Reperations are not owed by the U.S.A.

If everyone was on an equal footing after the Civil War, you might have a point.

The problem was, of course, that blacks were second class citizens then and still largely are now. As for immigrants, the fact that they got right off the boat or the plane and got bumped in the line because of their skin color, really is part of the problem.

Every group of Americans have been considered second class by the people here before them until they prove themselves in various ways and become American.

"Irish need not apply" comes to mind, as well as calling Italians "WOP's" (With Out Papers), the Japanese went through a shitstorm and yet every single one of those groups rose above the prejudices, so why cant blacks?

I understand the idea they didn't come here willingly, but just like an addict, at some point the blame needs to be turned inward, just as much as external forces the addiction is blamed on.

Even IF all the above is true, it is THEIR fault they wallow in the misery, everyone else managed to find a way out of it and to rise above, why cant they?

White women have lived alongside white males for as long as they've existed, yet they still have fewer privilages than white males overall. I guess this is also their fault?

The big difference is they're the only group that have always been subject to being gunned down for siplu being the color they are. No other group has had to live with that for several centuries/genrations.

No other group were subjected to Jim Crow laws.

I'm guessing no one here was responsible for killing the Jews in Nazi Germany either, but somwhow that's never come up as a reason not to apply reparation measures. The excuses only come up when black reparation comes up.
If everyone was on an equal footing after the Civil War, you might have a point.

The problem was, of course, that blacks were second class citizens then and still largely are now. As for immigrants, the fact that they got right off the boat or the plane and got bumped in the line because of their skin color, really is part of the problem.

Every group of Americans have been considered second class by the people here before them until they prove themselves in various ways and become American.

"Irish need not apply" comes to mind, as well as calling Italians "WOP's" (With Out Papers), the Japanese went through a shitstorm and yet every single one of those groups rose above the prejudices, so why cant blacks?

Because liberal social policies of the 1950's-1980's kept them from growing out of it.
You take any group of people, build massive housing projects, away from city proper which means away from jobs. Give them just enough money they get for nothing as long as they stay in their little sections... and those people will never accomplish what everyone else does. Never.
In Chicago, they have whole apartment buildings where no one in that complex has a job. They also have historical records showing that some black families exist where no one had a job in 4 generations.
Look it up.

Black wall street was created in the early 1900s, it was destroyed because white resented black people being successful and creating wealth.

Black men were lynched for voting, these men were mostly business men. You can still find pictures of the men in suits swinging. Successful black people were punished for being successful for generations.

As for "liberal social policies of the 1950's-1980's", are you really unaware that the civil rights movement happened in the 50s & 60s? That's within my lifetime.

This happened less than 60 years ago.

A Timeline of 1964 and 1963 Civil Rights Milestones
  • On Feb. 1, four young African American men, students at North Carolina Agriculture and Technical College, go to a Woolworth in Greensboro, N.C., and sit down at a whites-only lunch counter. They order coffee. Despite being denied service, they sit silently and politely at the lunch counter until closing time. Their action marks the start of the Greensboro sit-ins, which sparks similar protests all over the South.
  • On July 25, the downtown Greensboro Woolworth desegregates its lunch counter after six months of sit-ins.
You regard this as liberal? Really?
Every group that came to this Country had it hard and for a LONG time in some cases. NONE of them are crying like little girls and demanding money from the Government cause a hundred years ago laws were bad to them. Grow the FUCK up and be a man.

Less than 60 years ago. Within MY lifetime.

This is a link to a book by the little girl who was the first black pupil to go to a white segregated school. She arrived with guards to protect her. She currently works as a civil rights activist.
Boo Hoo Hoo blacks had it hard whaaaaa we want money we did not earn do not rate and have no reason to expect to get BUT we are black, we are victims, we got no pride we got no morals whaaa whaa whaa.

Maybe you'd rather be back murdering brown folk?
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.
I am black and I know better what blacks have been than your white ass. Slavery did not end in 1865.

After emancipation, Blacks were arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to prison for crimes such as vagrancy, cussing in front of whites, jaywalking and other minor or non offenses for whites. Because of this, they could be returned to slavery and were. This free labor was called convict leasing. There has been no amendment to change this part of the 13th Amendment meaning that in reality slavery could still exist in America today. After slavery ended:

Employment was required of all freedmen; violators faced vagrancy charges

•Freedmen could not assemble without the presence of a white person

•Freedmen were assumed to be agricultural workers and their duties and hours were tightly regulated

•Freedmen were not to be taught to read or write

•Public facilities were segregated

•Violators of these laws were subject to being whipped or branded.

And sent back into slavery. For people like Bill O’Rielly, convict leasing would be a great thing, because blacks got “free” meals and a place to live. The major problem with such an assessment is that free means you get something for nothing, not hours of hard labor. Convict leasing was a cruel and inhumane system rife with abuse. Using the laws of the state, blacks were sent to prison and their labor contracted out or leased to individuals or companies. This was free labor no different from slavery. It is an example of how whites have played wth the law in order to maintain a system of white racial preference.

Far too many people want to argue about things said without an understanding of the depth and length of things that have and continue to occur. “For example, among the county convicts working in the Pratt Mines of Birmingham, Alabama in 1890:

•24 men were incarcerated for using “obscene language,”

•Another 24 for “false pretense” — a statute used to punish black men who changed employers before the end of the farming season, and

•Seven for vagrancy, another ill-defined charge that left any unemployed black person vulnerable to arrest.

In Alabama, the convict-leasing system remained on the books until 1928.”

Well crap I'm a woman. We had to march for the right to vote and a bunch of women were arrested too for shady reasons.

Where's my money at

Well white woman, you might have had a decent argument had you not supported slavery or inherited your husbands slaves to go with your own after he died.

And that's a huge fail. As I have said: my ancestors never owned slaves and in fact fought for the North in the Civil War. And that's why your reparations are a massive pipe dream. It's too entangled since the same US gov't went to war to END slavery.

So there it is, "black man"

No fail. The US government did not go to war to end slavery and reparations are not just for slavery. White women participated in slavery and apartheid. Descendants of CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS got reparations for a war they were not there to fight and their ancestors fought against the US until 2017. Now if they can figure out a way to do that, there are no entanglements. You sad ass conservatives are just trying to find every excuse you can.

And I am a black man. So there it is white woman, your argument has no legs.

Collective guilt then.



Apparently only black people have collective guilt.
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24 men were incarcerated for using “obscene language,”

•Another 24 for “false pretense” — a statute used to punish black men who changed employers before the end of the farming season, and

•Seven for vagrancy, another ill-defined charge that left any unemployed black person vulnerable to arrest.
Well, good thing for Africans that’s not the case anymore

If we deducted what Africans owe white taxpayers
for floating them all these years, Africans would be in the red
and owe white people money...fucking slugs

The west continues to pilage $60bn a year from Africa. As in they take $60bn more in profit than they give in so called "AID" to Africa. Sweetie, I think you'l find America would be deeply in the red.
There are only three reasons anyone supports reparations:
  1. they are black and they hope to get a large sum of someone else's money for doing nothing
  2. they are white and care more about displaying their virtue than they do about the damage to society (as well as the damage to black people) of this grossly unjust policy
  3. they are domestic enemies (e.g., the New York Times) seeking to incite an insurmountable and toxic level of racial hatred in the United States

Guy, most blacks would probably happily trade reparations for being treated like equals.

I personally don't see reparations as an answer, but I understand the sentiment coming from a good place.

The problem is, whenever we as white people talk about what needs to be done to fix the black community, we often come off as racist. We don't live in that world.

We don't live with being pulled over for "Driving while black" as a regular part of our lives.

In the bold: Abso-bloody-lutely
Boo Hoo Hoo blacks had it hard whaaaaa we want money we did not earn do not rate and have no reason to expect to get BUT we are black, we are victims, we got no pride we got no morals whaaa whaa whaa.

Maybe you'd rather be back murdering brown folk?
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.

Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
There are only three reasons anyone supports reparations:
  1. they are black and they hope to get a large sum of someone else's money for doing nothing
  2. they are white and care more about displaying their virtue than they do about the damage to society (as well as the damage to black people) of this grossly unjust policy
  3. they are domestic enemies (e.g., the New York Times) seeking to incite an insurmountable and toxic level of racial hatred in the United States

Guy, most blacks would probably happily trade reparations for being treated like equals.

I personally don't see reparations as an answer, but I understand the sentiment coming from a good place.

The problem is, whenever we as white people talk about what needs to be done to fix the black community, we often come off as racist. We don't live in that world.

We don't live with being pulled over for "Driving while black" as a regular part of our lives.

In the bold: Abso-bloody-lutely
True dat. I just want these white boys to stop hating on me because they cant compete. Get the fug out my way.
Boo Hoo Hoo blacks had it hard whaaaaa we want money we did not earn do not rate and have no reason to expect to get BUT we are black, we are victims, we got no pride we got no morals whaaa whaa whaa.

Maybe you'd rather be back murdering brown folk?
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.

Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
Over a thousand whites were hung during Jim Crow.
Reperations are not owed by the U.S.A.

I guess we should know what's up in a thread about REPARATIONS when the OP can't even spell the word. Nothing like those great high IQ whites.
Boo Hoo Hoo blacks had it hard whaaaaa we want money we did not earn do not rate and have no reason to expect to get BUT we are black, we are victims, we got no pride we got no morals whaaa whaa whaa.

Maybe you'd rather be back murdering brown folk?
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.

Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
Over a thousand whites were hung during Jim Crow.

As opposed to over 5,000 blacks.


Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks. Your argument is full of holes and without merit. The only reason you even get to make this argument is due to the racism of some who control this forum.
If everyone was on an equal footing after the Civil War, you might have a point.

The problem was, of course, that blacks were second class citizens then and still largely are now. As for immigrants, the fact that they got right off the boat or the plane and got bumped in the line because of their skin color, really is part of the problem.

It will never happen.

That is called reality.

Boo Hoo Hoo blacks had it hard whaaaaa we want money we did not earn do not rate and have no reason to expect to get BUT we are black, we are victims, we got no pride we got no morals whaaa whaa whaa.

Maybe you'd rather be back murdering brown folk?
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.

Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
Over a thousand whites were hung during Jim Crow.

As opposed to over 5,000 blacks.


Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks. Your argument is full of holes and without merit. The only reason you even get to make this argument is due to the racism of some who control this forum.

Like the klan didn't lynch whites too, you fucking tard! :auiqs.jpg:

Holy fuck you're a moron of epic proportion. You just want a check, you worthless fucker! :1peleas:
Maybe you'd rather be back murdering brown folk?
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.

Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
Over a thousand whites were hung during Jim Crow.

As opposed to over 5,000 blacks.


Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks. Your argument is full of holes and without merit. The only reason you even get to make this argument is due to the racism of some who control this forum.

Like the klan didn't lynch whites too, you fucking tard! :auiqs.jpg:

Holy fuck you're a moron of epic proportion. You just want a check, you worthless fucker! :1peleas:
LOL every group of people through out history got "murdered" by another Group. That is just facts. Sorry you can not handle facts and are a whiny little bitch that thinks white people owe black people money they did not earn. As for lynchings Jews and whites were lynch right along with blacks under Jim Crow. laws. I don't see you complaining about that treatment.

Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
Over a thousand whites were hung during Jim Crow.

As opposed to over 5,000 blacks.


Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks. Your argument is full of holes and without merit. The only reason you even get to make this argument is due to the racism of some who control this forum.

Like the klan didn't lynch whites too, you fucking tard! :auiqs.jpg:

Holy fuck you're a moron of epic proportion. You just want a check, you worthless fucker! :1peleas:

Learn how to read.

Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks.
Whites owe blacks money blacks earned and were not paid for. Now you can't have things both ways son. When we blacks talk about past atrocities, we are told to stop living in the past. So we shall reject this punk ass excuse making by white racists who want to talk about the beginning of time. Jim Crow did not exclude Jews or whites unless you were a black Jew. We can't complain about things you make up that are not true.
Over a thousand whites were hung during Jim Crow.

As opposed to over 5,000 blacks.


Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks. Your argument is full of holes and without merit. The only reason you even get to make this argument is due to the racism of some who control this forum.

Like the klan didn't lynch whites too, you fucking tard! :auiqs.jpg:

Holy fuck you're a moron of epic proportion. You just want a check, you worthless fucker! :1peleas:

Learn how to read.

Whites had full rights and opportunity. Programs were created for white advancement blacks were excluded from. Whites are not owed reparations for anything. If blacks only had a "hard time" we could not ask for reparations, but the hard time we faced were codified in law and enforced by those who you claim had it just as hard as blacks.

Oh yeah "the man" has been keeping you down and owes you a check, huh, bitch? :cuckoo:

How come you ain't up there with Bill Gates right now? Systemic racism, or you're a dumbass wanting something for nothing, hmm?

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