Rep. Nadler Files Resolution That Could Be First Legislative Step Toward Impeachment

You actually have to commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors to be impeached.

Now, Hillary Clinton? She violated, FOIA, The Espionage Act, Two Court Orders to Preserve her Emails, and She Committed Perjury under oath.
She actually was disqualified from holding any political office because of these violations.

She would have been impeached during her inauguration, and taken away in hand cuffs before should could complete her Oath of Office.

That is a far more realistic outcome than the delusions that psychotic schizoid liberals have of impeaching a man who has not committed any crimes.

But hey, the Butt Hurt never ends with The Barny Frank Brigade.
Impeachment is a political process not a criminal process. All that is needed are the charges and the votes. The high crimes bit was copied from England and can anyone define a "high crime"?
So if you get butt hurt enough over losing you can just impeach someone?

I think you need to brush up on our form of Government.

You have to have done something unlawful, committed perjury and other such violations of ethics.

Tell us oh ButHurtOwan.

Exactly on WHAT GROUNDS would you even begin to try to impeach Donald Trump?

You don't like his hair?

Technically speaking, the legislative branch could very well do that. They can impeach for whatever they want. It is not going to happen of course.
So why didn't we impeach Obama for lying about Hillary's Server, Covering up about Benghazi, Sending weapons and money to Terrorists, using The IRS as a weapon, helping Lois Lerner cover her tracks, Allowing Loretta Lynch & Eric Holder to be a Criminals, and allowing Hillary Clinton to delete 30,000 emails if impeachment is just a regular ole thing you can pull out of the box any time you want to get rid of a president you don't like?

Lefty is off his rocker. You cannot impeach a "President" for whatever you like. He has to do something that violates his oath of office (Obama Did And Repeatedly) or his law license, or some other egregious act.

And even then, you have to have the process go all the way to completion, have some public support to actually impeach a sitting president.

It is not an easy process. It is not even easy to get started, and it is even harder to continue through to your desired end.

Even if you successfully impeach a president, that does not mean he is removed from office.
That is a far more realistic outcome than the delusions that psychotic schizoid liberals have of impeaching a man who has not committed any crimes.
Your signature speaks for itself in regards to your comment:
Actually that is quite a valid point. I should never have to say anything at all but post this in response to every Lefty Fascist message posted in here.
Good job, keep posting, even more people will notice you are a complete idiot if you consider Nazis "extreme left".
You actually have to commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors to be impeached.

Now, Hillary Clinton? She violated, FOIA, The Espionage Act, Two Court Orders to Preserve her Emails, and She Committed Perjury under oath.
She actually was disqualified from holding any political office because of these violations.

She would have been impeached during her inauguration, and taken away in hand cuffs before should could complete her Oath of Office.

That is a far more realistic outcome than the delusions that psychotic schizoid liberals have of impeaching a man who has not committed any crimes.

But hey, the Butt Hurt never ends with The Barny Frank Brigade.
Impeachment is a political process not a criminal process. All that is needed are the charges and the votes. The high crimes bit was copied from England and can anyone define a "high crime"?
So if you get butt hurt enough over losing you can just impeach someone?

I think you need to brush up on our form of Government.

You have to have done something unlawful, committed perjury and other such violations of ethics.

Tell us oh ButHurtOwan.

Exactly on WHAT GROUNDS would you even begin to try to impeach Donald Trump?

You don't like his hair?

Technically speaking, the legislative branch could very well do that. They can impeach for whatever they want. It is not going to happen of course.
So why didn't we impeach Obama for lying about Hillary's Server, Covering up about Benghazi, Sending weapons and money to Terrorists, using The IRS as a weapon, helping Lois Lerner cover her tracks, Allowing Loretta Lynch & Eric Holder to be a Criminals, and allowing Hillary Clinton to delete 30,000 emails if impeachment is just a regular ole thing you can pull out of the box any time you want to get rid of a president you don't like?

Lefty is off his rocker. You cannot impeach a "President" for whatever you like. He has to do something that violates his oath of office (Obama Did And Repeatedly) or his law license, or some other egregious act.

And even then, you have to have the process go all the way to completion, have some public support to actually impeach a sitting president.

It is not an easy process. It is not even easy to get started, and it is even harder to continue through to your desired end.

Even if you successfully impeach a president, that does not mean he is removed from office.
"We" didn't impeach Obama because the HOR did not deem Obama's actions were worthy of impeachment. We do not have anything to do with impeaching the president - the HOR does that on its own. I never said the process was easy. i never said that Trump should be impeached. You are wrong that they have to have some public support - there is noting that the public has any power over during that process. Of course, without it a lot of senators and representatives will be looking for a job on their next term but at that point the process is already complete.

What I did say is true - that the legislative branch may impeach the sitting president for anything they wish. The HOR very well could draw up the articles of impeachment in the house citing that they do not like his hair. The senate could convict and Trump would be out of office - all perfectly legal. It will not happen because the legislative branch is not bat shit crazy BUT I never responded to the likelihood of the event - just that the legislative branch can interpret 'high crimes' in any manner that they wish as they have complete control over that process and the constitution does not define that term or the extent of that power.
Nazi Fast Sparky

Nazism is a Totalitarian Racist Anti-Semitic Leftist Philosophy That Makes The State God, and Undermines Democracy, Religious Freedoms and Individual Liberties.

This Agenda is Sympatico With Leftist Liberalism and Jihadists who are Brothers in their hatred of Christians, Jews & America.

Between The DNC's Bashing of Israel, Bernie The Jew, and Obama's continual Dress Down and assaults on Christianity and His Incessant Undermining of Israel's Elections and Anti-Israeli actions in the UN and his rendering assistance to The Enemies of Christianity and Israel....

Its Nazi hard to see that Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC are Neo Nazis.

Your Hatred for People of Faith is palpable. You should practice being a clever liar like your Nazi friends in The DNC.

Or maybe practice concealing your true intentions like your Anti-Semitic Jihadist Allies.

Heil Hitlery!

That is a far more realistic outcome than the delusions that psychotic schizoid liberals have of impeaching a man who has not committed any crimes.
Your signature speaks for itself in regards to your comment:
Actually that is quite a valid point. I should never have to say anything at all but post this in response to every Lefty Fascist message posted in here.
Good job, keep posting, even more people will notice you are a complete idiot if you consider Nazis "extreme left".
Impeached for the high crime of not being a democrat.

Really, that is about all they can pin on him at this point.

To be fair, I'm not sure they could make that charge stick with his history.
Imagine if democrats spent as much time trying to help Republicans fix this nation.we could live in a practical paradise.

Instead we waste time with this crap
Imagine if democrats spent as much time trying to help Republicans fix this nation.we could live in a practical paradise.

Instead we waste time with this crap

You mean like the 40+ votes to repeal Obamacare which the Republicans held. That kind of waste of time, which could have been spent solving problems.

Or the "don't give him anything to run on" to prevent the second term. That kind of help and assistance?
He's being interviewed on MSNBC right now. No link yet.

Finally found a link.

Washington, D.C. -- Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee, introduced a Resolution of Inquiry directing the Department of Justice to provide the House of Representatives with any and all information relevant to an inquiry into President Trump and his associates’ conflicts of interest, ethical violations—including the Emoluments Clause—and Russia ties. If the House Judiciary Committee does not schedule the resolution for a Markup within 14 legislative days, it becomes a privileged resolution and can be brought to the floor in front of the full House for a vote.

More: Congressman Nadler Introduces Resolution of Inquiry to Force GOP Vote on Trump’s Conflicts, Ethics Violations, and Russia Ties

Poor pathetic snowflakes, how long do you think it will be before these fits of desperation subside?
He's being interviewed on MSNBC right now. No link yet.

Finally found a link.

Washington, D.C. -- Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee, introduced a Resolution of Inquiry directing the Department of Justice to provide the House of Representatives with any and all information relevant to an inquiry into President Trump and his associates’ conflicts of interest, ethical violations—including the Emoluments Clause—and Russia ties. If the House Judiciary Committee does not schedule the resolution for a Markup within 14 legislative days, it becomes a privileged resolution and can be brought to the floor in front of the full House for a vote.

More: Congressman Nadler Introduces Resolution of Inquiry to Force GOP Vote on Trump’s Conflicts, Ethics Violations, and Russia Ties
Imagine if democrats spent as much time trying to help Republicans fix this nation.we could live in a practical paradise.

Instead we waste time with this crap

You mean like the 40+ votes to repeal Obamacare which the Republicans held. That kind of waste of time, which could have been spent solving problems.

Or the "don't give him anything to run on" to prevent the second term. That kind of help and assistance?

Obamacare is one of the problems that needs to be fixed

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