Repealing The Oil Export Ban Is Extremely Stupid!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Republican Party is poised to pass legislation repealing the over forty year old ban against the direct export of oil from the United States and this move will hurt the American people long-term and be another reason why America needs a new Republican Party that isn't biased to big business and the wealthy. Why is the repeal of this ban wrong? Because this ban exists to protect the American people from skyrocketing petroleum prices that destabilize America's economy and reduce the American people's standard of living. Okay, at this immediate time America isn't in this danger from this threat but certain dramatic geopolitical change in the world that is possible could bring rise to this danger! What is not a remote danger though but an actually likelihood in that in the ten to twenty year time frame major oil producers throughout the world will regain control over the price of oil and bring this outlined harm to America because the Republicans did this act of taking down our defenses. See Saudi Arabia which essentially controls the OPEC cartel will be dramatically weaker in this time frame because Saudi Arabia already pumps an enormous amount of sea water into their oil fields to force the remaining oil out of their fields after a decade or two more of this oil milking technique Saudi Arabia will only be able to produce dramatically less oil than they produce today so they won't be able to control OPEC and then OPEC can resume its oil price control ways, plus in that time frame Russia will be a cooperating oil price control partner because Vladimir Putin due to age or death will be out of the picture and the Russian leader won't possibly be as an ambitious selfish dictator as Putin he or she will certainly do the smart play and work with OPEC and in that time frame America's shale oil producers won't be the potential juggernaut oil producers they are today because shale oil fields deplete rather quickly and America across the country is not in favor of shale production because of the amount of water needed for this production and because of the potential danger to the environment. The bottom line is that in ten to twenty years the reason why the ban was installed in the first place will exist again and one can bet their bottom dollar that it won't be easy to pass legislation re-installing the ban considering the economic interests involved and the powerful energy lobby in America!

How short-sighted and selfish these Republicans are if I recall correctly it was only in 2007 eight years ago the price of oil was approaching $120.00 a barrel and it was on the verge of causing dramatically serious harm to the nation's economy. The reasoning behind the opposition to repealing the ban melting away because the price between American oil prices WTI and international oil prices Brent being negligible is faulty reasoning the reason for this negligible difference is that OPEC cannot now regain control over the price once they do as outlined above and if the ban was kept in place and America had this protected supply of its domestic producers America would be shielded from the skyrocketing international oil price that would ensue! Hey you Americans that care about the environment repealing this ban will green light U.S. shale producers increasing their production keeping world-wide short-term oil prices low for a longer period of time thereby decreasing the pressure on governments throughout the world especially the U.S. to push their automobile industry to go to convert completely to electric powered cars. This stupid Republican move is why the US needs to change the constitution to ban budget bills from being able to contain non-budgetary mandates!
Got bored reading your post, stopped at:

"The world will regain control over the price of oil and bring this outlined harm to America because the Republicans..."

WTF? Opec already does, why in the he'll you think it is so low? Saudi Arabia is flooding the market.
when was banning any kind of exports bad? It is probably one of the few things in which we can use to balance the infamous trade deficit. The thing liberals cry about constantly.
Got bored reading your post, stopped at:

"The world will regain control over the price of oil and bring this outlined harm to America because the Republicans..."

WTF? Opec already does, why in the he'll you think it is so low? Saudi Arabia is flooding the market.

I actually think the left is ok with cartels, monopolies, guilds, and other organizations that control the means of production. It is the free enterprise version they hate.
Well they've already crippled the Exploration Industry here, and

OPEC and Saudi Arabia are very clear that they want US shale oil producers out of business. Why? US shale oil producers are a long-term threat to the revenues of Middle Eastern oil producers. They want US shale operators like Whiting Petroleum Corporation (WLL), Continental Resources (CLR), Oasis Petroleum (OAS), and EOG Resources (EOG) to shut down their businesses permanently.

This is not possible unless crude oil prices are so low that US oil producers curb production due to high break-even and production costs.

Saudi Arabia to Increase Oil Production: Effect on Global Market - Market Realist
yeah it's crippled ok .. shale production in the west and natural gas wells in peoples back yards in North Texas crippled the price of oil down to almost nothing compared to the $5,00 a gallon price a decade ago.
Well they've already crippled the Exploration Industry here, and

OPEC and Saudi Arabia are very clear that they want US shale oil producers out of business. Why? US shale oil producers are a long-term threat to the revenues of Middle Eastern oil producers. They want US shale operators like Whiting Petroleum Corporation (WLL), Continental Resources (CLR), Oasis Petroleum (OAS), and EOG Resources (EOG) to shut down their businesses permanently.

This is not possible unless crude oil prices are so low that US oil producers curb production due to high break-even and production costs.

Saudi Arabia to Increase Oil Production: Effect on Global Market - Market Realist

Everything I read was an after thought by Saudi Arabia (US fraking an Russia) the true country they wanted to hurt was Iran and are so pissed off by Obama and his Iran deal.
The price of oil per barrel is already extremely low because of the glut of oil already on the market. With the Iranian sanctions lifted they will be flooding the market with their oil, and now with the passage of this the US will be adding its oil to the market.
The Republican Party is poised to pass legislation repealing the over forty year old ban against the direct export of oil from the United States and this move will hurt the American people long-term and be another reason why America needs a new Republican Party that isn't biased to big business and the wealthy. Why is the repeal of this ban wrong? Because this ban exists to protect the American people from skyrocketing petroleum prices that destabilize America's economy and reduce the American people's standard of living. Okay, at this immediate time America isn't in this danger from this threat but certain dramatic geopolitical change in the world that is possible could bring rise to this danger! What is not a remote danger though but an actually likelihood in that in the ten to twenty year time frame major oil producers throughout the world will regain control over the price of oil and bring this outlined harm to America because the Republicans did this act of taking down our defenses. See Saudi Arabia which essentially controls the OPEC cartel will be dramatically weaker in this time frame because Saudi Arabia already pumps an enormous amount of sea water into their oil fields to force the remaining oil out of their fields after a decade or two more of this oil milking technique Saudi Arabia will only be able to produce dramatically less oil than they produce today so they won't be able to control OPEC and then OPEC can resume its oil price control ways, plus in that time frame Russia will be a cooperating oil price control partner because Vladimir Putin due to age or death will be out of the picture and the Russian leader won't possibly be as an ambitious selfish dictator as Putin he or she will certainly do the smart play and work with OPEC and in that time frame America's shale oil producers won't be the potential juggernaut oil producers they are today because shale oil fields deplete rather quickly and America across the country is not in favor of shale production because of the amount of water needed for this production and because of the potential danger to the environment. The bottom line is that in ten to twenty years the reason why the ban was installed in the first place will exist again and one can bet their bottom dollar that it won't be easy to pass legislation re-installing the ban considering the economic interests involved and the powerful energy lobby in America!

How short-sighted and selfish these Republicans are if I recall correctly it was only in 2007 eight years ago the price of oil was approaching $120.00 a barrel and it was on the verge of causing dramatically serious harm to the nation's economy. The reasoning behind the opposition to repealing the ban melting away because the price between American oil prices WTI and international oil prices Brent being negligible is faulty reasoning the reason for this negligible difference is that OPEC cannot now regain control over the price once they do as outlined above and if the ban was kept in place and America had this protected supply of its domestic producers America would be shielded from the skyrocketing international oil price that would ensue! Hey you Americans that care about the environment repealing this ban will green light U.S. shale producers increasing their production keeping world-wide short-term oil prices low for a longer period of time thereby decreasing the pressure on governments throughout the world especially the U.S. to push their automobile industry to go to convert completely to electric powered cars. This stupid Republican move is why the US needs to change the constitution to ban budget bills from being able to contain non-budgetary mandates!
Our company has produced American crude oil since 1949, and this is the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever heard.

Why are we exporting tens of millions of metric tons of agricultural products while consumers are paying record prices for groceries? Greedy farmers are raping the American public.

Why are we turning 58 million acres of fertile farmland into corn-ethanol producing factories? Greedy farmers are raping the American public.

Why do we guarantee a 15% ethanol blend in our gasolines? Greedy farmers are raping the American public.

Why is there a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico the size of Massachusetts? The greedy farmers are raping the environment for profit.

Fuck you, and fuck the ass-fucking farmer.
Ethanol is the worst joke ever played on the American public.

It has but a minuscule effect on CO2 production - while destroying current internal combustion engines. It increases the cost and, as pointed out above, takes hundreds of thousand of acres out of food production - hurting the poor most of all.
Dems complain about the trade deficit but when offered an opportunity to do something about, i.e. sell our oil abroad, they suddenly become protectionists.
Anyone notice the price of oil is down? Why shouldn't we export oil?
Dems complain about the trade deficit but when offered an opportunity to do something about, i.e. sell our oil abroad, they suddenly become protectionists.
Anyone notice the price of oil is down? Why shouldn't we export oil?

By exporting oil, we get foreign money coming into the USA, something we need.

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