Reporting Requirements for Aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Registration, Documents, and Address Reporting Requirements for Aliens

I. General Registration Requirements for Nonimmigrants

All aliens, immigrants as well as nonimmigrants, must be "registered" for immigration purposes.

II. Requirement that Alien Carry the Registration Document

Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d). Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. (INA § 264(e))

Q3. You said that the law requires that I have my documents with me "at all times." Is that true? Do I really have to carry my passport and documents with me to class every day and all over Jacksonville? Stuff could get lost or stolen.

A3. BCIS has generally not strictly enforced the "at all times" language. In practice the law has been satisfied by an expectation that you would be able to produce your documents within a reasonable time � to get them from your apartment or safe deposit box, for example.

Who is an alien and why does BCIS use that term?

A6. "Alien" is a legal term, and per the definition at INA Section 101(a):

"The term �alien� means any person not a citizen or national of the United States."

That definition is very direct and clear. You acquire U.S. citizenship by being born in the U.S or to U.S. parents or by naturalizing. You become a national of the U.S. by being born in one of the outlying possessions of the United States or to parents who are nationals of the U.S. If you have F, J, H, O, TN, or LPR ("green card") status or any other immigration document allowing you to be in the U.S., then you are considered to be an "alien" under the legal definition.

Q10. What are the school's obligations and what are those of the students and scholars?

The school should try to make all students and scholars aware of the registration and address reporting rules in ways that the school normally communicates other important information to its students and scholars. In addition, the school may wish to attempt to impress upon students that the former "How will BCIS ever know?" experience that they have had in the past with BCIS is changing rapidly. BCIS is activating a number of different databases and linking their databases to those in other areas of law enforcement, with the Social Security Administration, and with other federal and state agencies. It is the change of attitude, not just the transmission of information that may be the biggest challenge for schools. The school does not control the actions of the students and scholars, and therefore cannot ensure that they comply with the registration and address reporting law. The students and scholars have an obligation to comply with these laws, as they do with other immigration laws regarding maintaining status, refraining from unlawful work, and so on.

UNF International Center - Registration, Documents, and Address Reporting for Aliens
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