Rep. Nancy Mace, a first-term Republican from South Carolina, has introduced a bill to decriminalize cannabis at the federal level

Not to the people that are using it when every other drug has failed.
So say the homeopaths.

Right up until that onion water fails to cure cancer and kills them. There is no doubt in my mind that it has some medical uses but they are very limited and the VAST majority of the claptrap around medical MJ is just outright bullshit.

If you got cancer and it helps you eat, have at it. Most of these other 'medical' uses are just an excuse because someone wants to get high. Which is why it should be completely legal anyway, you do not have to explain why you want to smoke a joint. That is your own business.

It would also be a LOT simpler for medical uses to be properly tested too if those interested in discovering its uses could just go to the local store and pick it up....
So say the homeopaths.

Right up until that onion water fails to cure cancer and kills them. There is no doubt in my mind that it has some medical uses but they are very limited and the VAST majority of the claptrap around medical MJ is just outright bullshit.

If you got cancer and it helps you eat, have at it. Most of these other 'medical' uses are just an excuse because someone wants to get high. Which is why it should be completely legal anyway, you do not have to explain why you want to smoke a joint. That is your own business.

It would also be a LOT simpler for medical uses to be properly tested too if those interested in discovering it uses could just go to the local store and pick it up....

I have a co-worker whose husband has Crohn's disease who went though 20 different types of drugs to try and help wit the symptoms and none worked near as good as MJ does and all had far more side effects than MJ. I think far too many people discount it because of the "they just want to get high" trope
One great thing about decriminalizing pot is that it will greatly reduce the gun crime too. All those potheads who own firearms and ammunition will no longer be felons.
I despise the smell the chemical plant downriver puts off sometimes.
I live in an apartment where a neighbor smoke for medical reasons. I that has the skunk smell. Am I and tens of millions of others supposed to smell it in our places of living for that remark to make you happy? The odor is and affect on those who do not smoke is all around. Vehicles drive past constantly in the complex and on the streets with it. We are diverse after all.
It should be legalized across the country. States can tax it like they do tobacco. I'd bet it would be a gold mine for every State.

I don't think it would be a "gold mine" at all. Some taxes might be able to be levied on it.

But if the taxes were high (no pun intended), the cost of enforcing them would be astronomical. Armies of Narcs would have to be deployed to stop smuggling, counterfeit tax stamps, etc.

The idea that other taxes could be reduced if we just legalize grass isn't very solid.
I have a co-worker whose husband has Crohn's disease who went though 20 different types of drugs to try and help wit the symptoms and none worked near as good as MJ does and all had far more side effects than MJ. I think far too many people discount it because of the "they just want to get high" trope
That is nice. I also know people that are sure that homeopathy works as well. That you have a friend that says something is absolutely irrelevant as to the medical applications of marijuana. It may even be true in his case, I do not know, and it is STILL irrelevant to the medical use of the drug as there may be a million reasons it works for him and no one else. Of course, I think I am on solid ground when I state we both think that he should be able to take his 'medication' as he sees fit and it is the business of no one whatsoever should he choose to do so. I just find the medical use defense to be seriously lacking because there is 1. a serious lack of data backing most these claims up which makes the true uses even harder to find and 2. our freedoms are not associated with their use being medically necessary or even viable. The medical arguments just give those against legalization some hole to attack (its overall efficacy in health) when that argument is moot from the get go. I have a right to harm myself in the pursuit of pleasure or McDonalds would not exist.
I live in an apartment where a neighbor smoke for medical reasons. I that has the skunk smell. Am I and tens of millions of others supposed to smell it in our places of living for that remark to make you happy? The odor is and affect on those who do not smoke is all around. Vehicles drive past constantly in the complex and on the streets with it. We are diverse after all.

It is a smell many do not like. Unfortunately, or fortunately that is not a reason to make something illegal.
I have a co-worker whose husband has Crohn's disease who went though 20 different types of drugs to try and help wit the symptoms and none worked near as good as MJ does and all had far more side effects than MJ. I think far too many people discount it because of the "they just want to get high" trope
hersay doesn't count for medical reasons, and I don't believe it at all.

Conclusion: The incidence of emotional disorders is higher in Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis compared to general population. Moreover, depression and anxiety influence the course and the severity of the underlying intestinal disease. Hence, it is important to consider appropriate psychological therapy in IBD patients.

That is nice. I also know people that are sure that homeopathy works as well. That you have a friend that says something is absolutely irrelevant as to the medical applications of marijuana. It may even be true in his case, I do not know, and it is STILL irrelevant to the medical use of the drug as there may be a million reasons it works for him and no one else. Of course, I think I am on solid ground when I state we both think that he should be able to take his 'medication' as he sees fit and it is the business of no one whatsoever should he choose to do so. I just find the medical use defense to be seriously lacking because there is 1. a serious lack of data backing most these claims up which makes the true uses even harder to find and 2. our freedoms are not associated with their use being medically necessary or even viable. The medical arguments just give those against legalization some hole to attack (its overall efficacy in health) when that argument is moot from the get go. I have a right to harm myself in the pursuit of pleasure or McDonalds would not exist.

Nothing to disagree with here. I would just add that there is a serious lack of data because testing it was illegal till very recently, and still is on the Fed level.

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