Repblicans we need Sarah Palin back to defeat the Obama!!!

No imagination. You've repeatedly proven to be biased.

Yes I am, and your so middle of the road aren't you? :lol:
If you really think that there will be a brokered convention then your not just to the left, you're a far left wingnut, dude.

Sooooo why does Sarah Palin think there might be a brokered convention.

I don't know. Probably because all the quotes about the brokered convention were made in February before the Primary was finished and there was actually a chance for one. Could be something silly like that.
Yes I am, and your so middle of the road aren't you? :lol:
If you really think that there will be a brokered convention then your not just to the left, you're a far left wingnut, dude.

Sooooo why does Sarah Palin think there might be a brokered convention.

I don't know. Probably because all the quotes about the brokered convention were made in February before the Primary was finished and there was actually a chance for one. Could be something silly like that.

So, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil made a prediction that ain't gonna come true?

Say it aint' so. The fucking bitch couldnt win shit if she tried.
Common sense, along with major GOP leaders, is telling Romney to release the tax records.

Bottom line is that it isn't a deal breaker come Nov. with the republicans and the majority of Independents. Yes, Obama IS that bad.

If major GOP leaders saying to release them, then your opinion does not reflect the common sense that tells us the centrists and independents are beginning to react the way the dems want.

If this issue still has legs coming out of the Olympics, Romney will have to release his taxes.

Damn, I allowed myself to daydream for a moment about a Newt/Palin ticket. Then a Palin/Bachmann ticket. Ah, the comedic potential. I've gotta stop doing that.


Damn, I allowed myself to daydream for a moment about a Newt/Palin ticket. Then a Palin/Bachmann ticket. Ah, the comedic potential. I've gotta stop doing that.


No! Bachmann/Palin! I insist!

Let's fight about it. I'll try to use the absolutely worst language I can.
Then they are breaking their legal and political obligation to the people who sent them there and alternative delegates will take their place to uphold their responsibilities.

Eh? They have no legal obligation to vote any which way at the convention. As a matter of fact, there will be many delegates that will be unable to vote for the candidate for whom they were selected to vote, because only Romney and Santorum will be options.
Sarah Palin has been ignored by the media because theyre afraid of her.......

She's gone into......



It would have been a more interesting campaign if Palin was running

But even the Republicans are not stupid enough to nominate her. Palin will never win another election at any level
Who they gonna run in '16? Palin's gettin' a little "long in the tooth" if you get my meanin'.

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