Repeal the 2nd Amendment

I like the way school children's lives are a fallacious appeal to emotion. That shows real love...
I want more controls on firearms. I do not want to outlaw fire arms. The Second Amendment is a dangerous anachronism that gets in the way of the strict gun control laws we need.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or efficacy of, the restrictions you seek.
Thus, the 2nd is working as intended.
I want more controls on firearms. I do not want to outlaw fire arms. The Second Amendment is a dangerous anachronism that gets in the way of the strict gun control laws we need.
LOL name a single law that controls criminals from getting using and possessing firearms.
OK then - demonstrate this to be true.
From Columbine (sp) to the latest outrage Americans have had the chance to reduce the availability and ease of access to firearms, which in other countries has been shown to reduce the rate of mass killings. They have preferred ease of access to firearms every time.
From Columbine (sp) to the latest outrage Americans have had the chance to reduce the availability and ease of access to firearms, which in other countries has been shown to reduce the rate of mass killings.
You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws in those countries and their lower rates of gun related violence.
Thus, you have not demonstrated your claim that"that Americans love ease of access to firearms more than they love school children" to be true.
Try again.

I want more controls on firearms. I do not want to outlaw fire arms. The Second Amendment is a dangerous anachronism that gets in the way of the strict gun control laws we need.
Since it "gets in the way", it's functioning as intended.

I don't like to do this, but in this case I think it's warranted. Let's play a what-if game. Let's say that you got your wish and Quid Pro Joe managed to so severely restrict access to firearms that it just wasn't worth trying to get one and managed to remove all the firearms from society. Then TRUMP! gets elected, declares himself dictator for life and convinces the military to go along with him (all for the children, you know). Within a few months you see fully armed military personnel on every street corner, watching for signs of rebellion and shooting anyone who exhibits them.

What do you do? Go.
cnm said:
From Columbine (sp) to the latest outrage Americans have had the chance to reduce the availability and ease of access to firearms, which in other countries has been shown to reduce the rate of mass killings.

Simply a lie there is no evidence that less firearms equals less mass shootings. In Australia amd else where the rate has remained the same even with confiscation.
No one needs a gun collection. To own a gun one should be required to register it with the Department of Justice. Along with the registration should be the results of a ballistics test. that way, if someone is shot with the gun, the police will know who to arrest. One should also be required to take a course in gun use and safety.

Gun ownership should not be a right guaranteed by the Constitution. It should be a privilege granted reluctantly by the government.
No one needs a gun collection. To own a gun one should be required to register it with the Department of Justice. Along with the registration should be the results of a ballistics test. that way, if someone is shot with the gun, the police will know who to arrest. One should also be required to take a course in gun use and safety.

Gun ownership should not be a right guaranteed by the Constitution. It should be a privilege granted reluctantly by the government.
Like I said hurry up and get that amendment passed.
No one needs a gun collection.
Your opinion doesn't matter.
To own a gun one should be required to register it with the Department of Justice.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or efficacy of, this restriction.
- US Constitution
Along with the registration should be the results of a ballistics test.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or efficacy of, this restriction.
- US Constitution
that way, if someone is shot with the gun, the police will know who to arrest.
This is not at all true.
One should also be required to take a course in gun use and safety.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or efficacy of, this restriction.
- US Constitution
Gun ownership should not be a right guaranteed by the Constitution. It should be a privilege granted reluctantly by the government.
Let us know when you repeal the 2nd -- until then, you opinion does not matter.
You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws in those countries and their lower rates of gun related violence.
Mass shooting rates declined after relevant gun laws were enacted. What I cannot do is expect you to accept facts which undermine your position.
No worries, I know you'll just deny.
I like the way school children's lives are a fallacious appeal to emotion. That shows real love...
Since firearms are not leaving this country any time soon and we're simply not going to deal with the underlying issues that cause people to shoot schoolchildren, what's your prescription for keeping kids safe at school? I mean, the safety of children is a powerful emotional appeal, but without any idea how to keep them safe, that's all it is, an appeal designed to shutdown an argument.

So, how are you going to keep them safe knowing that guns are not going away and we're not doing anything about what's causing people to kill them? Remember, we've had guns for centuries, but school kids were safe at school until just a handful of years ago. Something other than guns is going on.
LOL name a single law that controls criminals from getting using and possessing firearms.
I am sure a few laws exist. I want more and stronger laws. The unauthorized ownership of a firearm should be a serious offense, punished severely.

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