Reporter Confronts WH On Message To Middle Class Joe Biden Is Sending By Spending Thanksgiving In Ritzy Nantucket

Well, that's a lie.

And it doesn't address that everything is more expensive, and it isn't just simple as "it's only 1 dollar more".

And what does she mean he plans relief for the inflation? That sounds like a round of checks again which isn't what we need at all.
Whether it is higher or not it really doesn't address the point. Now the reporter laid the question out so it goes hand in hand but the question about how does it look for Biden to spend Thanksgiving at some billionaires place and then claiming you understand the problems facing the poor and middle class is a legitimate point.
The issue is he is spending it at a billionaires place that will have his ear the entire time. This is not coming from a "Conservative" point of view.
You really think billionaires don’t get his ear EVERY DAY?
Pretty lame issue for Conservative outrage

You guys are slipping
And she responded with the lie that prices are not really that much higher.

Bringing the issue up shows that you'r'e starting to get the main message. Biden is establishment, America way of greedy as the rest of them.

What applies to the wealthy doesn't apply to the working class people.
And from outward appearances, the Republicans are more thoroughly bought off and paid for by corporate lobbyists.
The Left love the rich.
You even give them huge tax cuts after campaigning you’re for the poor.
So what tramp is a billionaire and republicans admire him and voted him in 2016 and he lost in 2020.

Tramp got his billions by ripping people off.
And she responded with the lie that prices are not really that much higher.

The Big Guy is the man from nantucket?


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