Replace Biden Before It's Too Late


Sep 23, 2010
“The president’s continued adherence to [SDI] constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.”
— Senator Joseph Biden on Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, designed to protect against nuclear attacks from nuclear armed enemies like North Korea

“Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said the U.S. will add 14 interceptors to the 30 in its missile defense system by fiscal 2017, sending a signal to North Korea after the totalitarian regime threatened nuclear strikes.”
— Bloomberg Business Week on the Obama-Biden Administration decision to belatedly deploy an underdeveloped SDI against a potential North Korean attack

Here’s the dilemma. Does Biden still oppose a MDS (Missile Defense Shield)? Even if he now says he was wrong he will never admit he was betraying this country for decades.

If Biden still opposes a MDS did his sock puppet break away from his handler? I have no solution to the dilemma except to say neither Biden nor Hagel should be trusted with America’s defense. Hagel is just a dumbbell who sees the threat at long last. That does not make him less dumb. While every action Biden took against this country was always deliberate with malice aforethought.

In addition to Biden that other Senate gem, John Kerry, opposed a MDS; especially the one in Alaska. Hussein’s actions show that he, too, is against a MDS:

… Part of the move announced by Hagel would involve reopening a missile field at Fort Greely, Alaska.

In 2011, the Pentagon mothballed Missile Field 1, acting on direction from the Obama administration. Instead of permanently decommissioning it, the Defense Missile Agency placed it in a non-operational state.”

The record combined with Hussein’s people shows that it is not unreasonable to assume the lot of them will continue putting their agenda ahead of America’s security.

Biden’s agenda v. SDI

Said Reagan in announcing his idea:

“We are launching an effort which holds the promise of changing the course of human history.”

Indeed. Which is precisely what infuriated Biden and his liberal allies.

What so offended Biden was that Reagan was making a direct challenge to the liberal sacred cow that was nuclear deterrence doctrine – mutual assured destruction. Or MAD as its appropriate acronym had it. In short, the liberal idea – the conventional wisdom of the day – was “if you kill us you will die too.”

MAD was one of the sneakiest policies sneaks like Biden advocated. Actually it was a non-policy because it stated the obvious. Of course, America would retaliate —— at least it would have back then. I’m not so sure about today and Hussein’s Administration.

As time went by, Biden and his kind did their best to diminish this country’s retaliatory capabilities. The New START Treaty was one such move. Consider New START and North Korea: Did New START do anything to protect this country from North Korea? or did it give courage to all of America’s enemies?

Biden has never been right about anything, but his opposition to a missile defense shield is his crowning achievement because it laid the foundation for America’s destruction militarily. He still opposed SDI after the Soviet Union imploded:

As history now records, SDI became a central player in ending the Cold War. It was SDI that brought the Reykjavik Reagan-Gorbachev summit to an abrupt end as Gorbachev sought to effectively end the program. Reagan would have none of it, and walked out rather than be pressured to stop SDI.

None of this impressed Biden, although he was shown to be demonstrably wrong. Thus his opposition to the program continued through the years.

By the time George W. Bush arrived in the White House to keep SDI moving, Biden was still doing his best to thwart the program.


The then-Senator immediately raised the Bush administration’s specific insistence that at some point in the future North Korea could have a nuclear missile and threaten to use it against America.

Biden ridiculed the very notion of this possibility. He was nothing if not an avid believer in the sanctity of the arms control priesthood. To push forward SDI was an attack on arms control, said Biden and he would have none of it.

Scorned the future vice president:

The threat has variously been described as a crude missile threat by a rogue state…. The threat has variously been described as a crude missile threat from North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, the risk of an accidental launch of a sophisticated Russian ICBM, or of the danger posed by missiles which might menace U.S. forces deployed on the Korean Peninsula, or some other hot spot around the world….. It seems to me that answering the “why” question on missile defense requires a discussion not only of the threats, but how real they are, how damaging to U.S. interests they are, how immediate they are, and also the alternatives available to meet those threats.…

Have we seriously explored a diplomatic solution to North Korea’s development of and

export of long-range missiles? For if there were no immediate possibility of North Korea having the capacity to launch a long-range missile to strike the United States, there would be no need to initiate a test program that in the minds of some experts is of questionable utility and costs billions of dollars…

Got that?

North Korea should be dealt with by “a diplomatic solution”because the very idea of North Korea attacking the U.S. with a nuclear missile wasn’t “real.”

So it came as no surprise that in 2012 as Vice President Biden, the eternal Senate critic of SDI was presiding with President Obama over requested SDI budget cuts to the tune of $810 million in 2013 with projected cuts of $3.6 billion over the next five years.

Then… then… with all the predictability of the sun rising in the East, the North Korean threat Biden insisted wasn’t there suddenly appears.

Impeaching Biden to eliminate the possibility of him becoming president is out of the question. Nevertheless, Democrats can force him to resign. Except for Hillary Clinton —— no matter who Democrats pick to replace Biden that choice cannot be as dangerous as is leaving Biden one heartbeat away from the presidency.

In addition to dumping Biden —— John Kerry should step down of his own accord since he did as much to put America in harm’s way as did Biden.

Here’s the link to the lengthy article that should be read by every American who does not understand the danger of Biden becoming president:

Joe Biden’s War
By Jeffrey Lord on 3.21.13 @ 6:09AM
The Vice President’s long opposition to missile defense meets the reality of North Korea.

The American Spectator : Joe Biden?s War
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Biden is a CFR Tri-Lateral Commission member who was put on the ticket as insurance against Obama going rogue just as Bush I was with Reagan.

He's not going anywhere.
I love that Mentally Ill Biden is the VP

I still think Obama might orchestrate an "assassination" of Biden and blame the Tea Party, that's the only reason to keep an obviously malfunctioning Biden as VP
I love that Mentally Ill Biden is the VP

I still think Obama might orchestrate an "assassination" of Biden and blame the Tea Party, that's the only reason to keep an obviously malfunctioning Biden as VP

To CrusaderFrank: Now he really has to go!

Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50
10:50 AM, Mar 22, 2013 • By JERYL BIER

Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50 | The Weekly Standard

And this in London:

Biden's $459,388.65 Hotel Bill
'Approximately 136 hotel rooms for 893 room nights.'
9:46 AM, Mar 22, 2013 • By JERYL BIER
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he's already hit his stride

If it was left up to me Biden would hitchhiking:

The distance between Washington and Wilmington is only about a hundred miles, but it’s safe to assume that between flying time and the time spent on the takeoff and landing, the total flight takes at least 45 minutes. That would amount to a roundtrip cost to taxpayers of about $13,200.

This price still is conservative, though, because it doesn’t include the cost of transporting Biden to and from the plane, both in Washington and Delaware.

Biden, who rode Amtrak trains back and forth to Wilmington on weekends for years as a senator, said he was forced by the Secret Service to use air transport instead of the train when he became vice president. But it’s not at all clear why, given that he no longer represents Delaware, he must return there so frequently.

Biden has family in Delaware and reportedly also likes to golf at an exclusive club there. But in an era of soaring debt, he had been making a choice to spend thousands of taxpayers dollars to accomodate a personal predilection.

As VP, Biden Has Been Flying To Delaware on the Weekends
by Keith Koffler on March 23, 2013, 11:38 am

As VP, Biden Has Been Flying To Delaware on the Weekends | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

North Korea is capable of hitting the United States with a long-range nuclear missile, the commander of the U.S. Northern Command said last week.

Admiral: North Korea Can Hit U.S. With Long-Range Nuclear Missile
Pyongyang shows off new variant of mobile ICBM
BY: Bill Gertz
October 12, 2015 5:00 am

Admiral: North Korea Can Hit U.S. With Long-Range Nuclear Missile

Blame this guy for North Korea’s ICBMs:

When the missiles get here blame these two guy who are never right about anything:


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

North Korea heats up and Obama scrambles to put the missile defense system in place, that would be in place, except Obama canceled the program. The canceled program that Obama just restarted maybe ready in 2017.​

Biden in 2001: ‘I Worry That a Narrow-Minded Pursuit of Missile Defense’ Could Damage ‘Negotiations with North Korea’

Kerry in ‘86: Missile Defense System is a ‘Cancer on Our Nation’s Defense’

April 4, 2013 By Patrick Burke

( –– While the United States now is utilizing its missile defense systems in the wake of saber-rattling by North Korea, back on July 24, 2001, then Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) chaired a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in which he said in a prepared statement, “I worry that a narrow-minded pursuit of missile defense” would “derail” U.S. negotiations with the Communist-run North Korea.


Biden went on to ask whether the Bush plan for a missile defense system would make the United States “more, or less, secure.”

Biden and Kerry were both against missile defense – now they need it
Posted on April 8, 2013

Biden and Kerry were both against missile defense - now they need it

Note: Just as offensive weapons evolve so do defensive weapons. John Kerry saying that a missile defense shield must work perfectly the first time is the height of stupidity. If a missile defense shield can stop 45 out of 50 missiles it’s a success. Following Kerry’s logic to its conclusion the RAF was a failure because it did not stop every V2 rocket from hitting London. Kerry’s views always make me think that he is really trying to stop research and development.

Incidentally, while an imperfect MDS is stopping ICBMs our military would be retaliating against the attacker. Of course, America would be up Shit’s creek if that enemy knocked out our missiles with a perfect missile defense system. That might be a moot point because the next nuclear disarmament treaty will strip America bare if UN-loving Democrats have their way.

NOTE: Here is a working link to Jeffrey Lord’s article quoted in #1 permalink.


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