Repealing section 230 would be bad for USMB

Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.
Only if USMB censored
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.
if it happens blame twitter for not following their own rules,,

If it happens, don't blame the liars, or the people dissemminating false information and lies. It's not YOUR fault that you don't fact check and swallow every lie out of Donald Trump's mouth. Nothing you fools ever do is YOUR fault. It's always the fault of the liberals who call you on your shit. How dare we force you to tell the truth!
great!! a cunuck that thinks her opinion matters to free americans,,

go suck your china dick and leave us alone,,,

Are you trying to convince me that you're "free" and I'm not, because that's not true either. Canada is No. 4 on the Human Freedom Index, while the "free Americans" are 15th.

And then, fool that you are, you bring up China, which is the only word the Trumpbots can spout at the moment. Anybody who criticizes you is working for Bejing. Biden is working for the Chinese. Democrats are working for the Chinese.

Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.
if it happens blame twitter for not following their own rules,,

If it happens, don't blame the liars, or the people dissemminating false information and lies. It's not YOUR fault that you don't fact check and swallow every lie out of Donald Trump's mouth. Nothing you fools ever do is YOUR fault. It's always the fault of the liberals who call you on your shit. How dare we force you to tell the truth!
great!! a cunuck that thinks her opinion matters to free americans,,

go suck your china dick and leave us alone,,,

Are you trying to convince me that you're "free" and I'm not, because that's not true either. Canada is No. 4 on the Human Freedom Index, while the "free Americans" are 15th.

And then, fool that you are, you bring up China, which is the only word the Trumpbots can spout at the moment. Anybody who criticizes you is working for Bejing. Biden is working for the Chinese. Democrats are working for the Chinese.

yeah and so many people are risking their lives to get to your country,,NOT!!!

now go suck a polar bear dick,,
Liable is for things like breech of contract libel is a defamatory statement that is written and the most likely outcome of a repeal of section 230 would be to make social media sites enforce their rules of conduct fairly and equally instead of selectively how they do it now.
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.
if it happens blame twitter for not following their own rules,,

If it happens, don't blame the liars, or the people dissemminating false information and lies. It's not YOUR fault that you don't fact check and swallow every lie out of Donald Trump's mouth. Nothing you fools ever do is YOUR fault. It's always the fault of the liberals who call you on your shit. How dare we force you to tell the truth!
the biased paid shill demorat farting as always,the op had nothing to do with trump yet she had to go be juvenile and bring his name into are the asses that get called out for your shit liar and YOU trump haters are the only assholes who dissiminate false information and lies. you being the idiot shill you are never admit the lies that came out of obamas mouth asshole.
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.

I don't know who Seth Rich was murdered by. The only thing I find strange is that his parents are so set on not finding out who whacked him, they sued Fox over it.
Strange indeed.
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.

Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say.

Why would that happen?
There isn't any $$$ in it for the lawyers. Follow the money.
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.

Goodbye Cruel World
Brad lived in California and was a lifelong environmentalist. He was sick of the world; of Covid-19, Brexit, Russian belligerence, China, global warming, racial tensions, and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines.
Brad drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.
Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Brad from the car. A little sip of water and, surprisingly, he was in perfect condition, but his Tesla had a dead battery.
Brad is a registered California Democrat.
I'm sure this is a true story.
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.

There are publishers and platforms. This message board would just have to be a platform, and not a publisher. I don't think repealing 230 is the way to go, only to change it to where it actually makes sense.
Imagine this message board being liable for all the crazy things that it's members say. if a liberal falsely says that x or y conservative raped a woman, or hacked a computer system, for instance, USMB would become liable in a defamation lawsuit, and the owners would have no choice but to enforce the rules strictly. This would affect mainly conservatives because most of the crazy things here are told by conservatives.
Members would no longer be able to pretend that Seth Rich was murdered by (insert person here).
So in other words, those who think repealing section 230 would lead to more freedom of speech are wrong, because the result would actually be the opposite.
Actually, it’s got nothing to do with free speech.

Otherwise, yes, repealing the Section would severely limit internet access.
Seth Rich was murdered by a robber who forgot to take his wallet or watch or cell phone.

Typical of the wet work the Special Activities Division of the CIA is tasked to do....

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