ready butt of snark.

So, it's a U-Pick-Em.
Yeah. The only thing we can bet for sure is that it'll be interesting as hell along the way.

And if they win, well, the electorate deserves what it gets.

The rest of the nation didn't vote for them and we certainly don't deserve all the damage they will do.
‘“Again Democrats want to violate girls and women’s rights by destroying God’s creation, male and female. Putting biological men in women’s prisons, abuse shelters and extending them rights does NOT help biological women and girls who have been through hell,” Greene tweeted on Wednesday.’ ibid

This is a lie.

Like most conservatives Greene is a liar and demagogue.

Such is the reprehensible right.

It's absolute fact.

You Nazis hate women and want to destroy what it is to be a woman.

FURTHER, you endanger women who have suffered violence by forcing men into the only safe havens they have.

You scum are evil to the core.
"keep my words as my words."

Ah, my bad.
So it wasn't your avatar who repeatedly uses the word "Nazi" as an epithet in your postings?
Nor the word "Reich"?

Wonder who I was thinking of when I copied those words from posts to illustrate the Hitler-fetishism of some poster.
So, are you saying that you ain't the guy with the Hitler-fetish?

Who knew?

Out of context selective editing is both dishonest and violates the TOS.

I get that you're a Nazi, hence you are devoid of integrity, but the continual refusal to abide by the TOS could result in other issues for you.
She looks like a dude. Maybe Marge was born "Marv" - Has anyone seen her birth certificate? :lol:

Time for a little sexist humor...

If my dog was that ugly I'd save its butt and teach it to walk backwards... :laugh:
Perhaps it is the cause of your last permaban?
"last" one?
Hmmm, I'm still bumbling towards the first one.
Looks like I got work to do.
It seems.
"you ARE a Nazi,"
"You Nazis hate women and want to destroy what it is to be a woman."

Jeeez, your Hitler-fetish keep peeking out of your id, no matter how earnestly you desire to fit in and be normal, eh?

So, are "Nazis" your perceived enemies?
Or are they some manner of Super Heroes for your fetish?

Maybe we can a follow-up post .... explore your observation that 'Nazis' hate women?
Or want to destroy what it is you think defines what is a woman.

In truth, I think both subjects could be interesting forum fare.
Would like to hear you articulate your perspective on each.

So jump in, poster Uncensored. The water's fine.
And then, and I don't wish to pry, but.......but may I ask a quesiton that is sorta unrelatd to this chatroom?

But I'm curious. Curious to see if your imagination and creativity in utilizing avatar identities.

In short, do you use the "Uncensored 2008" avatar identity on posting to the forums of, say, StormFront? or AtomWaffen?

If that is too personal for you avatar's comfort level, or may dox you......well, you do what is best for your id.

....or Wife/Mother too.

While the mother may have limited disciplinary powers over the children, it is the Father who sets the rules and who needs to be the arbiter of any significant or repeated offenses. He, not she, is the Head of the Household.
I simply would not tolerate any man thinking he was the head of MY household. I had a couple challenge me and had to be taught a lesson.

The best outcome is for women who need a male head of household to have one. Women who neither need nor will tolerate a male thinking he was the head of household makes a different decision.
I simply would not tolerate any man thinking he was the head of MY household.

You know, TCL, it seems you and I often wear different team jerseys.
So be it.
But the idea that ONLY a man should be the "household head" ain't one that's got a lot of traction in the households of our family.
I ain't gonna leave my team, but.......but will applaud a clean 3-pointer dropped over the head of the defender.
I simply would not tolerate any man thinking he was the head of MY household. I had a couple challenge me and had to be taught a lesson.

I would suggest that any Right-minded Man stay as far away from you as humanly possible. I know I’ve spent my adult life doing just that.

Not even business arrangements, friendships or polite acquaintanceship with Feminists are appropriate for Right-thinking Men.
Not even ...... friendships or polite acquaintanceship with Feminists are appropriate for Right-thinking Men.

Is that you, Mike? You 'right-thinkin' man'.

Am curious, still not going out without Mother as chaperone, eh?
Question: Say, you and the guys go out for a beer, well, will you drink it if a waitress serves it?
Without Mother there to makes sure you don't , ah,......have impure thoughts?

More importantly, howja feel about dodging that noose back on January 6th?
That was a close one. No?
Was honestly surprised that all those Uber Right-thinking 'patriots' would hunt you down they way they did.

I'll bet you woulda thrown Mother under the bus to get the hell outta there to avoid that necktie party. True that?
Is that you, Mike? You 'right-thinkin' man'.

Am curious, still not going out without Mother as chaperone, eh?
Question: Say, you and the guys go out for a beer, well, will you drink it if a waitress serves it?

Nope. I’ve got no great love for Mr Pence either.

To answer your question... On the rare occasions thst I go out, I don’t drink alcohol, regardless of who serves it.
Not even ...... friendships or polite acquaintanceship with Feminists are appropriate for Right-thinking Men.

Is that you, Mike? You 'right-thinkin' man'.

Am curious, still not going out without Mother as chaperone, eh?
Question: Say, you and the guys go out for a beer, well, will you drink it if a waitress serves it?
Without Mother there to makes sure you don't , ah,......have impure thoughts?

More importantly, howja feel about dodging that noose back on January 6th?
That was a close one. No?
Was honestly surprised that all those Uber Right-thinking 'patriots' would hunt you down they way they did.

I'll bet you woulda thrown Mother under the bus to get the hell outta there to avoid that necktie party. True that?
Are you on some sort of hard drugs?

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