Rep. Polis (D) slams Repubs over inheritance tax

there shouldn't be an inheritance tax DOT , seems to me that the dem named 'polis' is simply a thief if he wants to take dead peoples money from the dead persons rightful heirs !!

This is why repubs aren't fiscally responsible and can't balance a budget.
there shouldn't be an inheritance tax DOT , seems to me that the dem named 'polis' is simply a thief if he wants to take dead peoples money from the dead persons rightful heirs !!
Take money away from people who never worked for it? Sounds like typical GOP policy.
The inheritance has already been taxed at least once in some form. How many times do you want to tax the same thing? Are you really that brain washed?
Liberals think they are entitled to what everyone else has but no one is entitled to anything they have.

'conservatives' don't think. For all others, think about the impact of all those silver spoon beneficiaries - like Paris Hilton, for example - as members of this new Aristocracy! A growing set of millionaires and billionaires whose sole contribution to the world is a net zero, able to assure their place as members of the power elite by funding self serving demagogues and charlatans whose focus is their election, or reelection - a symbiotic relationship established to keep democracy at bay and assure a growing plutocracy.

Targeted tax credits and deductions, and a progressive income tax may not be fair, but who guaranteed life is? Surely the R's in Congress never factor fairness in to their austerity ideology, since no bill has been proposed cutting their salary or benefits or passing a raise in the minimum wage or extending unemployment.

All the efforts by the R's are focued on their base, the very wealthy get more tax cuts, and the single issue voters get promises - on abortion, guns, gays, god and taxes. The rest of us get lip service, speeches by demagogues whose words are targeted solely to garner votes, forgotten by the speaker as he or she moves on to the next set ready to be fooled by false pathos and vapid promises.
repubs want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor


repubs want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor


I wonder how "poor" are you sitting on the computer spreading nonsense. I also wonder what is it in for you to wage class warfare>>>> remember the follow the money scheme? WHAT IS IT IN FOR YOU?
just because you people side w/ non- bootstrappers AKA- welfare kings doesn't mean everyone else does

Haha! Really, inheritance is the same as wellfare?

Someone giving their shit away voluntarily to someone of the giver's choice is the same as government forcing someone to give their shit to someone of the government's choice?

If you can't understand how the transaction being voluntary makes a difference, you're literally too stupid for this argument.

And stop with this bootstrapper shit, you aren't fooling anyone. Entitlement programs are the only reason this last bit of revenue is needed. You are literally arguing -for- channeling these people's money into wellfare, while saying anyone opposed supports wellfare. Again, if this is honestly your reasoning, you're too stupid for this argument.
just like gofundme is the new welfare for marginal business' who get boycotted for rw socon zaniness.
Lol, if liberals wasn't so greedy. You would use it to benefit others. Clinton foundation only gives 6% of their millions to charity. The rest goes into their greedy little hands.
just because you people side w/ non- bootstrappers AKA- welfare kings doesn't mean everyone else does

Haha! Really, inheritance is the same as wellfare?

Someone giving their shit away voluntarily to someone of the giver's choice is the same as government forcing someone to give their shit to someone of the government's choice?

If you can't understand how the transaction being voluntary makes a difference, you're literally too stupid for this argument.

And stop with this bootstrapper shit, you aren't fooling anyone. Entitlement programs are the only reason this last bit of revenue is needed. You are literally arguing -for- channeling these people's money into wellfare, while saying anyone opposed supports wellfare. Again, if this is honestly your reasoning, you're too stupid for this argument.
just like gofundme is the new welfare for marginal business' who get boycotted for rw socon zaniness.

This is where I start wondering if statism is a full on religion for you. You don't like inheritances and you don't like gofundme, both of which you refer to as welfare.

However, you're a big supporter of government entitlement programs. So, I wonder. . . Do you simply consider it morally superior to have someone else decide where your generosity goes, or is there something sacred about making your tithe out to our exalted leaders?

Or is it just run-of-the-mill Democrat busy body bullshit? TV told you not to like people with money or business owners and somewhere along the line you developed the narcissism necessary to believe that your opinions should dictate what other people do with their shit? God forid people should give voluntarily to those who are specifically trying to do something productive with it, generosity is way better when its blind and involuntary. Making poverty comfortable is the greatest of virtues. Lending a hand to someone trying to be productive is welfare and promotes poor work ethic. Thank God for your morals. So well thought out!
project much? And I said "rw" welfare.

That's your argument, that I'm projecting? Lol, your powers of logical deduction extend into psychology, I see. Considering that my philosophy is that everyone should be allowed to conduct themselves by their own morals regardless of what you or I think, no, it's not projection when I pontificate about you being a busy body.

I also don't worship government, nor do I seek to impose my moral standard on the generosity of others, so again, no projection.

You got anything substantial to respond with, or you down to showing off your rather loose grasp on popular psychological terms? Not that I don't enjoy you putting your own ignorance on blast, just wondering if the debate part is over.
you wont get a reasonable reply from this dipshit.....all you will get is dotties chickenshit feeble responses.....and if you keep it up this so called man will put you on ignore...its easier than actually giving a reply....he has half the board on it now for that reason.....

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