Repeal the 2nd Amendment

There is never a justification for violently resisting a democratic government.

Why did you admit there was earlier?

Are the people forever at the mercy of government, no matter what it mutates into, with no remedy or recourse when government abandons the principles of its establishment?

You seek to deny everything this nation was founded upon and condemn us to subjugation and death. You are arguing the Constitution is a suicide pact that only the citizenry is obligated to obey.

You have the entire compact backwards; when government exceeds the limited powers granted to it and rejects the principles it was established upon, it is no longer "the government established by the Constitution", it is something else, something foreign that cannot claim the protection of the contract it violated. That illegitimate government is then subject to the people's original, never surrendered, fully retained right of self-defense, to rescind and reclaim all the powers granted to government.

If that depowering cannot be completed without violence, then violence is demanded, the means of which, the right of the people to keep and BEAR arms, was forever excepted out of the powers granted to government and secured to the people BY THE PEOPLE, in the Second Article of Amendment.
In which case after the amnesty period you'd be in illegal possession of a firearm, subject to confiscation and prosecution.

Buy-back programs worked in Australia and New Zealand. Because they don't have a stupid 2nd Amendment, nor do they suffer the present insecurities and paranoia of the US. But you'd get over it...
Get right on that constitutional amendment to repeal the 2nd.
The fact that there are hundreds of millions of guns in private hands is responsible for the large number of gun related crime and death. That is what I worry about, and not the possibility of a dictatorship in America. However, if a dictatorship does come to the United States, it will come from Trump and his minions, not from anyone or any group on the left.
Removing guns won't reduce crime and death while increasing the number of guns doesn't increase crime and death, we've seen that play out in other countries. Also, we've had guns readily available in this country ever since its founding and didn't have big problems with them until about the 1970's, certainly not mass shootings. Heck, we used to do target shooting in schools and no one even thought about killing someone. Why do you think that was? Guns are not the major factor, something else is.

Now, if you're afraid TRUMP! will bring about a dictatorship, why do you simultaneously want to disarm the populace? That tells me you're either not really worried about it, or you would rather have a dictatorship than allow other people to have guns.
Sorry, I am not afraid of the government. I fear Trump, but not the government. Trump will never become the dictator of the United States because too many Americans like me hate him.
And if he is elected again, will your hate for him prevent him from establishing a dictatorship? How will you stop him if he sets one up and none of you have guns?
I admit that sort of thing would happen only in countries that value school children more than firearms.
A stupid comment made by an ignorant leftist.

My handgun has killed exactly one person: The person who was going to kill me.

How does taking my handgun away from me protect school children?
Trump is ignorant and impulsive. In 2016 when a campaign aide tried to explain the Constitution to him his eyes glazed over with indifference and incomprehension. When he was asked to read part of the Constitution out loud he said it looked like a foreign language. COVID-19 shut us down because Trump responded too late.

Trump is not in office... how can you fear someone that can't raise your taxes or open the border to strangers getting baby's killed in the rio grande or spend our tax dollars like a drunken sailor or contribute to a war in Europe and dragging us out of a war and getting Marines killed....
Citizen Trump can't do any of that to you....
So pull the covers over your head snowflake and rest assured Trump can't hurt you.... unbelievable.... snowflakes still exist even after two years of Biden....
Good to see you understand the facts do not support your position, so you must resort to fallacious appeals to emotion.
It is an often demonstrated fact that Americans love ease of access to firearms more than they love school children.
In the March 27, 2018 issue of the New York Times, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote a wonderful article advocating for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Reason: We do not need a militia today. The 2nd Amendment is just a propaganda weapon of the NRA---they use it to block debate in Congress and stop real gun control. (I am paraphrasing Justice Stevens here).
These mass shootings would stop fast if we could repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Nothing in your post is true.
It reduces the number in circulation and therefore the ease with which children killers may obtain them.
Isn't it interesting that, for hundreds of years, we've had ready access to firearms in this country and we didn't have a problem with mass shooting in schools until about 50 years ago? Having guns available didn't change, so what did? Once we figure that one out, we can start addressing the root of the issue and not the symptoms.
Why does anyone who supports the repeal of the 2nd think it will ever happen?
Do you understand your position necessarily admits the 2nd prevents the restrictions you seek - and as such, the 2nd is working is intended?
You don't understand what a straw man fallacy is. You want to keep America safe so you want to raid homes of people who are having suspicious activities around their homes.
I want more controls on firearms. I do not want to outlaw fire arms. The Second Amendment is a dangerous anachronism that gets in the way of the strict gun control laws we need.

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