Repeal the 2nd Amendment

Sorry, I am not afraid of the government. I fear Trump, but not the government. Trump will never become the dictator of the United States because too many Americans like me hate him.
You fear Trump?... why? he isn't even in office... I don't fear the government either... because we the people have the ability and the means to defend our rights...
Take away that ability and you will ensure a conflict... just like if America gave up its weapons we would be taken over.... but hey!....
Why is it that we can't have a single thread of communication with a liberal without Trump's name coming up eventually?...
You fear Trump?... why? he isn't even in office... I don't fear the government either... because we the people have the ability and the means to defend our rights...
Take away that ability and you will ensure a conflict... just like if America gave up its weapons we would be taken over.... but hey!....
Why is it that we can't have a single thread of communication with a liberal without Trump's name coming up eventually?...
If you think I am a doctrinaire, liberal partisan, read my comments in the "Race Relations/Racism" section, and especially my thread "What is race realism?
If you think I am a doctrinaire, liberal partisan, read my comments in the "Race Relations/Racism" section, and especially my thread "What is race realism?
Well I don't know what you are but maybe a little paranoid and propagandized by our media....
Trump provided us with a great economy relative peace abroad and a bright futures market up until covid shut us down...
So why you fear him escapes me...
You seem to think that anyone who dislikes what a democratic government is doing is justified in resisting violently. I disagree. I want them to be punished.

I made no such claim (beyond reciting Article I, Section's 1 and 2 of my state's constitution, which states the foundational principles of a constitutional republic):

§ 1. Inherent rights of mankind.
All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness.​
§ 2. Political powers.
All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.​

My post was focused on you and what you believe, which indisputably agrees that there are justifications for violent resistance to government . . . I was just asking you how, when and from whom did you come to be the arbiter of those principles, the determinator of accepted time and place of exercise and final disseminator of that right?
The last movie I watched where the citizens were disarmed was "Schindler's List.....didn't work out so well for the Jews and other folks that didn't subscribe to nazism. Most of these mass shootings are staged and since the Smith-Mundt act was repealed, it's perfectly legal to use propaganda to sway public opinion.
Well I don't know what you are but maybe a little paranoid and propagandized by our media....
Trump provided us with a great economy relative peace abroad and a bright futures market up until covid shut us down...
So why you fear him escapes me...
Trump is ignorant and impulsive. In 2016 when a campaign aide tried to explain the Constitution to him his eyes glazed over with indifference and incomprehension. When he was asked to read part of the Constitution out loud he said it looked like a foreign language. COVID-19 shut us down because Trump responded too late.

I made no such claim (beyond reciting Article I, Section's 1 and 2 of my state's constitution, which states the foundational principles of a constitutional republic):

§ 1. Inherent rights of mankind.
All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness.​
§ 2. Political powers.
All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.​

My post was focused on you and what you believe, which indisputably agrees that there are justifications for violent resistance to government . . . I was just asking you how, when and from whom did you come to be the arbiter of those principles, the determinator of accepted time and place of exercise and final disseminator of that right?
There is never a justification for violently resisting a democratic government.
There are some 400,000,000 privately owned firearms in this country. Who, exactly, are you sending to come get those?
They can be bought by the government/turned in. After an amnesty period those found in possession of an illegal firearm can be prosecuted and the firearm confiscated. It's not rocket science. Except to gun nuts.
They can be bought by the government/turned in. After an amnesty period those found in possession of an illegal firearm can be prosecuted and the firearm confiscated. It's not rocket science. Except to gun nuts.

The problem with you, and others on the idiot left, is that you insist on labeling someone who wants to exercise a Constitutional right as a "nut".

There's not even the slightest chance that I would participate in a buy-back program. And, if you think I'm alone in that regard, you're out of your fuckin' mind. Buy-back programs don't work. In Seattle in 1992, a buy-back program collected 1,172 firearms. A subsequent study of the program compared firearm-related events per month before and after the program, and it was found that gun crime actually increased.

I'm a member of a relatively small group of people who has actually used a legally concealed weapon to protect myself and a loved one. There were two instances, actually. In neither case would the police have arrived in time to protect us (if we could've called them at all), and I'm confident that each instance would've resulted in me and my loved one being killed or, at the very least, gravely injured. The only reason I'm still alive today is because I carry a gun. I believe that to my soul.

Consequently, if you think I would simply relinquish my firearms to satisfy some idiotic political agenda, you're the one who's the nut, pal, not me...
There's not even the slightest chance that I would participate in a buy-back program. And, if you think I'm alone in that regard, you're out of your fuckin' mind. Buy-back programs don't work. In Seattle in 1992, a buy-back program collected 1,172 firearms.
In which case after the amnesty period you'd be in illegal possession of a firearm, subject to confiscation and prosecution.

Buy-back programs worked in Australia and New Zealand. Because they don't have a stupid 2nd Amendment, nor do they suffer the present insecurities and paranoia of the US. But you'd get over it...
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Consequently, if you think I would simply relinquish my firearms to satisfy some idiotic political agenda, you're the one who's the nut, pal, not me...
Obviously, your and other gun nuts' illegal firearms would have to be confiscated if you won't obey the law.
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In which case after the amnesty period you'd be in illegal possession of a firearm, subject to confiscation and prosecution.

I'm perfectly fine with that. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

Again, keep in mind that you're conversing with someone who would be dead had I not been armed with a legally carried concealed weapon.

Please, convince me that handing over my firearms is a good idea...

Buy-back programs worked in Australia and New Zealand. Because they don't have a stupid 2 Amendment, nor do they suffer the present insecurities and paranoia of the US. But you'd get over it...

Again, you're talking to someone who would be dead had it not been for the 2nd Amendment. I don't see the 2nd Amendment as "stupid" at all. It's not a sense of "insecurity" and far more a sense of knowing that the police can't protect us. Even after shooting two people it took the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department over five minutes to reach the scene. If I was unarmed, what do you think our three assailants could've done to us in those five minutes?

Would you want your loved ones to be subjected to the whims of three violent assailants for five minutes? Your child perhaps? A parent? Or would you prefer they be in a position to defend themselves?

And, lastly, the fatal flaw of buy-back programs is that armed criminals don't really give a shit about the law. They're not going to suddenly grow a conscience and turn their illegal guns in, and more law-abiding citizens relinquishing their guns simply means fewer armed targets for criminals.

No, I will always be armed.

And how would they go about doing that?
As soon as an illegal gun was sighted by LEO it would be confiscated.

As soon as an illegal gun was sighted by LEO it would be confiscated.


Hey, Judge Wapner: That's why they call it "concealed carry".

See, I guess something you anti-gun idiots don't comprehend is that law-abiding gun owners, and especially those of us who carry a firearm every day, don't run around town flailing our guns around threatening to shoot people. With the exception of the range and subsequent cleaning, my primary firearm hasn't been out of its holster in years. And, when I carry it, no one knows.

If a LEO were to see my firearm, it's because I'm using it to protect myself, which is something he cannot, and many times will not, do...
If a LEO were to see my firearm, it's because I'm using it to protect myself, which is something he cannot, and many times will not, do...
Until he/she does, when it will be confiscated and most likely you prosecuted for possession of an illegal weapon.
C'mon. You've said you can't be convinced and you won't surrender or sell any illegal weapon.

That's correct.

I would be dead right now if I wasn't armed and able to defend myself.

And you wish to take that right away from me?

Go fuck yourself...

Obviously confiscation is the only way once the 2nd is repealed.

But if a law enforcement officer doesn't see it (and there's a snowball's chance in Hell one ever would), the gun remains with me.

How are you going to get that from me?

How are you going to get the millions of guns owned by people who feel exactly as I do?

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