Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) Blames Garner For Dying During Chokehold


Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

re: “Blue Privilege” Protects the Killer of Eric Garner

Thomas DiLorenzo

Eric Garner, father of six, was simply standing on a sidewalk selling individual cigarettes to pedestrians. The local merchants, who sell cigarettes by the pack and therefore must charge New York state’s exorbitant cigarette tax, complained to the authorities about this “unfair competition.” The government sent six heavily armed tax collection enforcers . . . er, I mean, police officers . . . to accost Mr. Garner. They took him down and murdered him by choking him to death. The coroner ruled the death a homicide. The “grand jury” does what grand juries always do — they let the cops off with no penalty at all. Death by tax collector would be more accurate.

Deprive the state of . . . what — three or four bucks of tax revenue — and they may send armed men to kill you.

I’m old enough to remember how conservatives used to criticize the totalitarian governments of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China, among others, for executing people on the street for committing “economic crimes against the state.” Conservatives today are either silent about this or actually defend the murderous, out-of-control cops. Eric Garner was murdered in cold blood, in public, for allegedly committing the “economic crime against the state” of selling tax-free cigarettes.

8:12 pm on December 3, 2014 Email Thomas DiLorenzo


Selling cigarettes to minors I understand but as far as I can determine he purchased the packs legally and was selling them off as singles to minors. Therefore the state was collecting it's tax revenues. He was just violating the law by selling the illegally to minors.

What a stupid fuck.

Whenever government bureaucrats kill someone there is always a MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT pretext

Lincoln slaughtered 600,000 Americans in order to abolish slavery NOT to protect real state and taxation

Slick Willy murdered 90 Davidians because David was fucking little girls NOT because the BATF was attempting to defend itself from the sexual harassment accusations filed by female officers .

Eric Garner was murdered because he was selling cigarette to minors NOT because he was depriving NY State of 2 - 3 dollars daily from tax revenue.

And stupid Americans always always always swallow the propagandized bullshit.


Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

re: “Blue Privilege” Protects the Killer of Eric Garner

Thomas DiLorenzo

Eric Garner, father of six, was simply standing on a sidewalk selling individual cigarettes to pedestrians. The local merchants, who sell cigarettes by the pack and therefore must charge New York state’s exorbitant cigarette tax, complained to the authorities about this “unfair competition.” The government sent six heavily armed tax collection enforcers . . . er, I mean, police officers . . . to accost Mr. Garner. They took him down and murdered him by choking him to death. The coroner ruled the death a homicide. The “grand jury” does what grand juries always do — they let the cops off with no penalty at all. Death by tax collector would be more accurate.

Deprive the state of . . . what — three or four bucks of tax revenue — and they may send armed men to kill you.

I’m old enough to remember how conservatives used to criticize the totalitarian governments of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China, among others, for executing people on the street for committing “economic crimes against the state.” Conservatives today are either silent about this or actually defend the murderous, out-of-control cops. Eric Garner was murdered in cold blood, in public, for allegedly committing the “economic crime against the state” of selling tax-free cigarettes.

8:12 pm on December 3, 2014 Email Thomas DiLorenzo


Selling cigarettes to minors I understand but as far as I can determine he purchased the packs legally and was selling them off as singles to minors. Therefore the state was collecting it's tax revenues. He was just violating the law by selling the illegally to minors.

What a stupid fuck.

Whenever government bureaucrats kill someone there is always a MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT pretext

Lincoln slaughtered 600,000 Americans in order to abolish slavery NOT to protect real state and taxation

Slick Willy murdered 90 Davidians because David was fucking little girls NOT because the BATF was attempting to defend itself from the sexual harassment accusations filed by female officers .

Eric Garner was murdered because he was selling cigarette to minors NOT because he was depriving NY State of 2 - 3 dollars daily from tax revenue.

And stupid Americans always always always swallow the propagandized bullshit.


Thank you for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.
To be fair, Communists/Democrats show quite a bit of dishonesty & hypocrisy on this issue as well. There are thousands of violent Police incidents all across this Country, on a daily basis. And they don't all involve African Americans or other minorities. But Communists/Democrats seem to ignore those incidents or even defend the Police for the most part. They only seem to care if there's an African American is involved. They come off as shallow Race-Baiting opportunists.

Police abuse and violence is out of control. It's all about the Militarization of our Police. So it's not something to only address when it's a convenient opportunity. Violent incidents are happening all the time. And it's not only African Americans who are the victims. But sadly, you rarely hear from Communists/Democrats on those incidents. All incidents of Police abuse need to be addressed. Not just those seen as possible opportunities.
So you are saying ACLU only defend Black People?

I'm saying that too many Communists/Democrats do seem to be Race-Baiter Opportunists. I've presented many awful instances of Police abuse in the past on this Board. And most Communists/Democrats have been very dismissive and have most often aggressively defended the Police. They seem to only come out of the woodwork when an African American is involved. To me, that wreaks of Race-Baiter Opportunism.

It's not good enough to only feign outrage when it's seen as being convenient. The Police are abusing Citizens of all races. It's happening everyday. This rapidly expanding Police State should be a concern for everyone. I'd like to see Communists/Democrats stop only cherry-picking abuses involving African Americans, and become more active in bringing attention to other awful abuses committed against Citizens. They need to be more honest and consistent.
To be fair, Communists/Democrats show quite a bit of dishonesty & hypocrisy on this issue as well. There are thousands of violent Police incidents all across this Country, on a daily basis. And they don't all involve African Americans or other minorities. But Communists/Democrats seem to ignore those incidents or even defend the Police for the most part. They only seem to care if there's an African American is involved. They come off as shallow Race-Baiting opportunists.

Police abuse and violence is out of control. It's all about the Militarization of our Police. So it's not something to only address when it's a convenient opportunity. Violent incidents are happening all the time. And it's not only African Americans who are the victims. But sadly, you rarely hear from Communists/Democrats on those incidents. All incidents of Police abuse need to be addressed. Not just those seen as possible opportunities.
So you are saying ACLU only defend Black People?
Don't forget about the atheist, the majority of their work.

So you changed your first post
"I suggest you can count the number of conservatives or conservative causes the ACLU has defended without taking your shoes off to count them."

But did googling 'ACLU conservative causes' gave you unexpected result.... So you are now trying to say ACLU is an atheist....
Can you prove that a majority of the ALCU work is for Atheists?

But let me start
The ACLU Fights for Christians

ACLU of Colorado Supports Students Wearing Christian Symbols in the Colorado Springs School District

ACLU-NJ Defends Christian Student's Anti-Abortion Speech

ACLU of Tennessee Defends Christian Students' Right to Preach in Public Park

ACLU of Virginia Defends Christian Students' Right to Protest Against ACLU at Public School

ACLU Defends Christian Students Wearing Anti-Islam Shirts to Florida Public School

ACLU Fights For Christian Inmate's Right to Preach

ACLU of Northern California Fights Law that Got Quakers Fired Over Loyalty Oath

ACLU Defends Christian Librarian Disciplined for Refusing to Promote Harry Potter

ACLU Defends Right of Individual Christian to Display Nativity Scene on Public Property

ACLU Defends Christians Protesting Gay Rights in Florida

ACLU Champions Religious Freedom Of Mormon College Student

ACLU Fights for Christian Church's Mission to Feed the Poor

ACLU Fights for Christmas Tree

ACLU Files Suit to Protect Free Speech Rights of Christian Protesting Wal-Mart's Policy on Gays

ACLU of Georgia and Baptist Church File Religious Discrimination Lawsuit

ACLU of Rhode Island Files Appeal on Behalf of Christian Prisoner Barred from Preaching at Religious Services

ACLU of Michigan Defends Catholic Man Coerced to Convert to Pentecostal Faith in Drug Rehab Program

ACLU of New Jersey Joins Lawsuit Supporting Second-Grader's Right to Sing "Awesome God" at Talent Show

After ACLU Intervention on Behalf of Christian Valedictorian, Michigan High School Agrees to Stop Censoring Religious Yearbook Entries

ACLU Helps Free New Mexico Street Preacher From Prison

ACLU of WA Wins Right of Christian Minister to Preach in Spokane Plaza

ACLU Fights for Baptist Preacher in Illinois

ACLU Defends Rights of Christian Group to Make Religious Protest at Funerals

ACLU Backs Christian Abortion Protester in Ohio

ACLU of Oregon Defends Religious Liberty Of Adventist School Boys Basketball Players

ACLU Backs Missouri Nurse Penalized for Wearing Cross-Shaped Lapel Pin

ACLU Defends Christian Street Preacher in Las Vegas

ACLU Argues for Legal Recognition of Small Christian Church

ACLU of MA Defends Students Punished for Distributing Candy Canes with Religious Messages

ACLU of Nebraska Defends Church Facing Eviction by the City of Lincoln

ACLU Defends Church's Right to Run "Anti-Santa" Ads in Boston Subways

ACLU Defends Inmate's Access to Material from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Following Threat of ACLU of Virginia Lawsuit, Officials to Agree Not to Ban Baptisms in Public Parks

ACLU Defends Families Fighting Removal Of Religious Symbols from Florida Cemetery

ACLU Supports Right of Iowa Students to Distribute Christian Literature at School

ACLU Argument In Support of the Display of a Christian Cross in a Public Forum

ACLU Defends Christian Worker Required to Remove Bible from Desk at Government Job

ACLU Defends Free Speech Rights of Christians And Others On Main Street Plaza

ACLU Defends Prisoner's Rosary Beads

ACLU Defends Christian Group's Anti-Abortion Ads On Phoenix Buses

ACLU Pledges to Back Church in a Zoning Battle

ACLU of PA Files Discrimination Lawsuit Over Denial of Zoning Permit for African American Baptist Church

ACLU Offers To Represent Private Prayer on Public Property and

ACLU Joins Falwell To Fight For Church Incorporation Rights

who cares about the ACLU. they throw in a few so as not to look totally biased

There may be some truth in that. For instance, most Communists/Democrats on this Board openly wished for Ted Bundy's imprisonment, and even death.Too many Communists/Democrats cherry-pick and seem to only express convenient outrage.

This Militarization of our Police is effecting us all. It's not about race. Communists/Democrats come off as being mere Race-Baiter Opportunists most of the time. But in fairness, the same can be said about most Neocon/Republicans. They cherry-pick too.
Last edited:
To be fair, Communists/Democrats show quite a bit of dishonesty & hypocrisy on this issue as well. There are thousands of violent Police incidents all across this Country, on a daily basis. And they don't all involve African Americans or other minorities. But Communists/Democrats seem to ignore those incidents or even defend the Police for the most part. They only seem to care if there's an African American is involved. They come off as shallow Race-Baiting opportunists.

Police abuse and violence is out of control. It's all about the Militarization of our Police. So it's not something to only address when it's a convenient opportunity. Violent incidents are happening all the time. And it's not only African Americans who are the victims. But sadly, you rarely hear from Communists/Democrats on those incidents. All incidents of Police abuse need to be addressed. Not just those seen as possible opportunities.
So you are saying ACLU only defend Black People?

I'm saying that too many Communists/Democrats do seem to be Race-Baiter Opportunists. I've presented many awful instances of Police abuse in the past on this Board. And most Communists/Democrats have been very dismissive and have most often aggressively defended the Police. They seem to only come out of the woodwork when an African American is involved. To me, that wreaks of Race-Baiter Opportunism.

It's not good enough to only feign outrage when it's seen as being convenient. The Police are abusing Citizens of all races. It's happening everyday. This rapidly expanding Police State should be a concern for everyone. I'd like to see Communists/Democrats stop only cherry-picking abuses involving African Americans, and become more active in bringing attention to other awful abuses committed against Citizens. They need to be more honest and consistent.

The rapidly expanding police state is a concern to many Americans. It is however of little concern to our political class. In a sane nation, the NSA would have been closed down when all the revelations came out. Spying on members of the press, in a sane nation, would have had repercussions. IRS agents disclosing American's tax information to the WH and preventing conservative groups from organizing, in a sane nation, would have resulted in criminal charges.

Both parties, the bureaucracy, and the power elite love the police state.
Foreign Tourists actually fear American Cops now. That's how bad things have gotten. They're seen by many around the world as one of the most feared violent Police Forces on earth. And i would have to say they've earned their notorious reputation. Something's very wrong.
Oh, bullshit.

Utter bullshit.

No, sadly it is the truth. The American Police Force is possibly the most lethal force against its own Citizens in the World. It ranks right there with brutal Totalitarian nation police forces like Myanmar and China. The numbers are there if you wanna check em out. American Police commit homicide against American Citizens at a shockingly high rate. I would say it's an even higher rate than a nation like China.

But go do some research of your own if you don't wanna take my word for it. The U.S. also imprisons its Citizens more per capita than any other nation on Earth. So while most Americans go on living the illusion of Freedom, the reality is quite different. It's a Red Pill/Blue Pill scenario.
To be fair, Communists/Democrats show quite a bit of dishonesty & hypocrisy on this issue as well. There are thousands of violent Police incidents all across this Country, on a daily basis. And they don't all involve African Americans or other minorities. But Communists/Democrats seem to ignore those incidents or even defend the Police for the most part. They only seem to care if there's an African American is involved. They come off as shallow Race-Baiting opportunists.

Police abuse and violence is out of control. It's all about the Militarization of our Police. So it's not something to only address when it's a convenient opportunity. Violent incidents are happening all the time. And it's not only African Americans who are the victims. But sadly, you rarely hear from Communists/Democrats on those incidents. All incidents of Police abuse need to be addressed. Not just those seen as possible opportunities.
So you are saying ACLU only defend Black People?

I'm saying that too many Communists/Democrats do seem to be Race-Baiter Opportunists. I've presented many awful instances of Police abuse in the past on this Board. And most Communists/Democrats have been very dismissive and have most often aggressively defended the Police. They seem to only come out of the woodwork when an African American is involved. To me, that wreaks of Race-Baiter Opportunism.

It's not good enough to only feign outrage when it's seen as being convenient. The Police are abusing Citizens of all races. It's happening everyday. This rapidly expanding Police State should be a concern for everyone. I'd like to see Communists/Democrats stop only cherry-picking abuses involving African Americans, and become more active in bringing attention to other awful abuses committed against Citizens. They need to be more honest and consistent.

The rapidly expanding police state is a concern to many Americans. It is however of little concern to our political class. In a sane nation, the NSA would have been closed down when all the revelations came out. Spying on members of the press, in a sane nation, would have had repercussions. IRS agents disclosing American's tax information to the WH and preventing conservative groups from organizing, in a sane nation, would have resulted in criminal charges.

Both parties, the bureaucracy, and the power elite love the police state.

Yes, 'Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies.'

Many in our Government should have been arrested for their awful crimes against the People. But they've been allowed to go free instead. Our Nation is in real trouble.
Did you ever apply that hold on an obese person with asthma?
Why do you ask ?

Duh, because Eric Garner was an obese person with asthma...

The fact that the cops had no way of knowing he had asthma is exactly why the choke-hold has been illegal in NYC since, (I think, about) '94 or so. Too many people died.

And Peter King needs to be put in a choke-hold. He's one of the slimiest Rs in office.

1. Peter King is one of the finest members of Congress.

2. Garner did not receive a chokehold.

So the ME says it was a chokehold,anonymous-guy-on-internet says it wasn't. Setting all other factors aside, using logic and reason only, who would you be inclined to believe?

I don't know who your "ME" is , but THESE sources are who I would be inclined to believe >>

"It is clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the take-down technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused." (Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association)

"It wasn’t a chokehold. That’s just the biggest single distortion in all the talk about the Eric Garner case, in which the public has been misinformed and misled from the start." (Bo Dietl, NY cop, veteran with over 1400 felony arrests, & co-chairman of the National Crime Commission)

"In the video he was making the statement that he couldn’t breathe after the officer had released the hold and he was being handcuffed face-down, with several officers on top of him. He would not have been able to speak if he were in a chokehold that cut off his airway,...It occurs, not from a “chokehold,” as seen in the video. Indeed, it doesn’t appear that the officer held onto Garner’s throat long enough to directly cause his death." (Instructor of physical crisis prevention to behavioral health staff and emergency department personnel)

Former NYPD Police Officer Harry Houck says Eric Garner was not a 'real chokehold'. He explains to Erin Burnett. >

"Street thug Eric Garner wasn’t killed by a chokehold, has learned from NYPD sources as well as medical records.
According to medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer, Garner was killed by “…the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police… Asthma, heart disease and obesity were contributing factors…”

The medical examiner, while ruling the death a homicide, said there was no damage to neck or windpipe and so therefore it isn’t a chokehold." (
Why do you ask ?

Duh, because Eric Garner was an obese person with asthma...

The fact that the cops had no way of knowing he had asthma is exactly why the choke-hold has been illegal in NYC since, (I think, about) '94 or so. Too many people died.

And Peter King needs to be put in a choke-hold. He's one of the slimiest Rs in office.

1. Peter King is one of the finest members of Congress.

2. Garner did not receive a chokehold.

So the ME says it was a chokehold,anonymous-guy-on-internet says it wasn't. Setting all other factors aside, using logic and reason only, who would you be inclined to believe?

The ME listed many contributing causes not just one.

And funny how the autopsy showed no damage to Garners neck and throat.

Hoe was he choked to death while suffering no detectable damage to his neck?

Medical examiner revised their first assessment. Now judged NOT a chokehold, and compression of chest combined with 3 physical aliments was cause of death.
In Army boot camp, I was trained to apply a choke hold. I know exactly how it's done. This did not look like a choke hold, and if it would have been, the suspect would have been unconscious. He was conscious, as proven by him repeatedly talking, saying "I can't breathe", which was false, because if he couldn't breathe, he would not have been able to utter those words.

Did you ever apply that hold on an obese person with asthma?
Why do you ask ?

Duh, because Eric Garner was an obese person with asthma...
Which is meaningless. since there was NO CHOKEHOLD placed on him. Unlike the speculators, those of us who have been trained on the chokehold, know that after a person gets chokeholded, they go unconscious. Garner was conscious. He was also able to breathe, (as evidenced by him talking) despite his false claims to the contrary. Starting to focus for you now ?

Yeah you're right, it wasn't a proper choke hold. The officers involved fucked up the restraint, as if they'd never made an arrest before. The officers in question were not professional by any stretch of the imagination.
FALSE!! See posts # 268 & 269.
Garner has some blame, the cops have some blame, the idiotic laws that make selling loosies an arrestable crime has some of the blame,

The question is do the cops (in particular the one doing the choke hold) have criminally culpable blame.

To me, they don't, however the choke hold guy shouldn't be allowed to remain a cop in NYC.
In Army boot camp, I was trained to apply a choke hold. I know exactly how it's done. This did not look like a choke hold, and if it would have been, the suspect would have been unconscious. He was conscious, as proven by him repeatedly talking, saying "I can't breathe", which was false, because if he couldn't breathe, he would not have been able to utter those words.

That's for a complete textbook chokehold. As long as pressure is applied to the windpipe (which the coroner found) then you have asphyxiation in progress. THAT has been "no go" territory for the NYPD for decades.
You either have a chokehold, or you don't. It was NOT a chokehold, and I see no evidence of any coroner saying it was. (including from you)

So the video is made up and the grand jury lied...

Definition of Choikehold
Members of the New York City Police Department will NOT use chokeholds. A chokehold shall include, but is not limited to, any pressure to the throat or windpipe, which may prevent or hinder breathing or reduce intake of air.(Emphasis added)


According to the New York Law Journal, the NYPD first put limits on the use of chokeholds when Commissioner Benjamin Ward issued the following order in 1985:
What Is a Chokehold Mediaite
1. Effective immediately, choke holds, which are potentially lethal and unnecessary, WILL NOT be routinely used by members of the New York City Police Department.

2. Choke holds will ONLY be used if the officer’s life is in danger or some other person’s life is in danger and the choke hold is the least dangerous alternative method of restraint available to the police officer.

protectionist your some muppet...
Neither this video or this photo is able to show if a chokehold is being applied. Just because the arms are in place to apply pressure to the carotid artery and windpipe, that doesn't mean that any pressure of that sort is being applied. The arms could be there with no pressure applied to choke, whatsoever.

HERE is what IS conclusive evidence >>

"Street thug Eric Garner wasn’t killed by a chokehold, has learned from NYPD sources as well as medical records.According to medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer, Garner was killed by “…the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police… Asthma, heart disease and obesity were contributing factors…”
The medical examiner, while ruling the death a homicide, said there was no damage to neck or windpipe and so therefore it isn’t a chokehold."

Now you have no excuse to make this mistake again.
Garner has some blame, the cops have some blame, the idiotic laws that make selling loosies an arrestable crime has some of the blame,

The question is do the cops (in particular the one doing the choke hold) have criminally culpable blame.

To me, they don't, however the choke hold guy shouldn't be allowed to remain a cop in NYC.
In Army boot camp, I was trained to apply a choke hold. I know exactly how it's done. This did not look like a choke hold, and if it would have been, the suspect would have been unconscious. He was conscious, as proven by him repeatedly talking, saying "I can't breathe", which was false, because if he couldn't breathe, he would not have been able to utter those words.

That's for a complete textbook chokehold. As long as pressure is applied to the windpipe (which the coroner found) then you have asphyxiation in progress. THAT has been "no go" territory for the NYPD for decades.
You either have a chokehold, or you don't. It was NOT a chokehold, and I see no evidence of any coroner saying it was. (including from you)

Yes, the coroner noted compressions to the chest, and sorry, this looks like a fucking choke hold. NYPD policy has been to stay the fuck away from the neck.

Doesn't matter if it "looks like" a choke hold. What matters is if it was one. As the medical examiner concluded, it was NOT a chokehold, with no physical evidence that it was.

But we don't need to get the medical examiner's conclusion. With it or without it, the mere fact that Garner was conscious shows that he wasn't choked. The medical examiner (in their second assessment) got it right. You got it wrong.

"Street thug Eric Garner wasn’t killed by a chokehold, has learned from NYPD sources as well as medical records.According to medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer, Garner was killed by “…the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police… Asthma, heart disease and obesity were contributing factors…”
The medical examiner, while ruling the death a homicide, said there was no damage to neck or windpipe and so therefore it isn’t a chokehold."

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

The racism surrounding the Garner case is actually worse than the Michael Brown case.
I'm kind of conflicted about whether or not racism is involved in their opinions of this, but I do pretty much believe if Garner had been white they would have been outraged.

No, if he had been white, no one but his family would even know about it.

If he had been white the cops would have handed him an appearance ticket and moved on.


from both sides

The cop who used that choke hold should be in jail for using excessive force. There is OBVIOUSLY a reason the NYPD banned that choke hold.

BUT, the idea that they shouldn't have even tried to arrest Garner is ludicrous.

He'd been arrested 31 times, was no doubt on probation, you know what that means? If you get a speeding ticket , you're violated and going back to jail. That's what probation is. So, no. If Garner had been white , with 31 arrests he wouldn't have received a ticket . He would have been arrested.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

The racism surrounding the Garner case is actually worse than the Michael Brown case.
I'm kind of conflicted about whether or not racism is involved in their opinions of this, but I do pretty much believe if Garner had been white they would have been outraged.

No, if he had been white, no one but his family would even know about it.

If he had been white the cops would have handed him an appearance ticket and moved on.


from both sides

The cop who used that choke hold should be in jail for using excessive force. There is OBVIOUSLY a reason the NYPD banned that choke hold.

BUT, the idea that they shouldn't have even tried to arrest Garner is ludicrous.

He'd been arrested 31 times, was no doubt on probation, you know what that means? If you get a speeding ticket , you're violated and going back to jail. That's what probation is. So, no. If Garner had been white , with 31 arrests he wouldn't have received a ticket . He would have been arrested.

Are you having a problem with me acting like a RWnut? lol, good, you fell for it.
Can anyone honestly say that those cops didn't "stereotype" Garner before taking him down? Would they have reacted the same way to a retired white NFL player?
Can anyone honestly say that those cops didn't "stereotype" Garner before taking him down? Would they have reacted the same way to a retired white NFL player?

They didn't have to stereotype him.

He was a known career criminal with more than 30 arrests who was currently on parole.

When criminals are treated like criminals it's not stereotyping.
Can anyone honestly say that those cops didn't "stereotype" Garner before taking him down? Would they have reacted the same way to a retired white NFL player?
Yes, they would have.

No, no one can say if the cops didn't "stereotype" Garner before taking him down. But no one can say that about anyone else taken down either, so why is there any reason to suspect it, or even be talking about it ? (other than to engage in race hustling, a la Al Sharpton?)
Anyone who makes this about Sharpton is revealing that they have no real argument to put up.
Did you ever apply that hold on an obese person with asthma?
Why do you ask ?

Duh, because Eric Garner was an obese person with asthma...
Which is meaningless. since there was NO CHOKEHOLD placed on him. Unlike the speculators, those of us who have been trained on the chokehold, know that after a person gets chokeholded, they go unconscious. Garner was conscious. He was also able to breathe, (as evidenced by him talking) despite his false claims to the contrary. Starting to focus for you now ?

Yeah you're right, it wasn't a proper choke hold. The officers involved fucked up the restraint, as if they'd never made an arrest before. The officers in question were not professional by any stretch of the imagination.
FALSE!! See posts # 268 & 269.

As if you or any of the other dummies on this thread would know what a proper restraint looks like.

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