Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Since the Russians never 'hacked the election' and that was the basis on which the Trump investigation began and for Obama to begin collecting personal information on Trump and his team, the investigation itself was bogus.

There has been no evidence to support Trump ever colluded with Russians, no evidence Flynn broke the law, no evidence Sessions broke the law - all of it has been bullshit false accusations. It was enough, however, for Obama to begin his own 'Watergate' on Trump and his team in the middle of an election..

Never start an argument with a lie. 16 intelligence agencies already reported to Trump how the russians hacked the election. The NSA has transcripts of Trump associates talking with the russians.
ROFL! It's already been made public, so how is it "private?" Leaking the information is a criminal offense. A lot more than just an "apology" is required. Putting a wire tap on the opposition candidate is a serious offense. It requires a lot more justification than just some suspicions from some butthurt snowflakes.

Wiretaping the opposition is a serious offense. Good thing nobody wiretaped any of Trumps phones, or anything in Trump Tower.
If, IF a FISA warrant was issued, it was done so legally with the appropriate probable cause that is required. Why would that be grim for Obama? It seems more like it would not bode well for Trump or his people.
and what would be the probable cause? have you seen any yet?

It's required to obtain a FISA warrant, fool.

You didn't answer the question. What would be the probable cause?
Who knows? That's private, so that the investigators can continue to do surveillance on their suspects, and if nothing comes of it, then the people under surveillance are unaware and all of their neighbors and the Public don't know so that the innocent are not unfairly judged by them.

And if the public does find out due to justice dept leaks, and nothing is found, then the justice department owes a public apology to the person....imo.

ROFL! It's already been made public, so how is it "private?" Leaking the information is a criminal offense. A lot more than just an "apology" is required. Putting a wire tap on the opposition candidate is a serious offense. It requires a lot more justification than just some suspicions from some butthurt snowflakes.
Subpoena's are coming!!!!! Trump and his crooks won't like this. DRIP......DRIP......DRIP!
#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.
and what would be the probable cause? have you seen any yet?

It's required to obtain a FISA warrant, fool.

You didn't answer the question. What would be the probable cause?
Who knows? That's private, so that the investigators can continue to do surveillance on their suspects, and if nothing comes of it, then the people under surveillance are unaware and all of their neighbors and the Public don't know so that the innocent are not unfairly judged by them.

And if the public does find out due to justice dept leaks, and nothing is found, then the justice department owes a public apology to the person....imo.

ROFL! It's already been made public, so how is it "private?" Leaking the information is a criminal offense. A lot more than just an "apology" is required. Putting a wire tap on the opposition candidate is a serious offense. It requires a lot more justification than just some suspicions from some butthurt snowflakes.
Subpoena's are coming!!!!! Trump and his crooks won't like this. DRIP......DRIP......DRIP!

Yeah, we keep hearing that. Subpoena's for what?
#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.
We don't know at this point. Why don't you wait until the details are made public before you rush in to hang Trump?
Since the Russians never 'hacked the election' and that was the basis on which the Trump investigation began and for Obama to begin collecting personal information on Trump and his team, the investigation itself was bogus.

There has been no evidence to support Trump ever colluded with Russians, no evidence Flynn broke the law, no evidence Sessions broke the law - all of it has been bullshit false accusations. It was enough, however, for Obama to begin his own 'Watergate' on Trump and his team in the middle of an election..

Never start an argument with a lie. 16 intelligence agencies already reported to Trump how the russians hacked the election. The NSA has transcripts of Trump associates talking with the russians.
You mean James Clapper, a notorious liar, reported that he suspects the Russians hacked the election. We haven't seen an evidence as to the method or if it even happened.
#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.

What you need to worry about is if there was a warrant, because if there was it's very serious.

"The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.

No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

What we do know for a fact is that Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and of course anyone they're talking too, is going to by default--be wiretapped and a recording of that conversation will take place.

This is how Flynn got busted. They knew exactly what he said, and he lied to the FBI regarding this particular contact.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.
We don't know at this point. Why don't you wait until the details are made public before you rush in to hang Trump?
Oh everyone KNOWS except YOU and your ilk.
#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.
We don't know at this point. Why don't you wait until the details are made public before you rush in to hang Trump?

Give me a break. The Russian ambassador took off to Cleveland during the RNC convention to meet with Trump surrogates, and it wasn't to trade cookie recipes. There is NO RATIONAL EXPLANATION for all this contact going on between Trump surrogates and Russian diplomats & Russian intelligence agents, in the middle of the campaign season, during a time when he wasn't even close to winning the election. They don't vote and they can't make campaign donations.

So then the Russian ambassador and Gordon meet in Cleveland to have this written into the RNC platform.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

So Trump and the Russian ambassador were writing their FOREIGN POLICY at the RNC convention.

This is what I call you scratch my back I'll scratch yours.

You mean James Clapper, a notorious liar, reported that he suspects the Russians hacked the election. We haven't seen an evidence as to the method or if it even happened.

And you won't see the evidence for 30 years, the time it takes for top secret information to be automatically declassified. Until then you'll have to take the interpretations of those with the top secret clearance to view the intelligence to explain it to you.
#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.
We don't know at this point. Why don't you wait until the details are made public before you rush in to hang Trump?
Oh everyone KNOWS except YOU and your ilk.
Whenever anyone says "everyone knows," it means only they "know," which means they don't know shit.
You mean James Clapper, a notorious liar, reported that he suspects the Russians hacked the election. We haven't seen an evidence as to the method or if it even happened.

And you won't see the evidence for 30 years, the time it takes for top secret information to be automatically declassified. Until then you'll have to take the interpretations of those with the top secret clearance to view the intelligence to explain it to you.
No we don't, moron. BTW, you just admitted, once again, that you have no evidence.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."

Post a link. LOL

It's not Obama who broke the law. The cheetos days are numbered.

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The OP link is not the original story. I can't tell you how many times I have told these tards to GO TO THE SOURCE.

You can read the source here: FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

It turns out very badly for the tard who started this topic. In fact, the tard represents EXACTLY what they are talking about:

“We have people spouting off who don’t know the difference between FISA surveillance and a wiretap or a counterintelligence probe versus a special prosecutor, and it has hurts our ability to get to the truth and has wrongly created the impression that intelligence officials have a political agenda,” said one source directly familiar with the drama.

Many of the leaks have surfaced since former President Barack Obama in his waning days in office had his intelligence leadership brief a wider than normal audience about the sensitive Russia surveillance. Those leaks have created a false narrative that the FBI has been predominantly focused on Trump ties to Russia, officials said.

In fact, any FBI activity involving the president’s associates or advisers was mostly ancillary to a wider counterintelligence probe into Russian efforts to influence the election or curry favor with U.S. figures, the sources said.

So, you see, the story that Russia interfered in our election is valid. The claim by Trump that Obama tapped his phone is utter bullshit.

Everybody clear now?

Thanks for the link to facts.

The tip off that the op is fiction (besides the poster) was seeing the name Hannity.

And of course, knowing our ex-prez.

Wishful thinking on the RWNJs part.

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Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."

Unfortunately , the government conducts WARRANTLESS wiretaps and surveillance. In those cases there is NO PAPER TRAIL , NO application for a warrant , no record ofa court order.

Bad news for DJT.

NSA Spying on Americans

"Secret government documents, published by the media in 2013, confirm the NSA obtains full copies of everything that is carried along major domestic fiber optic cable networks. In June 2013, the media, led by the Guardian and Washington Post started publishing a series of articles, along with full government documents, that have confirmed much of what was reported in 2005 and 2006 and then some. The reports showed-and the government later admitted—that the government is mass collecting phone metadata of all US customers under the guise of the Patriot Act. Moreover, the media reports confirm that the government is collecting and analyzing the content of communications of foreigners talking to persons inside the United States, as well as collecting much more, without a probable cause warrant. Finally, the media reports confirm the “upstream” collection off of the fiberoptic cables that Mr. Klein first revealed in 2006."

#1) You don't know that it was legal.

#2) Even a legal warrant can be obtained for nefarious purposes. .

Are you arguing the warrant was legal or illegal? If you're arguing nefarious intent, you're concluding the warrant was legal.
We don't know at this point. Why don't you wait until the details are made public before you rush in to hang Trump?
Oh everyone KNOWS except YOU and your ilk.
Whenever anyone says "everyone knows," it means only they "know," which means they don't know shit.

The cheeto says that a lot.

Somebody told him ...
Everybody knows ...

Then he follows it either classic used car salesman'a line "Believe me".

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Since the Russians never 'hacked the election' and that was the basis on which the Trump investigation began and for Obama to begin collecting personal information on Trump and his team, the investigation itself was bogus.

There has been no evidence to support Trump ever colluded with Russians, no evidence Flynn broke the law, no evidence Sessions broke the law - all of it has been bullshit false accusations. It was enough, however, for Obama to begin his own 'Watergate' on Trump and his team in the middle of an election..

Never start an argument with a lie. 16 intelligence agencies already reported to Trump how the russians hacked the election. The NSA has transcripts of Trump associates talking with the russians.
You mean James Clapper, a notorious liar, reported that he suspects the Russians hacked the election. We haven't seen an evidence as to the method or if it even happened.

Prove Clapper is a notorious liar.

Or is that something "everybody knows"?

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Since the Russians never 'hacked the election' and that was the basis on which the Trump investigation began and for Obama to begin collecting personal information on Trump and his team, the investigation itself was bogus.

There has been no evidence to support Trump ever colluded with Russians, no evidence Flynn broke the law, no evidence Sessions broke the law - all of it has been bullshit false accusations. It was enough, however, for Obama to begin his own 'Watergate' on Trump and his team in the middle of an election..

Never start an argument with a lie. 16 intelligence agencies already reported to Trump how the russians hacked the election. The NSA has transcripts of Trump associates talking with the russians.
You mean James Clapper, a notorious liar, reported that he suspects the Russians hacked the election. We haven't seen an evidence as to the method or if it even happened.

Prove Clapper is a notorious liar.

Or is that something "everybody knows"?

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Already posted, already proven. Clapper said no Americans were being spied on...then it was revealed he was spying on millions.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.

Why would he need to do something about a valid investigation?

What makes you think it's "valid," because you hate Trump?

Because a FISA warrant requires probable cause. If a warrant was in fact obtained, that standard would have been met and deemed therefore valid.

I don't know WTF you're talking about.

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