Replacement SCOTUS Justice no males and no whites need apply

Oh I have no faith in Mitch. He won’t do the right thing.

Wellllll . . . .

He has done a few great things. Let's be fair. Trumps last nomination was so late in the game tat everybody and I mean EVERYBODY said it could never happen, no way, no how, but Mitch made happen fast. That was pretty impressive.
There's a panel of legal scholars who have to rule on whether or not the person is qualified.

If the panel says they're qualified, they're qualified.

They don't have to have to be the same political persuasion you are.
One requires no qualifications to be a member of the SC, which is how GW Bush nominated his secretary.

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.

So Biden's going to screw Merrick Garland again? LOL!
How many black Republicans are in the House and Senate?

How many black Democrats are in the House and Senate?

How many black Republican nominees for president have there been?

Not a matter of skin color, but of qualifications.

The lack of diversity has nothing to do with bias but reflects the lower literacy and education rates among African Americans. Their lack of qualifications reflects their lack of a cogent education.

You want to address that lack of diversity? Start with our education system. Teach them constitutional law and precedent. Make them literate.

They don't need to languish in ignorance.
Of course, today the trumplets are showing us they automatically believe no woman or POC can possibly be qualified.................even before any names are brought forward.
I haven’t seen or heard anybody except you say any such thing.

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.
Michael Obama? Pray that no SCOTUS justice goes down between now and Nov.
Not a matter of skin color, but of qualifications.

The lack of diversity has nothing to do with bias but reflects the lower literacy and education rates among African Americans. Their lack of qualifications reflects their lack of a cogent education.

You want to address that lack of diversity? Start with our education system. Teach them constitutional law and precedent. Make them literate.

They don't need to languish in ignorance.
You mean to tell me the Republicans can't find a negro in their party who is smarter than Marjorie Taylor Greene? :auiqs.jpg:
There's a panel of legal scholars who have to rule on whether or not the person is qualified.

If the panel says they're qualified, they're qualified.

They don't have to have to be the same political persuasion you are.
If some panel says a potential nominee is qualified, that leaves the issue wide open.

But when you’re only allowed to consider black and female potential nominees, you’re already starting off from a position of racism and sexism.

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