Report:Pittsburgh Shooter Named Nazi Robert Bowers Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews

Bowers may, or may not have been on the radar of law enforcement but Bowers did previously utilize the FAR RIGHT social networking site, Gab.
Gab (social network) - Wikipedia
Gab was suspended by it hosting provider on October 27, 2018, after the synagogue shooting.
PayPal also suspended their account with Gab after the Bower's massacre.

Let's take a look at one of Bowers' Gab postings.
"There is no MAGA as long as there is a **** infestation."
What does that one line tell me?
It tells me that Bowers hates Jewish folks.
But it also tells me that Bowers has an interest in MAGA. What is that interest?
To say that Bowers is anti Trump, as many are claiming, is in my opinion utter bullshit.
Bowers is clearly interested in the concept of MAGA.

Bowers fits the far right, conservative, GOP demographic: angry, white, male, FAR RIGHT leanings & FAR RIGHT associations, AR-15, MASS SHOOTING, etc.

NONE OF THE ABOVE FITS a liberal lean whatsoever.

First thing Trump worries about, the guy didn't like me....actually Trump he does like you, he just don't like all them jews you surround yourself with, his words. The Alt right loves you, but they don't like Ivomits jew husband.
So the guy is quoting Trump but he must be a Democrat? Like that makes a lot of sense.
The first thing these proud white Trump fucks do after mass shootings by the ever present white man, is to associate the killer with a liberal....for some reason, they can't handle the truth, must be a Trump thang
Report: Pittsburgh Shooter Named – is Nazi Robert Bowers – Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews

Police are responding to an active shooting situation at the The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh.

There are reports of MULTIPLE FATALITIES!

A man reportedly walked into the synagogue and opened fire during a Saturday service.

FOX News reported the shooter went to the third floor of the synagogue. Several worshippers were rescued from the lower floors.

RT reported: The shooter was reportedly wearing a green jacket, a blue shirt, and blue jeans. The radio chatter has cited his date of birth as September 4, 1972.

There are reports the shooter is a Nazi named Robert Bowers.

He hates President Trump and believes Trump is controlled by the Jews


Report: Pittsburgh Shooter Named - is Nazi Robert Bowers - Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews

Figure this needs its own thread since it is not being covered anywhere else.
Well, since there are pics of the real Robert Bowers on his social media page wearing a MAGA hat, my guess is THIS is a different Robert Bowers. Not an uncommon name.
Government is ultimately the referee. Think of the nfl. The poor are passing out peanuts in the stands for peanuts. We are players playing with/against the corporations. The corporations now own the teams and the league. And they they tell the politicians or referees how to decide.


Yes. In capitalism some people will make vast sums of money and some will not. It still offers the most freedom to the most people and has lifted vast quantities of the world out of poverty.

Please do not tell me you're an actual Socialist. If you are, and are in MI, you must live in Ann Arbor. Gack
No I’m not a socialist. But I did experience what made America great. You won’t like it. It was unions.

But then bush sr created nafta and that was the beginning of the end for unions. Clinton put worker protections in nafta but bush 2 removed them.

Unions and the new deal created the middle class the world had never seen before. Do you think free market capitalism created the middle class? It didn’t. Labor laws, unemployment insurance, social security, none of these things were created by capitalism but they are what created the middle class that existed till about Reagan.

Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,[/QUOTE]
The GOP and its supporters have no more credibility on any subject, let alone abortion rights, when they have no issues with babies being caged away from their parents, supports a violent racist pussy grabbing president and remain silent throughout all the shit thats been happening around the fuck off with this caring about the unborn, when the people who are here, that ain't red white and vomit colored like them, they don't give a shit about???? Man, fuck that shit
`The root of this hate is trump and his followers. No leader, not even trump, has the full support of his followers. But the hate he festered came from only one source; trump.`
It's more than Trump, although obviously he has the biggest bully pulpit on the planet.

In all seriousness: Set aside some time (think of it as amateur sociological/anthropological research) to listen to talk radio, specifically Rush, Mark Levin, and the de facto POTUS, Sean Hannity, with whom Trump consults daily. More than anyone else, these are the people who have created and nurtured the alternate universe in which so much of the Right exists. And, yeah, they put Trump in office.

Trump is the ultimate enabler. The Presidential Facilitator. As POTUS, he is the manifestation of the alternate universe that talk radio created.

That is where this all started and grew. Trump, more than anything else, is a result of their efforts. The Talk Radio Frankenstein's Monster.
Only a Leftiat would call wanting to live by our Constitution and protecting our sovereignty "living in an alternate universe."

The Founding Fathers were anti-Semitic White Supremicists & terrorists against the British crown.

Yeah Rob Bowers is prob more like them than most Americans.
`The root of this hate is trump and his followers. No leader, not even trump, has the full support of his followers. But the hate he festered came from only one source; trump.`
It's more than Trump, although obviously he has the biggest bully pulpit on the planet.

In all seriousness: Set aside some time (think of it as amateur sociological/anthropological research) to listen to talk radio, specifically Rush, Mark Levin, and the de facto POTUS, Sean Hannity, with whom Trump consults daily. More than anyone else, these are the people who have created and nurtured the alternate universe in which so much of the Right exists. And, yeah, they put Trump in office.

Trump is the ultimate enabler. The Presidential Facilitator. As POTUS, he is the manifestation of the alternate universe that talk radio created.

That is where this all started and grew. Trump, more than anything else, is a result of their efforts. The Talk Radio Frankenstein's Monster.
It’s funny republicans think the media is liberal because it talks about global warming, gun regulations, gays, blm, Islam, women, etc.

They don’t realize the media is corporate controlled and pushes these wedge issues to divide us.

The media is not liberal. Not as liberal as fox is conservative.

Yes, No, Maybe so.

Yes the media is basically Liberal & Corporate owned & a tenet of Capitalism freedoms.

No the media is Liberal.

Maybe Fox is as Conservative that just leaves basically everybody else who's mostly Liberal.
Government is ultimately the referee. Think of the nfl. The poor are passing out peanuts in the stands for peanuts. We are players playing with/against the corporations. The corporations now own the teams and the league. And they they tell the politicians or referees how to decide.


Yes. In capitalism some people will make vast sums of money and some will not. It still offers the most freedom to the most people and has lifted vast quantities of the world out of poverty.

Please do not tell me you're an actual Socialist. If you are, and are in MI, you must live in Ann Arbor. Gack
No I’m not a socialist. But I did experience what made America great. You won’t like it. It was unions.

But then bush sr created nafta and that was the beginning of the end for unions. Clinton put worker protections in nafta but bush 2 removed them.

Unions and the new deal created the middle class the world had never seen before. Do you think free market capitalism created the middle class? It didn’t. Labor laws, unemployment insurance, social security, none of these things were created by capitalism but they are what created the middle class that existed till about Reagan.

Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,[/QUOTE]

That's right. If the NEA were actually taking my money to--imagine this--represent teachers' issues--I would probably be fine with them. But they're a political shill organization. They support the Democrat platform, including abortion, to which I am deeply morally opposed. I am NOT giving my money for that, and neither are thousands of others, and they NEA will not stand down.

So it's simple. They're not getting my money anymore. :)
Report: Pittsburgh Shooter Named – is Nazi Robert Bowers – Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews

Police are responding to an active shooting situation at the The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh.

There are reports of MULTIPLE FATALITIES!

A man reportedly walked into the synagogue and opened fire during a Saturday service.

FOX News reported the shooter went to the third floor of the synagogue. Several worshippers were rescued from the lower floors.

RT reported: The shooter was reportedly wearing a green jacket, a blue shirt, and blue jeans. The radio chatter has cited his date of birth as September 4, 1972.

There are reports the shooter is a Nazi named Robert Bowers.

He hates President Trump and believes Trump is controlled by the Jews


Report: Pittsburgh Shooter Named - is Nazi Robert Bowers - Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews

Figure this needs its own thread since it is not being covered anywhere else.
Why do the Jews always get the blame; they don't even have their own State of Judea in the Middle East.
Yes. In capitalism some people will make vast sums of money and some will not. It still offers the most freedom to the most people and has lifted vast quantities of the world out of poverty.

Please do not tell me you're an actual Socialist. If you are, and are in MI, you must live in Ann Arbor. Gack
No I’m not a socialist. But I did experience what made America great. You won’t like it. It was unions.

But then bush sr created nafta and that was the beginning of the end for unions. Clinton put worker protections in nafta but bush 2 removed them.

Unions and the new deal created the middle class the world had never seen before. Do you think free market capitalism created the middle class? It didn’t. Labor laws, unemployment insurance, social security, none of these things were created by capitalism but they are what created the middle class that existed till about Reagan.

Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,

That's right. If the NEA were actually taking my money to--imagine this--represent teachers' issues--I would probably be fine with them. But they're a political shill organization. They support the Democrat platform, including abortion, to which I am deeply morally opposed. I am NOT giving my money for that, and neither are thousands of others, and they NEA will not stand down.

So it's simple. They're not getting my money anymore. :)[/QUOTE]
Well that just means I'll have to increase my donation
No I’m not a socialist. But I did experience what made America great. You won’t like it. It was unions.

But then bush sr created nafta and that was the beginning of the end for unions. Clinton put worker protections in nafta but bush 2 removed them.

Unions and the new deal created the middle class the world had never seen before. Do you think free market capitalism created the middle class? It didn’t. Labor laws, unemployment insurance, social security, none of these things were created by capitalism but they are what created the middle class that existed till about Reagan.

Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,

That's right. If the NEA were actually taking my money to--imagine this--represent teachers' issues--I would probably be fine with them. But they're a political shill organization. They support the Democrat platform, including abortion, to which I am deeply morally opposed. I am NOT giving my money for that, and neither are thousands of others, and they NEA will not stand down.

So it's simple. They're not getting my money anymore. :)
Well that just means I'll have to increase my donation[/QUOTE]

More dead babies!! More babies' legs and arms pulled apart from their torsos!! More sucking out those dead baby parts!

Yay abortion!

Who says they have to increase their donation to this horror because someone doesn't donate?

Jesus. Come soon.
Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,

That's right. If the NEA were actually taking my money to--imagine this--represent teachers' issues--I would probably be fine with them. But they're a political shill organization. They support the Democrat platform, including abortion, to which I am deeply morally opposed. I am NOT giving my money for that, and neither are thousands of others, and they NEA will not stand down.

So it's simple. They're not getting my money anymore. :)
Well that just means I'll have to increase my donation

More dead babies!! More babies' legs and arms pulled apart from their torsos!! More sucking out those dead baby parts!

Yay abortion!

Who says they have to increase their donation to this horror because someone doesn't donate?

Jesus. Come soon.[/QUOTE]
Just between you and I sue imo most women who are FOR womens right to their own bodies wouldn't get abortions You evidently are trying to force some women to have babies that for one reason or another don't want them
`The root of this hate is trump and his followers. No leader, not even trump, has the full support of his followers. But the hate he festered came from only one source; trump.`
It's more than Trump, although obviously he has the biggest bully pulpit on the planet.

In all seriousness: Set aside some time (think of it as amateur sociological/anthropological research) to listen to talk radio, specifically Rush, Mark Levin, and the de facto POTUS, Sean Hannity, with whom Trump consults daily. More than anyone else, these are the people who have created and nurtured the alternate universe in which so much of the Right exists. And, yeah, they put Trump in office.

Trump is the ultimate enabler. The Presidential Facilitator. As POTUS, he is the manifestation of the alternate universe that talk radio created.

That is where this all started and grew. Trump, more than anything else, is a result of their efforts. The Talk Radio Frankenstein's Monster.
It’s funny republicans think the media is liberal because it talks about global warming, gun regulations, gays, blm, Islam, women, etc.

They don’t realize the media is corporate controlled and pushes these wedge issues to divide us.

The media is not liberal. Not as liberal as fox is conservative.

Yes, No, Maybe so.

Yes the media is basically Liberal & Corporate owned & a tenet of Capitalism freedoms.

No the media is Liberal.

Maybe Fox is as Conservative that just leaves basically everybody else who's mostly Liberal.
I’m a liberal and they are not liberal. Please don’t tell me a media I know doesn’t represent me does
Yes. In capitalism some people will make vast sums of money and some will not. It still offers the most freedom to the most people and has lifted vast quantities of the world out of poverty.

Please do not tell me you're an actual Socialist. If you are, and are in MI, you must live in Ann Arbor. Gack
No I’m not a socialist. But I did experience what made America great. You won’t like it. It was unions.

But then bush sr created nafta and that was the beginning of the end for unions. Clinton put worker protections in nafta but bush 2 removed them.

Unions and the new deal created the middle class the world had never seen before. Do you think free market capitalism created the middle class? It didn’t. Labor laws, unemployment insurance, social security, none of these things were created by capitalism but they are what created the middle class that existed till about Reagan.

Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,

That's right. If the NEA were actually taking my money to--imagine this--represent teachers' issues--I would probably be fine with them. But they're a political shill organization. They support the Democrat platform, including abortion, to which I am deeply morally opposed. I am NOT giving my money for that, and neither are thousands of others, and they NEA will not stand down.

So it's simple. They're not getting my money anymore. :)[/QUOTE]
Hey, I don’t mind the property tax cuts that will come from breaking public unions. Too many of you lost sight of why you are paid as well as you are.

So your position on abortion is costing you money.
Oh listen, no doubt--in the Industrial Revolution there was a time that corporations needed reining in. Long work days, horrible pay, terrible conditions. That is precisely WHY gov't oversight is important. However. The pendulum swings, doesn't it? For a while the balance was just right and, yes, the middle class was born and was thriving. And then the unions got too powerful, too demanding and INSANELY too political, in the case of my profession (teaching). At my husband's old workplace, he was not allowed to empty his small trash can. It was detailed as a "union job". Even if it was full to overflowing.

That's what happened then--the unions became ridiculous, they just did. Some balance was necessary.
Who got all those great pensions for teachers$$??

I have "a pension". It's not a great pension anymore, and new teachers certainly do not have a great pension. My health insurance is no better than my husband's in the private sector.

And my teacher union supports baby killing, which is why I very proudly do not give one red cent to the NEA and no longer belong to my union. Nope, I do not belong. Baby killers, as I said. They would not stop supporting Planned Parenthood, so I just stopped supporting them. And so have thousands upon thousands of other teachers. :)
Typical republican. They got you on one wedge issue.

God, gays, guns, racism.

They got you on abortion. Now I see your agenda.

By the way, if trump, republicans or the Supreme Court believed abortion were murder why isn’t roe v Wade already overturned? They are allowing the murders to continue!,,

That's right. If the NEA were actually taking my money to--imagine this--represent teachers' issues--I would probably be fine with them. But they're a political shill organization. They support the Democrat platform, including abortion, to which I am deeply morally opposed. I am NOT giving my money for that, and neither are thousands of others, and they NEA will not stand down.

So it's simple. They're not getting my money anymore. :)
Well that just means I'll have to increase my donation

More dead babies!! More babies' legs and arms pulled apart from their torsos!! More sucking out those dead baby parts!

Yay abortion!

Who says they have to increase their donation to this horror because someone doesn't donate?

Jesus. Come soon.[/QUOTE]
We are already overpopulated. How many babies are aborted everyday? Thank Jesus for abortion. Life isn’t that precious. You will easily crack open an egg into a frying pan but wouldn’t snap a chickens neck. You know the difference.
More dead babies!! More babies' legs and arms pulled apart from their torsos!! More sucking out those dead baby parts!

Yay abortion!

Who says they have to increase their donation to this horror because someone doesn't donate?

Jesus. Come soon.

Yes, the thought of women controlling their own bodies so horrifies you you want your Magic Zombie on a Stick to come back and kill everyone. Because you love life so much.
I thought I was on the Pittsburgh shooting thread. I see nothing but abortions.
He's not bad, one of the more reasonable ones. But you're right, Leftist talk radio cannot hold a candle in terms of ratings to the Right. In NPR wasn't subsidized no doubt that would go under too
. There is no such thing as a US wide NPR network. Each state has their own public radio network and like Wisconsin, picks up news feeds from NPR to fit their schedule. Much of Wisconsins programing is a mixed bag, from traveling, gardening, music, auto repair, books, call-in shows, etc. Each state's programming is different and a lot of it, made locally.

Members from the far right have this rather insane notion that all public radio stations play liberal news 24/7 which is a laugh. Try asking one of those kooks exactly what public radio program they listened to and why they consider it "liberal" and you'll get excuses but no facts.

I actually think there is a NPR 24/7. No local affiliate carries all 24 hours of course but on Sirius XM, you could listen to NPR's 24 hour broadcast. I'm geeky enough (read nerdy) enough to have an Internet Radio at my residence. There is a 24 hour feed from NPR which is strangely different than the local stations. I think All Things Considered and Morning Edition are embargoed for local affiliates--that is just my observation--because on the 'net and XM..ATC and ME are not broadcast.

As for the right wing's fantasy about what is on the air of're correct. It is pure fantasy.

What always tickles me is that the National Endowment for the Arts is often on the GOP hit list. I get it. In fact, I support eliminating the endowment. How much further in debt do we have to be before we start cutting things like "Nova", "The American Experience" and "Splendid Table"? Whatever purpose was served by PBS/NPR when the NEA started funding has been taken over by The Discovery Channel. And there is plenty of money out there that could and would, I think, replace the really small amount of money the government gives to those programs. Like in any Market economy, what is consumed will be funded more or less and what is not considered valuable will not be. "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" will find footing. "The Splendid Table"? I doubt it. What is hilarious is that the same dolt who swears we can't fund the $140M (what $0.30 a person?)....has no problem funding the Smithsonian museums which are largely located in DC and NY...

List of Smithsonian museums - Wikipedia

Their funding? Almost a Billion dollars.

The Smithsonian Institution was established as a trust instrumentality by act of Congress.[78] More than two-thirds of the Smithsonian's workforce of some 6,300 persons are employees of the federal government. The Smithsonian Office of Protection Services oversees security at the Smithsonian facilities and enforces laws and regulations for National Capital Parks together with the United States Park Police.

The President's 2011 budget proposed just under $800 million in support for the Smithsonian, slightly increased from previous years. Institution exhibits are free of charge, though in 2010 the Deficit Commission recommended admission fees.[79][80]

So you can spend $140M and have art in pretty much all 50 states...
Or $1B for art that can be enjoyed by tourists visiting two cities in the US...

I love both institutions; NPR and The Smithsonian. Its great that we have a government that supports both. But it's funny that the conservatives despise the minute pennies spent on one that may actually benefit their local communities but are silent about the larger expenditure that is probably not doing much for their constituents.
<snipped for brevity>I love both institutions; NPR and The Smithsonian. Its great that we have a government that supports both. But it's funny that the conservatives despise the minute pennies spent on one that may actually benefit their local communities but are silent about the larger expenditure that is probably not doing much for their constituents.
Up by me, local farm reports are frequent, along with cooking and just Wisconsin nature lore.

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