Rep McDermott Can't Explain ObamaCare Failure

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
The Socialists pushed this on us when it wasn't wanted and can't explain why everything we said would happen is coming to fruition.

[ame=]Rep. Jim McDermott, the "Cock Brothers," and rising health-care premiums - YouTube[/ame]​
Nobody can explain it. At the time madam Pelosi, the speaker of the house said "you can read it after we pass it". The freaking 3,000 page law is longer than most Stephen King novels and twice as scary.
The Socialists pushed this on us when it wasn't wanted and can't explain why everything we said would happen is coming to fruition.

McDermott and other legislators do not care what ObamaCare costs the American taxpayers in premiums or lost services...IT DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM> THEY HAVE THEIR OWN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM GOING.


Scabs on the ass of humanity...all of them! Democrat or doesn't matter. They are all no good!
How can the system have already failed, if major parts of the legislation haven't even taken effect yet?

I can't believe how enthusiatic the conservatives are about the idea of this medicare care reform bill failing.
Well anyone who believes the ACA is gonna be better and cheaper is dumber than a box a rocks.

Nothing the Govt sticks its big fat nose in is ever better or cheaper. Its a mountain of red tape and paperwork.

The fucking Dems passed this POS bill all on their own. They never read the damned thing and we are now finding out just whats in it. Twenty one tax increases and who the hell know what else. We had this POS shoved down our throats by the Dems.

Anyone wonder why its not as advertized?? I sure don't.
Well anyone who believes the ACA is gonna be better and cheaper is dumber than a box a rocks.

Nothing the Govt sticks its big fat nose in is ever better or cheaper. Its a mountain of red tape and paperwork.

The fucking Dems passed this POS bill all on their own. They never read the damned thing and we are now finding out just whats in it. Twenty one tax increases and who the hell know what else. We had this POS shoved down our throats by the Dems.

Anyone wonder why its not as advertized?? I sure don't.

What's dumber than a bag of rocks is your outlook. Have you read the bill, or are you just parrotting what Fox News tells you?

Health care in the US is sucking ever more of your GDP. Health care costs are rising at more than twice the rate of inflation. The current system was not sustainable. What part of that don't you understand?
Isn't it unconstitutional to pass something that excludes a public servant?
This whole thing is a fuckin joke!
Everyone needs health insurance! Ok, so the people that can't afford it, can afford this? WTF kind of logic is that? I bet if they coulda read it before, it would not have gotten passed..
Oh well, at least it is a tax SMH
Well anyone who believes the ACA is gonna be better and cheaper is dumber than a box a rocks.

Nothing the Govt sticks its big fat nose in is ever better or cheaper. Its a mountain of red tape and paperwork.

The fucking Dems passed this POS bill all on their own. They never read the damned thing and we are now finding out just whats in it. Twenty one tax increases and who the hell know what else. We had this POS shoved down our throats by the Dems.

Anyone wonder why its not as advertized?? I sure don't.

What's dumber than a bag of rocks is your outlook. Have you read the bill, or are you just parrotting what Fox News tells you?

Nobody has read the bill, dragon breath, it's over 2,000 pages long. That's one of the reasons why we didn't want it passed to begin with. Have you read it, or are you just parroting what PMSNBC tells you?

Health care in the US is sucking ever more of your GDP. Health care costs are rising at more than twice the rate of inflation. The current system was not sustainable. What part of that don't you understand?

And the new law just guaranteed it becomes even less sustainable. What part of that don't you understand?
Yeah the whole notion that this is a liberal plan is laughable. If I have any complaints about Obamacare is that it isn't full on single payer health care similar to the Canadian system.

This is identical to the plan proposed by republicans in the 90's. The whole mandate idea? From republicans.

Obama went for this thinking it was a moderate plan republicans might actually get behind since most of it came from them. A foolish notion if ever there was one. It doesn't matter who wrote it, if it's proposed by democrats it's evil.

But you are right, this plan doesn't do enough about cost. Why? Because it can't. You cannot control cost without control. And any system that utilizes private doctors and private hospitals under private insurance is not controlled by any one entity who can demand cost savings.

You can't cut cost without control. And if you think the government can't do it, how do you explain Medicare? It works well and cost less than private insurance.
You can't cut cost without control.

Yes you can, by getting the government the hell out of it in the first place.

And if you think the government can't do it, how do you explain Medicare? It works well and cost less than private insurance.

I don't know what reality you exist in, but Medicare does not work well. Medicare costs less because it undercuts doctors and hospitals for payments for services rendered. They make up that cost by charging the rest of us more. That is one of the reasons why health care costs are rising and a reason why an increasing number of doctors have stopped taking on additional Medicare patients.
Because it's worth pointing out again:

Health care price growth plummets – 2012 lowest year since 1998
Health care price growth in December, at 1.7% year-over-year, was three-tenths below November’s reading, and the lowest rate since February 1998. The 12-month moving average at 2.0% is the lowest since a fractionally lower 2.0% figure was recorded in December 1998. [...]

December was the 43rd month of economic expansion but price pressures are nowhere to be found. Indeed, lower PPI and CPI readings are likely exerting downward pressure on the health price index rather than the expected opposite whereby health care prices would be stimulating general inflation. This scenario, in conjunction with aggressive measures that providers are taking to become more efficient, argue for continued price stability (or even another leg down!).

Health insurance premiums see smallest increase in 15 years
The cost of providing health care benefits to employees rose by just 4.1% this year, the smallest increase in 15 years, according to a survey by human resources consultant Mercer.

And employers are expecting to see another modest increase of 5% next year, the survey of 2,800 companies found. That's a far cry from the beginning of the decade, when employers reported increases of 10% to nearly 15% a year. Last year, benefit costs rose by 6.1%.

Growth In Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Continues To Hit Historic Lows
The slow growth in spending per beneficiary from 2010 to 2012 combined with the projections of spending growth at GDP+0 for 2012-2022 is unprecedented in the history of the Medicare program.

The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
Medicaid and Medicare. In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. (For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.) In response to that slowdown, over the past several years, CBO has made a series of downward technical adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. From the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, such technical revisions have lowered estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

Growth of Health Spending Stays Low
January 7, 2013
WASHINGTON — National health spending climbed to $2.7 trillion in 2011, or an average of $8,700 for every person in the country, but as a share of the economy, it remained stable for the third consecutive year, the Obama administration said Monday.

The rate of increase in health spending, 3.9 percent in 2011, was the same as in 2009 and 2010 — the lowest annual rates recorded in the 52 years the government has been collecting such data.

Slower Growth of Health Costs Eases U.S. Deficit
WASHINGTON — A sharp and surprisingly persistent slowdown in the growth of health care costs is helping to narrow the federal deficit, leaving budget experts trying to figure out whether the trend will last and how much the slower growth could help alleviate the country’s long-term fiscal problems. [...]

Health experts say they do not yet fully understand what is driving the lower spending trajectory. But there is a growing consensus that changes in how doctors and hospitals deliver health care — as opposed to merely a weak economy — are playing a role. Still, experts sharply disagree on where spending might be in future years, a question with major ramifications for the federal deficit, family budgets and the overall economy.

Part of the slowdown stems from “the recession and the loss of income and wealth” causing people to cut back on health care, Douglas W. Elmendorf, the director of the Congressional Budget Office, said last week. But he added that a “significant part” of the slowdown “probably arises from structural changes in the health care system.”
Well anyone who believes the ACA is gonna be better and cheaper is dumber than a box a rocks.

Nothing the Govt sticks its big fat nose in is ever better or cheaper. Its a mountain of red tape and paperwork.

The fucking Dems passed this POS bill all on their own. They never read the damned thing and we are now finding out just whats in it. Twenty one tax increases and who the hell know what else. We had this POS shoved down our throats by the Dems.

Anyone wonder why its not as advertized?? I sure don't.
Union controlled hospitals. Nurses want to make $125 an hour, too, 30 holidays and 6 weeks of vacation thrown in for free. Cops everywhere are striking so they can get compensated for increased health costs.

I thought everybody knew that by now.
Yes you can, by getting the government the hell out of it in the first place.

Uhh it was. For decades. And prices were getting, are getting, out of control.

I don't know what reality you exist in, but Medicare does not work well. Medicare costs less because it undercuts doctors and hospitals for payments for services rendered. They make up that cost by charging the rest of us more. That is one of the reasons why health care costs are rising and a reason why an increasing number of doctors have stopped taking on additional Medicare patients.

It works as well as it can without more control.

Tell me. What will limit prices if the government gets completely out of the system? Who is going to make sure the elderly and sick get treatment?

Insurance companies couldn't care less about cost. They have a captured market.

Here is the last question for you.

If you think that the government cannot compete, how does the rest of the world pull it off?

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