Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack


Magical words legitimize land theft for Zionists.

"Megical words"?!:cuckoo:

I want some of that thing you smoke!


Those magical words that mean nothing to anyone but Zionists!

Certainly, they do not justify land thefts for the rest of Humanity!

for those who do not know----sherri is a BIBLE SCHOLAR so he knows all about
the land called SAMARIA and ---the people called SAMARITANS since
the real Jesus is said to have mentioned them-----sometime-----not ISA ---of
course-----but the real Jesus. ----or one of his friends------unless she was talking
about ISA who had no friends

Magical words legitimize land theft for Zionists.

"Megical words"?!:cuckoo:

I want some of that thing you smoke!


Those magical words that mean nothing to anyone but Zionists!

The Samaritans, like Jews, are still existing. And like Jews, they also have rights.

But that is not your concern, because you care only, ONLY for Palestinians, no matter how extreme they are.

Christians? none of your concern.

Jews? none of your concern.

Samaritans? who even heard of them.

yeah, keep saying you follow Jesus.

Palestinians say he was a MUSLIM, too.

Israel also aided the Syrian refugees.

How so?

Here you go.

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees | JPost | Israel News

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees

Seventy tons of sanitation items, 670 tons of food, 120 tons of basic home items and 20 tons of medication are just a sample of the aid one Israeli NGO has delivered to Syrian refugees amid the current crisis.

The mission of the nonprofit organization, which has been operating since the early 2000s, is to provide lifesaving aid to communities affected by natural disasters or human conflicts, exclusively in countries that lack diplomatic relations with Israel and places where the regime prevents the entry of conventional international humanitarian organizations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the group’s activity, which takes place under the radar in order to protect the lives of team members and local contacts, the organization will remain unnamed in this article.

“Nobody asks permission to kill. We do not ask permission to save lives,” the founder of the organization, who will be referred to as Yael, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“We don’t care about political agendas,” she added. “We don’t work for anybody, just for our conscience.”

The NGO, Yael explained, is made up of some 1,200 Israelis who “love their homeland and have all completed military service.”

The volunteers, who come from a variety of professional backgrounds, contribute to the operations in four fields: medical, post-trauma care, mass feeding and rescue.

“We don’t come to replace the State of Israel,” she said.

“The State of Israel is helping significantly in places where it can.

We want to focus on countries that do not receive the official Israeli help. What we do is assistance from citizen to citizen.”

In light of the situation in Syria, the volunteers have been working in full cooperation with democratic secular Syrian groups that have significant presence on the ground and deliver the organization’s aid to specific places according to an agreed-on distribution map.

“We started operating about three weeks following the start of the crisis, even though back then we didn’t know the extent of the catastrophe yet,” Yael told the Post.

Through its activity, which is titled the “IL 4 Syrians” project, the organization has delivered hundreds of tons of basic food; sanitation items including soap, toothbrushes, women sanitation kits, toilet paper and tissues; vital refugee items such as insulating material, mattresses, blankets, iron sheets to build housing units and water canteens; and 300,000 dry meals, each meant to feed five people for a week.

The NGO also delivers emergency medical aid such as medication, surgical supplies and field surgery tents, designed to provide as sterile as possible an environment to perform operations.

In addition, the Israeli team has provided post-trauma care for children and women, and trained teenage boys to use digital cameras and satellite transmitters to “take shots that the media will want to see,” while teaching them to remain untraceable and out of danger.

“We believe that if the US strike takes place, Assad will use more chemical weapons,” Yael said. “We are currently fund-raising to purchase some 3,000 special protection kits for Syrian medical teams who work in field hospitals and clinics in 14 different towns in Syria.”

While it operates undercover, the organization has encountered many challenges due to the difficult situation on the ground.

“The Muslim Brotherhood there has been distributing aid at mosques, but there are some people who for certain reasons are not permitted to enter a mosque,” Yael explained. “The problem is that the Muslim Brotherhood is fighting anybody who tries to distribute aid in other ways. Some of the members of those Syrian democratic groups that we are in touch with got kidnapped and beat up for that.”

Yael added that according to her sources on the ground, the Assad regime has been cutting supplies of water in regions affected by the use of chemical weapons. Water is essential for people in those areas in order to rinse their bodies from the chemicals, she said.

Since it was founded, the organization has carried out undercover humanitarian activities in dozens of countries including Sudan, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Iraq.

Crisis in Syria - full coverage

“It’s really hard to get funds,” Yael said. “You can’t fundraise without people knowing exactly what you’re doing. It’s a challenge to get funders, Jewish funders, who are interested in Syria, agree to give up credit and remain anonymous, and who are not scared to give us money
Israel also aided the Syrian refugees.

How so?

Here you go.

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees | JPost | Israel News

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees

Seventy tons of sanitation items, 670 tons of food, 120 tons of basic home items and 20 tons of medication are just a sample of the aid one Israeli NGO has delivered to Syrian refugees amid the current crisis.

The mission of the nonprofit organization, which has been operating since the early 2000s, is to provide lifesaving aid to communities affected by natural disasters or human conflicts, exclusively in countries that lack diplomatic relations with Israel and places where the regime prevents the entry of conventional international humanitarian organizations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the group’s activity, which takes place under the radar in order to protect the lives of team members and local contacts, the organization will remain unnamed in this article.

“Nobody asks permission to kill. We do not ask permission to save lives,” the founder of the organization, who will be referred to as Yael, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“We don’t care about political agendas,” she added. “We don’t work for anybody, just for our conscience.”

The NGO, Yael explained, is made up of some 1,200 Israelis who “love their homeland and have all completed military service.”

The volunteers, who come from a variety of professional backgrounds, contribute to the operations in four fields: medical, post-trauma care, mass feeding and rescue.

“We don’t come to replace the State of Israel,” she said.

“The State of Israel is helping significantly in places where it can.

We want to focus on countries that do not receive the official Israeli help. What we do is assistance from citizen to citizen.”

In light of the situation in Syria, the volunteers have been working in full cooperation with democratic secular Syrian groups that have significant presence on the ground and deliver the organization’s aid to specific places according to an agreed-on distribution map.

“We started operating about three weeks following the start of the crisis, even though back then we didn’t know the extent of the catastrophe yet,” Yael told the Post.

Through its activity, which is titled the “IL 4 Syrians” project, the organization has delivered hundreds of tons of basic food; sanitation items including soap, toothbrushes, women sanitation kits, toilet paper and tissues; vital refugee items such as insulating material, mattresses, blankets, iron sheets to build housing units and water canteens; and 300,000 dry meals, each meant to feed five people for a week.

The NGO also delivers emergency medical aid such as medication, surgical supplies and field surgery tents, designed to provide as sterile as possible an environment to perform operations.

In addition, the Israeli team has provided post-trauma care for children and women, and trained teenage boys to use digital cameras and satellite transmitters to “take shots that the media will want to see,” while teaching them to remain untraceable and out of danger.

“We believe that if the US strike takes place, Assad will use more chemical weapons,” Yael said. “We are currently fund-raising to purchase some 3,000 special protection kits for Syrian medical teams who work in field hospitals and clinics in 14 different towns in Syria.”

While it operates undercover, the organization has encountered many challenges due to the difficult situation on the ground.

“The Muslim Brotherhood there has been distributing aid at mosques, but there are some people who for certain reasons are not permitted to enter a mosque,” Yael explained. “The problem is that the Muslim Brotherhood is fighting anybody who tries to distribute aid in other ways. Some of the members of those Syrian democratic groups that we are in touch with got kidnapped and beat up for that.”

Yael added that according to her sources on the ground, the Assad regime has been cutting supplies of water in regions affected by the use of chemical weapons. Water is essential for people in those areas in order to rinse their bodies from the chemicals, she said.

Since it was founded, the organization has carried out undercover humanitarian activities in dozens of countries including Sudan, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Iraq.

Crisis in Syria - full coverage

“It’s really hard to get funds,” Yael said. “You can’t fundraise without people knowing exactly what you’re doing. It’s a challenge to get funders, Jewish funders, who are interested in Syria, agree to give up credit and remain anonymous, and who are not scared to give us money

First off, this is not "Israel". Second, you believed all that bullshit? I have never smelled a bigger scam non profit operation. "Ohhh, we can only operate in CASH! Ohh, we are so secret we can't tell you our names!"

What a joke.

Seriously, did you post that to get a laugh?
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Who do you think you are fooling, you are calling them Nazis because you are a rabid Jew Hater (as seen by your previous account) and a rabid pro - Palestinian.
Nice try though trying to justify yourself ;)

I don't hate Jews.

You're confusing criticism of Israel with hating Jews.

Its a common Hasbara tactic.

Yes. "Disparage/Defame" is #3 in the "Five Stages of Zionist Hasbara".

And you're there yourself right now.

Here you go.

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees | JPost | Israel News

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees

Seventy tons of sanitation items, 670 tons of food, 120 tons of basic home items and 20 tons of medication are just a sample of the aid one Israeli NGO has delivered to Syrian refugees amid the current crisis.

The mission of the nonprofit organization, which has been operating since the early 2000s, is to provide lifesaving aid to communities affected by natural disasters or human conflicts, exclusively in countries that lack diplomatic relations with Israel and places where the regime prevents the entry of conventional international humanitarian organizations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the group’s activity, which takes place under the radar in order to protect the lives of team members and local contacts, the organization will remain unnamed in this article.

“Nobody asks permission to kill. We do not ask permission to save lives,” the founder of the organization, who will be referred to as Yael, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“We don’t care about political agendas,” she added. “We don’t work for anybody, just for our conscience.”

The NGO, Yael explained, is made up of some 1,200 Israelis who “love their homeland and have all completed military service.”

The volunteers, who come from a variety of professional backgrounds, contribute to the operations in four fields: medical, post-trauma care, mass feeding and rescue.

“We don’t come to replace the State of Israel,” she said.

“The State of Israel is helping significantly in places where it can.

We want to focus on countries that do not receive the official Israeli help. What we do is assistance from citizen to citizen.”

In light of the situation in Syria, the volunteers have been working in full cooperation with democratic secular Syrian groups that have significant presence on the ground and deliver the organization’s aid to specific places according to an agreed-on distribution map.

“We started operating about three weeks following the start of the crisis, even though back then we didn’t know the extent of the catastrophe yet,” Yael told the Post.

Through its activity, which is titled the “IL 4 Syrians” project, the organization has delivered hundreds of tons of basic food; sanitation items including soap, toothbrushes, women sanitation kits, toilet paper and tissues; vital refugee items such as insulating material, mattresses, blankets, iron sheets to build housing units and water canteens; and 300,000 dry meals, each meant to feed five people for a week.

The NGO also delivers emergency medical aid such as medication, surgical supplies and field surgery tents, designed to provide as sterile as possible an environment to perform operations.

In addition, the Israeli team has provided post-trauma care for children and women, and trained teenage boys to use digital cameras and satellite transmitters to “take shots that the media will want to see,” while teaching them to remain untraceable and out of danger.

“We believe that if the US strike takes place, Assad will use more chemical weapons,” Yael said. “We are currently fund-raising to purchase some 3,000 special protection kits for Syrian medical teams who work in field hospitals and clinics in 14 different towns in Syria.”

While it operates undercover, the organization has encountered many challenges due to the difficult situation on the ground.

“The Muslim Brotherhood there has been distributing aid at mosques, but there are some people who for certain reasons are not permitted to enter a mosque,” Yael explained. “The problem is that the Muslim Brotherhood is fighting anybody who tries to distribute aid in other ways. Some of the members of those Syrian democratic groups that we are in touch with got kidnapped and beat up for that.”

Yael added that according to her sources on the ground, the Assad regime has been cutting supplies of water in regions affected by the use of chemical weapons. Water is essential for people in those areas in order to rinse their bodies from the chemicals, she said.

Since it was founded, the organization has carried out undercover humanitarian activities in dozens of countries including Sudan, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Iraq.

Crisis in Syria - full coverage

“It’s really hard to get funds,” Yael said. “You can’t fundraise without people knowing exactly what you’re doing. It’s a challenge to get funders, Jewish funders, who are interested in Syria, agree to give up credit and remain anonymous, and who are not scared to give us money

First off, this is not "Israel". Second, you believed all that bullshit? I have never smelled a bigger scam non profit operation. "Ohhh, we can only operate in CASH! Ohh, we are so secret we can't tell you our names!"

What a joke.

Seriously, did you post that to get a laugh?
You smelling your own armpits, Alfalfa? Do tell us, Alfalfa, have you even given anything to help the refugees from Syria or to help the people in Pakistan affected by the recent earthquake? Or are you too busy being a two-bit anti-Semite?

Israeli doctors save Syrian lives | ISRAEL21c

Miraculous healing: Syrian girl shocks Israeli doctors - Israel Today | Israel News

Here you go.

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees | JPost | Israel News

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees

Seventy tons of sanitation items, 670 tons of food, 120 tons of basic home items and 20 tons of medication are just a sample of the aid one Israeli NGO has delivered to Syrian refugees amid the current crisis.

The mission of the nonprofit organization, which has been operating since the early 2000s, is to provide lifesaving aid to communities affected by natural disasters or human conflicts, exclusively in countries that lack diplomatic relations with Israel and places where the regime prevents the entry of conventional international humanitarian organizations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the group’s activity, which takes place under the radar in order to protect the lives of team members and local contacts, the organization will remain unnamed in this article.

“Nobody asks permission to kill. We do not ask permission to save lives,” the founder of the organization, who will be referred to as Yael, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“We don’t care about political agendas,” she added. “We don’t work for anybody, just for our conscience.”

The NGO, Yael explained, is made up of some 1,200 Israelis who “love their homeland and have all completed military service.”

The volunteers, who come from a variety of professional backgrounds, contribute to the operations in four fields: medical, post-trauma care, mass feeding and rescue.

“We don’t come to replace the State of Israel,” she said.

“The State of Israel is helping significantly in places where it can.

We want to focus on countries that do not receive the official Israeli help. What we do is assistance from citizen to citizen.”

In light of the situation in Syria, the volunteers have been working in full cooperation with democratic secular Syrian groups that have significant presence on the ground and deliver the organization’s aid to specific places according to an agreed-on distribution map.

“We started operating about three weeks following the start of the crisis, even though back then we didn’t know the extent of the catastrophe yet,” Yael told the Post.

Through its activity, which is titled the “IL 4 Syrians” project, the organization has delivered hundreds of tons of basic food; sanitation items including soap, toothbrushes, women sanitation kits, toilet paper and tissues; vital refugee items such as insulating material, mattresses, blankets, iron sheets to build housing units and water canteens; and 300,000 dry meals, each meant to feed five people for a week.

The NGO also delivers emergency medical aid such as medication, surgical supplies and field surgery tents, designed to provide as sterile as possible an environment to perform operations.

In addition, the Israeli team has provided post-trauma care for children and women, and trained teenage boys to use digital cameras and satellite transmitters to “take shots that the media will want to see,” while teaching them to remain untraceable and out of danger.

“We believe that if the US strike takes place, Assad will use more chemical weapons,” Yael said. “We are currently fund-raising to purchase some 3,000 special protection kits for Syrian medical teams who work in field hospitals and clinics in 14 different towns in Syria.”

While it operates undercover, the organization has encountered many challenges due to the difficult situation on the ground.

“The Muslim Brotherhood there has been distributing aid at mosques, but there are some people who for certain reasons are not permitted to enter a mosque,” Yael explained. “The problem is that the Muslim Brotherhood is fighting anybody who tries to distribute aid in other ways. Some of the members of those Syrian democratic groups that we are in touch with got kidnapped and beat up for that.”

Yael added that according to her sources on the ground, the Assad regime has been cutting supplies of water in regions affected by the use of chemical weapons. Water is essential for people in those areas in order to rinse their bodies from the chemicals, she said.

Since it was founded, the organization has carried out undercover humanitarian activities in dozens of countries including Sudan, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Iraq.

Crisis in Syria - full coverage

“It’s really hard to get funds,” Yael said. “You can’t fundraise without people knowing exactly what you’re doing. It’s a challenge to get funders, Jewish funders, who are interested in Syria, agree to give up credit and remain anonymous, and who are not scared to give us money

First off, this is not "Israel". Second, you believed all that bullshit? I have never smelled a bigger scam non profit operation. "Ohhh, we can only operate in CASH! Ohh, we are so secret we can't tell you our names!"

What a joke.

Seriously, did you post that to get a laugh?


It doesn't matter how much good Israel does to the crazies.

It doesn't matter to the loonies if Israel helps refugees or save the lives of arabs that no one else will help.

It's all got to be part of some nefarious zionist/jewish plot.

Crazy people out there. :cuckoo::eusa_hand:
"The report also said Israel, which has close security ties with Kenya, had warned of plans to attack Israeli property in September..."

Yes, Israel warned them because jewish interests were at risk...heheh. Anyone think if no jewish/israeli intersts were at stake if they would have said a damn thing?

I am fascinated -----what jewish interests were at risk? I have known some people
from Kenya------several hindus, a few christians and two muslims----but no jews.
I am intrigued ------did some jew own that Mall?

Yes. The same owners have a mall in Bethlehem under the same name.

Notice the media is not addressing the jewish/Israeli connection. I wonder why?

what jewish/Israeli connection? The fact that islamo nazi pigs like to kill both jews and
kenyans? That fact is nothing new------I have been acquainted with HINDU KENYANS
over the past more than 40 years-----and with christian kenyans ----only more
recently-----but the fact of islamo nazi actions against them is not new------it takes
the form of raping and beheading little girls------a kind of SIGNATURE of the cult----
Should anyone wonder why?
Here you go.

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees | JPost | Israel News

Israeli organization delivers hundreds of tons of food, medicine to Syrian refugees

Seventy tons of sanitation items, 670 tons of food, 120 tons of basic home items and 20 tons of medication are just a sample of the aid one Israeli NGO has delivered to Syrian refugees amid the current crisis.

The mission of the nonprofit organization, which has been operating since the early 2000s, is to provide lifesaving aid to communities affected by natural disasters or human conflicts, exclusively in countries that lack diplomatic relations with Israel and places where the regime prevents the entry of conventional international humanitarian organizations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the group’s activity, which takes place under the radar in order to protect the lives of team members and local contacts, the organization will remain unnamed in this article.

“Nobody asks permission to kill. We do not ask permission to save lives,” the founder of the organization, who will be referred to as Yael, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“We don’t care about political agendas,” she added. “We don’t work for anybody, just for our conscience.”

The NGO, Yael explained, is made up of some 1,200 Israelis who “love their homeland and have all completed military service.”

The volunteers, who come from a variety of professional backgrounds, contribute to the operations in four fields: medical, post-trauma care, mass feeding and rescue.

“We don’t come to replace the State of Israel,” she said.

“The State of Israel is helping significantly in places where it can.

We want to focus on countries that do not receive the official Israeli help. What we do is assistance from citizen to citizen.”

In light of the situation in Syria, the volunteers have been working in full cooperation with democratic secular Syrian groups that have significant presence on the ground and deliver the organization’s aid to specific places according to an agreed-on distribution map.

“We started operating about three weeks following the start of the crisis, even though back then we didn’t know the extent of the catastrophe yet,” Yael told the Post.

Through its activity, which is titled the “IL 4 Syrians” project, the organization has delivered hundreds of tons of basic food; sanitation items including soap, toothbrushes, women sanitation kits, toilet paper and tissues; vital refugee items such as insulating material, mattresses, blankets, iron sheets to build housing units and water canteens; and 300,000 dry meals, each meant to feed five people for a week.

The NGO also delivers emergency medical aid such as medication, surgical supplies and field surgery tents, designed to provide as sterile as possible an environment to perform operations.

In addition, the Israeli team has provided post-trauma care for children and women, and trained teenage boys to use digital cameras and satellite transmitters to “take shots that the media will want to see,” while teaching them to remain untraceable and out of danger.

“We believe that if the US strike takes place, Assad will use more chemical weapons,” Yael said. “We are currently fund-raising to purchase some 3,000 special protection kits for Syrian medical teams who work in field hospitals and clinics in 14 different towns in Syria.”

While it operates undercover, the organization has encountered many challenges due to the difficult situation on the ground.

“The Muslim Brotherhood there has been distributing aid at mosques, but there are some people who for certain reasons are not permitted to enter a mosque,” Yael explained. “The problem is that the Muslim Brotherhood is fighting anybody who tries to distribute aid in other ways. Some of the members of those Syrian democratic groups that we are in touch with got kidnapped and beat up for that.”

Yael added that according to her sources on the ground, the Assad regime has been cutting supplies of water in regions affected by the use of chemical weapons. Water is essential for people in those areas in order to rinse their bodies from the chemicals, she said.

Since it was founded, the organization has carried out undercover humanitarian activities in dozens of countries including Sudan, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Iraq.

Crisis in Syria - full coverage

“It’s really hard to get funds,” Yael said. “You can’t fundraise without people knowing exactly what you’re doing. It’s a challenge to get funders, Jewish funders, who are interested in Syria, agree to give up credit and remain anonymous, and who are not scared to give us money

First off, this is not "Israel". Second, you believed all that bullshit? I have never smelled a bigger scam non profit operation. "Ohhh, we can only operate in CASH! Ohh, we are so secret we can't tell you our names!"

What a joke.

Seriously, did you post that to get a laugh?


It doesn't matter how much good Israel does to the crazies.

It doesn't matter to the loonies if Israel helps refugees or save the lives of arabs that no one else will help.

It's all got to be part of some nefarious zionist/jewish plot.

Crazy people out there. :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

Show us where "israel" is doing any of this? In fact, the meme presented goes to great lengths to mention they are operating outside of Israeli law because israel won't allow them, as israeli citizens, to even enter these countries...heheh.

So tell us again how "israel' is helping these refugees.

I'm laughing my ass off at not only the brazen fraud attempt of this org but the fact that zionists and israel apologists are trying to spin it as an effort by the state of israel.

Go ahead and donate...heheh. I got a couple of television preachers that need some money too.
Kenya's government had been warned, including by Israel, of the high risk of an attack before the assault on a Nairobi mall by Islamist gunmen that killed at least 67 people, newspapers reported Saturday.

Cabinet ministers and Kenya's army chief had received information warning of a plan to carry out a major attack, the Daily Nation said, quoting a leaked intelligence report.

Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack - Israel News, Ynetnews



Next you will be telling us that the israeli owner of the Mall took out Insurance against terrorist attacks three weeks ago, on advice from his friend Larry "Pull it" Silverstein

Oh wait,
Westgate Shopping Mall in Kenya was built by the same people associated with the World Trade Center
1. The Westgate Shopping Mall was built by Westfield Australia.

2. The Westfield Group was owned by a man named Frank Lowy. The same Frank Lowy, who along with Larry Silverstien, made a fortune in the 9-11 “attacks” Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein’s Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy’s Westfield America secured a 99-year lease on World Trade Center Buildings One, Two, Four and Five. Silverstein already owned Building Seven, aka the Salomon building. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey handed over control of the World Trade Center to Silverstein and Lowy on July 24, 2001.

London based insurer, Lloyd’s market, is set to dig deep into its pocket.. very deep. This is after the events at Westgate mall this past week, where at least 67 people died, and many more injured." The Business Daily is reporting that Sony Holding Limited, a real estate company led by Alex Tachenberg, insured Westgate Shopping Mall through UK’s Lloyd’s market for about Sh6.6 billion.
The insurance deal included a cover against political violence where acts of terrorism fall. - Westgate Shopping Mall in Kenya was built by the same people associated with the World Trade Center
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First off, this is not "Israel". Second, you believed all that bullshit? I have never smelled a bigger scam non profit operation. "Ohhh, we can only operate in CASH! Ohh, we are so secret we can't tell you our names!"

What a joke.

Seriously, did you post that to get a laugh?


It doesn't matter how much good Israel does to the crazies.

It doesn't matter to the loonies if Israel helps refugees or save the lives of arabs that no one else will help.

It's all got to be part of some nefarious zionist/jewish plot.

Crazy people out there. :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

Show us where "israel" is doing any of this? In fact, the meme presented goes to great lengths to mention they are operating outside of Israeli law because israel won't allow them, as israeli citizens, to even enter these countries...heheh.

So tell us again how "israel' is helping these refugees.

I'm laughing my ass off at not only the brazen fraud attempt of this org but the fact that zionists and israel apologists are trying to spin it as an effort by the state of israel.

Go ahead and donate...heheh. I got a couple of television preachers that need some money too.

Another point, I was reading somewhere agencies that help were getting reimbursed from intl organizations. So, this may well be a profit making venture for many people.

Some may not realize it but the Occupation itself is a big money making operation for Israel. They get so much intl money off of it, plus land they steal from Palestinians is free land.

There is a 972 Magazine article that addresses that last point in substantial detail.
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Show us where "israel" is doing any of this? In fact, the meme presented goes to great lengths to mention they are operating outside of Israeli law because israel won't allow them, as israeli citizens, to even enter these countries...heheh.

So tell us again how "israel' is helping these refugees.

I'm laughing my ass off at not only the brazen fraud attempt of this org but the fact that zionists and israel apologists are trying to spin it as an effort by the state of israel.

Go ahead and donate...heheh. I got a couple of television preachers that need some money too.

Another point, I was reading somewhere agencies that help were getting reimbursed from intl organizations. So, this may well be a profit making venture for many people.

Some may not realize it but the Occupation itself is a big money making operation for Israel. They get so much intl money off of it, plus land they steal from Palestinians is free land.

There is a 972 Magazine article that addresses that last point in substantial detail.

The profitable occupation, and why it is never discussed | +972 Magazine

Some things never change----when I was a kid----the isa-respecters were claiming that
programs to FLORIDATE the drinking water supply were part of a

Centuries ago-----isa repecters passed libels remours that jews had a recipe
for turning base metal to gold-------in fact ALCHEMISTS in medieval
woodcuts are depicted as jews

For those who do not know----Israel has a law making it illegal for its citizens
to visit Jordan-----thus any social help program by israeli groups or governmental
agencies in Israel -----have to be OFFICIALLY UNOFFICIAL. ----in fact just as officially
unofficial as when ------Israeli doctors ---employed by the Israel national healthplan----
take a trip to Saudi arabia
First off, this is not "Israel". Second, you believed all that bullshit? I have never smelled a bigger scam non profit operation. "Ohhh, we can only operate in CASH! Ohh, we are so secret we can't tell you our names!"

What a joke.

Seriously, did you post that to get a laugh?


It doesn't matter how much good Israel does to the crazies.

It doesn't matter to the loonies if Israel helps refugees or save the lives of arabs that no one else will help.

It's all got to be part of some nefarious zionist/jewish plot.

Crazy people out there. :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

Show us where "israel" is doing any of this? In fact, the meme presented goes to great lengths to mention they are operating outside of Israeli law because israel won't allow them, as israeli citizens, to even enter these countries...heheh.

So tell us again how "israel' is helping these refugees.

I'm laughing my ass off at not only the brazen fraud attempt of this org but the fact that zionists and israel apologists are trying to spin it as an effort by the state of israel.

Go ahead and donate...heheh. I got a couple of television preachers that need some money too.

What has any arab country done for the Syrian refugees?

Israeli doctors save Syrian lives | ISRAEL21c

Israeli doctors save Syrian lives

‘We treat patients regardless of religion, race, nationality and give the best care we can provide’ – Dr. Oscar Embon, Ziv Medical Center, Safed.

By Viva Sarah Press June 26, 2013,

In critical condition with severe shrapnel injuries to their torso and limbs, bullet wounds from head to toe and open fractures — this is how Syrian patients arrive at Israeli hospitals in the north of the country. And they are all treated like any other patient.

“It’s our duty as a regional hospital, where we are located along the Lebanese border on one side and the Syrian border on the other side,” Dr. Amram Hadary, director of the trauma unit at Ziv Medical Center in Safed (Tsfat), tells ISRAEL21c. “We cannot ignore that the Syrian conflict is happening behind our door. We cannot close our eyes, ears and hearts to what is happening there. It’s a catastrophe.”

World interest was piqued earlier this year when the first seven Syrian civilians crossed the border into Israel to receive medical treatment at Ziv. Although Israel and Syria are officially enemies, since that initial humanitarian gesture in February, different reports cite between 50 to 100 victims of the bloody civil war have been admitted to Israeli hospitals for life-saving surgeries.

“We treat patients regardless of religion, race, nationality, and give the best care we can provide,” Ziv Medical Center director Dr. Oscar Embon tells ISRAEL21c.

Some 30 patients (80 percent of the total) have been treated at Ziv, and the remaining Syrian victims have been cared for by Western Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, Rambam Medical Center and Poriah Hospital near Tiberias.

“For me, they are human beings in need of treatment. I’m not thinking of them as enemies,” says Embon. “I’m glad as a physician that we have the opportunity to exercise humanistic principles. I’m very glad to be able to do what we’re taught to do.”

Saving the enemy

The Israeli medical staff has no idea who the Syrian patients are. They could be civilians caught in cross-fire, part of the military or members of the rebel forces.

Hadary says: “We don’t know who we’re treating, armed or not armed, wearing uniform or not wearing uniform. Because of the critical condition in which many of them arrive, we don’t question who they are. It is irrelevant. They are patients and are treated with the best measures we have in the hospital. Everyone gets the same treatment.”

It doesn't matter how much good Israel does to the crazies.

It doesn't matter to the loonies if Israel helps refugees or save the lives of arabs that no one else will help.

It's all got to be part of some nefarious zionist/jewish plot.

Crazy people out there. :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

Show us where "israel" is doing any of this? In fact, the meme presented goes to great lengths to mention they are operating outside of Israeli law because israel won't allow them, as israeli citizens, to even enter these countries...heheh.

So tell us again how "israel' is helping these refugees.

I'm laughing my ass off at not only the brazen fraud attempt of this org but the fact that zionists and israel apologists are trying to spin it as an effort by the state of israel.

Go ahead and donate...heheh. I got a couple of television preachers that need some money too.

What has any arab country done for the Syrian refugees?

Israeli doctors save Syrian lives | ISRAEL21c

Israeli doctors save Syrian lives

‘We treat patients regardless of religion, race, nationality and give the best care we can provide’ – Dr. Oscar Embon, Ziv Medical Center, Safed.

By Viva Sarah Press June 26, 2013,

In critical condition with severe shrapnel injuries to their torso and limbs, bullet wounds from head to toe and open fractures — this is how Syrian patients arrive at Israeli hospitals in the north of the country. And they are all treated like any other patient.

“It’s our duty as a regional hospital, where we are located along the Lebanese border on one side and the Syrian border on the other side,” Dr. Amram Hadary, director of the trauma unit at Ziv Medical Center in Safed (Tsfat), tells ISRAEL21c. “We cannot ignore that the Syrian conflict is happening behind our door. We cannot close our eyes, ears and hearts to what is happening there. It’s a catastrophe.”

World interest was piqued earlier this year when the first seven Syrian civilians crossed the border into Israel to receive medical treatment at Ziv. Although Israel and Syria are officially enemies, since that initial humanitarian gesture in February, different reports cite between 50 to 100 victims of the bloody civil war have been admitted to Israeli hospitals for life-saving surgeries.

“We treat patients regardless of religion, race, nationality, and give the best care we can provide,” Ziv Medical Center director Dr. Oscar Embon tells ISRAEL21c.

Some 30 patients (80 percent of the total) have been treated at Ziv, and the remaining Syrian victims have been cared for by Western Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, Rambam Medical Center and Poriah Hospital near Tiberias.

“For me, they are human beings in need of treatment. I’m not thinking of them as enemies,” says Embon. “I’m glad as a physician that we have the opportunity to exercise humanistic principles. I’m very glad to be able to do what we’re taught to do.”

Saving the enemy

The Israeli medical staff has no idea who the Syrian patients are. They could be civilians caught in cross-fire, part of the military or members of the rebel forces.

Hadary says: “We don’t know who we’re treating, armed or not armed, wearing uniform or not wearing uniform. Because of the critical condition in which many of them arrive, we don’t question who they are. It is irrelevant. They are patients and are treated with the best measures we have in the hospital. Everyone gets the same treatment.”

Why do you even justify us infront of that hater? waste of time.

Let them babble themselves to death

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