Reperations are not owed by the U.S.A.

Indians found a way to get their payments from White Man by setting up Indian Reparations Centers on reservations nationwide and white people donate with a smile on their face.
View attachment 266425

Time to end the Indian gaming monopoly and declare inner cities reservations and allow casino's.
I hear the Asians are very generous.
Reparations will never work through bitterness, demands and blame. We just need to make reparations FUN!!!:113:

You do realize that legalized gambling is a fairly inefficient way to redistribute wealth, right?

There are only three reasons anyone supports reparations:
  1. they are black and they hope to get a large sum of someone else's money for doing nothing
  2. they are white and care more about displaying their virtue than they do about the damage to society (as well as the damage to black people) of this grossly unjust policy
  3. they are domestic enemies (e.g., the New York Times) seeking to incite an insurmountable and toxic level of racial hatred in the United States

Guy, most blacks would probably happily trade reparations for being treated like equals.

I personally don't see reparations as an answer, but I understand the sentiment coming from a good place.

The problem is, whenever we as white people talk about what needs to be done to fix the black community, we often come off as racist. We don't live in that world.

We don't live with being pulled over for "Driving while black" as a regular part of our lives.

What is the Republican mental disease that they think every problem can be solved by letting rich people exploit the rest of us.
There are no rich liberals.
What an idiot.

BTW. The tribes around here do quite well and are in full control of their gaming.

If gambling doesn't work, then tell that to my liberal state that sells tickets by the millions. Funny that every state government doesn't agree with your blowhard assessment.
So you simply justify your own racism.
It's why I never will take anything you two post seriously.

What racism are we justifying petro? I talk about white racists, not white people in general. People like you get butthurt about that then start crying about how I hate all white people because you can't read. On top of that you guys call us racists and what you are describing is not racist. Furthermore you want to pretend racism doesn't exist among whites and that it doesn't make life more difficult for us. What you call black racism is some black person reacting to you after facing a lifetime of racism by whites. We are supposed to trust that you are not racust even though blacks have been, beaten, jailed, and killed for assuming whites are no longer racists. Those like you try equating getting called a white boy with being denied opportunities. Then you want to make white a racial slur when it has never had the derogatory intent and meaning of the various slurs whites have used on us.

You keep telling us how this ain't the 1960's. And it ain't. There aren't towns full of blacks who cannot read anymore. There are blacks who have gone to college and have studied the histories between the races, the laws and policies that have put us behind whites. We have studied white insurrections caused by black folks desire to be equal. We have learned and lived through and in modern white backlash to black progress. When we speak on white racism 99.8 percent of the time it's real, not made up to play to racial resentment like most of you whites here do. It is not race pimped extremist rhetoric.

We bring the pain to you in the form of fact. So when you find me making a factless argument about the racial superiority of blacks you can call me a racist. And when you can get on whites here for their racism, then and only then will you ever be able to tell us how you oppose what you call racism on both sides.

Because you're not throwing anything back but ignorance petro.
Exactly what I think of your posts.
You convince me of nothing, and that is why you are the butthurt one.
I don't hate all Muslims. You must think and say that I do to make your racism look better, but it's not going to work. You're clearly a racist, Joe, and you've proven it here by calling a woman a racist name and thinking it's just a funny joke. That's what racists do you know

It's a hysterical joke, because the woman is such a piece of work, we can all laugh at her self-importance. (Also, kind of dumb to post your real picture on a board like this, but never mind.)

You, on the other hand, told a lie to justify a policy of invasion and war (that no one you care about will have to fight), because you need to feel superior.

Secondly, what Clinton did was with an underling in the Oval Office, which makes it different. When Trump does that we can talk.

No, not really. She was a consenting adult. People fuck their underlings all the time. Sorry, this is the real world.

You mean like you treat Asian-Americans like equals?

Sure I do. I call PC funny names. I call most of the white folks here funny names. You are all equally contemptable in my eye... I'm not discriminating at all. I'm a weapon of mass destruction!
I don't hate all Muslims. You must think and say that I do to make your racism look better, but it's not going to work. You're clearly a racist, Joe, and you've proven it here by calling a woman a racist name and thinking it's just a funny joke. That's what racists do you know

It's a hysterical joke, because the woman is such a piece of work, we can all laugh at her self-importance. (Also, kind of dumb to post your real picture on a board like this, but never mind.)

You, on the other hand, told a lie to justify a policy of invasion and war (that no one you care about will have to fight), because you need to feel superior.

Secondly, what Clinton did was with an underling in the Oval Office, which makes it different. When Trump does that we can talk.

No, not really. She was a consenting adult. People fuck their underlings all the time. Sorry, this is the real world.

You mean like you treat Asian-Americans like equals?

Sure I do. I call PC funny names. I call most of the white folks here funny names. You are all equally contemptable in my eye... I'm not discriminating at all. I'm a weapon of mass destruction!

So, in your very small mind, Joe, it's okay for you to call some minorities racist names but not others? Like conservatives Asians are fair game but not Muslims? Or conservative Latinos might be fair game but not liberal Blacks?

Let us in on these rules.
There are no rich liberals.
What an idiot.

BTW. The tribes around here do quite well and are in full control of their gaming.

If gambling doesn't work, then tell that to my liberal state that sells tickets by the millions. Funny that every state government doesn't agree with your blowhard assessment.

Oh, gambling works just fine... it's a tax on people who suck at math.

But it's not a fix to poverty, given most Indian Reservations are dirt poor despite casinos.

Here's an article from the Commie Rag, the Economist, pointing out how casinos have actually HURT the community.

Of slots and sloth
So, in your very small mind, Joe, it's okay for you to call some minorities racist names but not others? Like conservatives Asians are fair game but not Muslims? Or conservative Latinos might be fair game but not liberal Blacks?

Let us in on these rules.

Yes, I think any minority conservative sell-out is fair game. You should see the things I say about Uncle Tom Steppinfetchits like Clarance Thomas and perennial idiot, Ben Carson.

Because they are like Chickens that vote for Colonel Sanders.

And I have equal contempt for working class whites who vote Republican, (like I did for many years), and then wonder why their middle class lifestyle keeps vanishing.

I'm a hard dose of reality in an evil world.

That said, your Islamophobia is really dumb because you are too stupid to realize your strings are being pulled. The people yanking your chain could give two shits about Muslim ladies getting their clits cut. They just want the oil and they want you to go out and get it for them.
So, in your very small mind, Joe, it's okay for you to call some minorities racist names but not others? Like conservatives Asians are fair game but not Muslims? Or conservative Latinos might be fair game but not liberal Blacks?

Let us in on these rules.

Yes, I think any minority conservative sell-out is fair game. You should see the things I say about Uncle Tom Steppinfetchits like Clarance Thomas and perennial idiot, Ben Carson.

Because they are like Chickens that vote for Colonel Sanders.

And I have equal contempt for working class whites who vote Republican, (like I did for many years), and then wonder why their middle class lifestyle keeps vanishing.

I'm a hard dose of reality in an evil world.

That said, your Islamophobia is really dumb because you are too stupid to realize your strings are being pulled. The people yanking your chain could give two shits about Muslim ladies getting their clits cut. They just want the oil and they want you to go out and get it for them.

So to be clear. You can be racist if the minorities disagree with your ideas.

So in short, you're racist.

Got it. But I knew that, Joe. To be frank, you're too dumb to hide your racism, which means you're not very useful to Leftists. And too dumb to hide it.
There are no rich liberals.
What an idiot.

BTW. The tribes around here do quite well and are in full control of their gaming.

If gambling doesn't work, then tell that to my liberal state that sells tickets by the millions. Funny that every state government doesn't agree with your blowhard assessment.

Oh, gambling works just fine... it's a tax on people who suck at math.

But it's not a fix to poverty, given most Indian Reservations are dirt poor despite casinos.

Here's an article from the Commie Rag, the Economist, pointing out how casinos have actually HURT the community.

Of slots and sloth
So far it is a mixed bag. The tribes near the city do very well, built up their community and donate to causes outside the reservation.
Some tribes do suffer under their own leadership and corruption.
I would expect you to cherrypick an article. I could counter with dozens stating their success, but what the point?
Joe knows all.
All Americans and most of Europe benefited from the slave trade and hundreds of years of free black slave labor. Black slaves built the White House and built this country. The government allowed slavery to happen a government should pay. Just as the Jews and Japanese and Native American were paid reparation. And the Native Americans who owned slaves should pay also. Blacks slaves paid into the system much as we paid into SS and reap the benefits.
Few works of history have exerted as powerful an influence as a book published in 1944 called Capitalism and Slavery. Its author, Eric Williams, later the prime minister of Trinidad and Tabago, charged that black slavery was the engine that propelled Europe's rise to global economic dominance. He maintained that Europeans' conquest and settlement of the New World depended on the enslavement of millions of black slaves, who helped amass the capital that financed the industrial revolution. Europe's economic progress, he insisted, came at the expense of black slaves whose labor built the foundations of modern capitalism.
There are only three reasons anyone supports reparations:
  1. they are black and they hope to get a large sum of someone else's money for doing nothing
  2. they are white and care more about displaying their virtue than they do about the damage to society (as well as the damage to black people) of this grossly unjust policy
  3. they are domestic enemies (e.g., the New York Times) seeking to incite an insurmountable and toxic level of racial hatred in the United States

Guy, most blacks would probably happily trade reparations for being treated like equals.

I personally don't see reparations as an answer, but I understand the sentiment coming from a good place.

The problem is, whenever we as white people talk about what needs to be done to fix the black community, we often come off as racist. We don't live in that world.

We don't live with being pulled over for "Driving while black" as a regular part of our lives.

Yes, you are a very good person. But you are living in a fantasy world if you actually believe what you just wrote, and weren't just virtue-signaling. Trust me, given a choice between being "treated equal" and a large wad of cash, every single black person in this country will take the cash. As would every white person and every other human on the planet. Which, of course, ignores the extremely stupid assumption that handing every dusky-hued individual in the country a wad other people's money will somehow make us all "equal". In five years, everything will be exactly the same as it is now, with the exception of the level of toxic, racial hatred in the country--white and black--will have soared, and there ain't no undoing that. Unless you are the New York Times, you must see that as a problem, don't you?

Why are you goodwhites so dishonest? Nobody is talking about "what needs to be done to fix the black community". Most whites just want to be left alone to raise their families, pay their own way, maybe go on a few cool trips in their lifetimes, and die well-thought of and without leaving their kids saddled with burdens. It is the reparations movement that is rayciss. Cynical and venal politicians are flogging the reparations horse in a bid to buy the black vote with your money. All too many blacks apparently are all too willing to oblige and sell it to them, to their discredit. For the New York Times, of course, the reparations push is just another in a decades-long campaign to ultimately see a bloody race war in the US. Nobody is trying to "fix" black people.

"We don't live with being pulled over for "Driving while black" as a regular part of our lives."

Where do you live, North Dakota? I have a little tip for you. More dangerous than driving in America while black is reading the New York Times while gentile.

Here, educate yourself, for crying out loud.:

New York Times exposed: deliberately fanning the flames of racial hatred
The only race hustle is by whites crying about race hate when people of color point out how white racism in the past impacts us today and continuing white racism.

Hello, IM2. When mentioning "people of color" are you referring to and including America's large apparent emotionally or mentally ill, VIOLENCE and HATE embracing population of segregation-minded INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing American citizens?

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Dr. Shonna Etienne, BULLIES.jpg

Kids Recognizing Denounce Intra-Racial discrimination.jpg

So to be clear. You can be racist if the minorities disagree with your ideas.

Who said anything about racism? Or do you think that mail order brides only belong to one race?

Got it. But I knew that, Joe. To be frank, you're too dumb to hide your racism, which means you're not very useful to Leftists. And too dumb to hide it.

Whoever said I was a "leftist"? I was for most of my life a Republican. Then you religious crazies hijacked my party and started talking about how we needed to give civil rights to spooge.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
So to be clear. You can be racist if the minorities disagree with your ideas.

Who said anything about racism? Or do you think that mail order brides only belong to one race?

Got it. But I knew that, Joe. To be frank, you're too dumb to hide your racism, which means you're not very useful to Leftists. And too dumb to hide it.

Whoever said I was a "leftist"? I was for most of my life a Republican. Then you religious crazies hijacked my party and started talking about how we needed to give civil rights to spooge.

Sure Joe. Nothing at all racist about calling an Asian-American woman a "mail order bride". Nope

Which other women on this board have you called a mail order bride just for reference? I mean, since you didn't specifically target that for an Asian-American woman. Or maybe I'll just do a search. Or don't bother, you're busted.
Yes, you are a very good person. But you are living in a fantasy world if you actually believe what you just wrote, and weren't just virtue-signaling. Trust me, given a choice between being "treated equal" and a large wad of cash, every single black person in this country will take the cash.

If that's what you need to believe. again, I don't think that Reparations would be anything but symbolic at this point. I don't think the 20K we paid every Japanese American in the 1980's was anything more than a symbol.

Why are you goodwhites so dishonest? Nobody is talking about "what needs to be done to fix the black community". Most whites just want to be left alone to raise their families, pay their own way, maybe go on a few cool trips in their lifetimes, and die well-thought of and without leaving their kids saddled with burdens.

That's awesome. Most blacks just want to get through a day without being frivolously pulled over by a thug cop. Can you kind of see where there's a huge difference? Even when they do all the things we white folks take for granted, they are STILL treated very, very differently by the legal system, employers, etc.

It is the reparations movement that is rayciss. Cynical and venal politicians are flogging the reparations horse in a bid to buy the black vote with your money.

Uh, most politics are politicians trying to buy your vote with other people's money, dummy. Whether it be a new road or a social security check.... What I find funny is that all you white folks who bitch about reparations and welfare, STILL collect unemployment when your boss catches you sleeping at the desk, STILL expect to get social security, STILL expect medicare to pay for your elderly relative's stay in a nursing home.

Where do you live, North Dakota? I have a little tip for you. More dangerous than driving in America while black is reading the New York Times while gentile.

No, man, I Live in Chicago, where we just had a major case where a cop shot a black kid 16 times, it was caught on tape, the Police Department lied about it, the City tried to cover it up, and it still took four years to convict him to get a sentence where he will probably only spend 3 years in prison.

That's where I live.
Sure Joe. Nothing at all racist about calling an Asian-American woman a "mail order bride". Nope

Which other women on this board have you called a mail order bride just for reference? I mean, since you didn't specifically target that for an Asian-American woman. Or maybe I'll just do a search. Or don't bother, you're busted.

Naw, I call them things I think are funny... that was funny.

Just like you are the "Islamophobic Twat". I don't call anyone else an Islamophobic Twat, even though there are a lot of Islamophobic Twats on this board.

Feel special, you got your own nickname, Islamophobic Twat.
Sure Joe. Nothing at all racist about calling an Asian-American woman a "mail order bride". Nope

Which other women on this board have you called a mail order bride just for reference? I mean, since you didn't specifically target that for an Asian-American woman. Or maybe I'll just do a search. Or don't bother, you're busted.

Naw, I call them things I think are funny... that was funny.

Just like you are the "Islamophobic Twat". I don't call anyone else an Islamophobic Twat, even though there are a lot of Islamophobic Twats on this board.

Feel special, you got your own nickname, Islamophobic Twat.

You're not special, you're exposed. And you know it
Joe you couldn't even come close to hurting my feelings. You are nothing new or surprising but just a totally predictable Leftist.

You've been following me on three threads whining about me... um, yeah, I've definitely hurt your feelings.

Here, let me apologize


I'm sorry you are dumb white trash who lets Trump and the GOP screw you over by playing on your religious, racial and sexual fears.
So, in your very small mind, Joe, it's okay for you to call some minorities racist names but not others? Like conservatives Asians are fair game but not Muslims? Or conservative Latinos might be fair game but not liberal Blacks?

Let us in on these rules.

Yes, I think any minority conservative sell-out is fair game. You should see the things I say about Uncle Tom Steppinfetchits like Clarance Thomas and perennial idiot, Ben Carson.

Because they are like Chickens that vote for Colonel Sanders.

And I have equal contempt for working class whites who vote Republican, (like I did for many years), and then wonder why their middle class lifestyle keeps vanishing.

I'm a hard dose of reality in an evil world.

That said, your Islamophobia is really dumb because you are too stupid to realize your strings are being pulled. The people yanking your chain could give two shits about Muslim ladies getting their clits cut. They just want the oil and they want you to go out and get it for them.

And this is what sue doesn't get because those sellouts validate what she believes. If PC was here detailing the continuing racism Asians get from whites and was called a mail order bride Sue wouldn't give a damn. And when I look at her racist attacks on blacks in every thread that bitch starts, I don't see sourpuss sue saying jack shit. That bitch does nothing but stereotype blacks, so fuck her Asian ass. And Sue can go SAD and stop crying.

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