Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

Crazy radical white man I'm sure. Likely Christian or Jewish right? Damn Crusaders

Damn leftists!

Neither Christians nor Jews kill in Name of Religion?
There are almost zero victims of Fundamentalist Christians or Jews who killed in the Name of Christianity or Judaism.
Only Muslims kill in Name of Allah
According to witnesses, a man in a box truck veered off the road and struck the victims. The unidentified suspect was later taken into custody.

Two dead, 8 injured: Shots fired in Manhattan after truck crash
We must pass stronger vehicle laws or these deaths will continue to happen.


We shall prohibit liberalism and leftism who carried millions of turd world morons in.
We HAVE TO SERIOUSLY VET anyone coming from Middle East countries. How many people are senselessly gunned down, mowed down. It's time to write your reps and senators. Perhaps a Chief Justice or two. Let them know we can put up with this garbage any longer!

Liberal federal judges will strike down anything we try.

Question: do we really need liberal idiots as 'judges'?
We HAVE TO SERIOUSLY VET anyone coming from Middle East countries. How many people are senselessly gunned down, mowed down. It's time to write your reps and senators. Perhaps a Chief Justice or two. Let them know we can put up with this garbage any longer!

Liberal federal judges will strike down anything we try.

Question: do we really need liberal idiots as 'judges'?

The perp was a middle eastern man who shouted allah akbar upon exiting the truck and was shot a little later by a N.Y. cop ...survived the shooting and is in a hospital. The police are admitting it is an act of terror but they will not say islamic terrorism...say they have to further investigate.
According to witnesses, a man in a box truck veered off the road and struck the victims. The unidentified suspect was later taken into custody.

Two dead, 8 injured: Shots fired in Manhattan after truck crash
Oh, so now its a full fledge terrorist attack....lets wait for Trump to have a fuckin holiday with this shit......The gift that keeps on giving...muslims and Trump!!

No...Trump wants to stop muslim terrorism.....people like you simply protect muslim terrorists....
Why did this happen then?
We HAVE TO SERIOUSLY VET anyone coming from Middle East countries. How many people are senselessly gunned down, mowed down. It's time to write your reps and senators. Perhaps a Chief Justice or two. Let them know we can put up with this garbage any longer!

Liberal federal judges will strike down anything we try.

Question: do we really need liberal idiots as 'judges'?

The perp was a middle eastern man who shouted allah akbar upon exiting the truck and was shot a little later by a N.Y. cop ...survived the shooting and is in a hospital
And has the traditional Muslim beard

He should be dead in a morgue, not in a hospital

It's a genetic problem.
Islamic Tatars, Bosnians, and Albanians who are White / White like Muslims don't even have the terrorism history of Semitic Jews.

A white converted to Islam isn't a white anymore.
He becames automatically an Asian.
Sorry to the staff i did not see that a thread was already create.

I made one in the Breaking News.
Breaking News - Shooting in Manhattan: an attack in New York?
FUSILLADE IN NEW YORK - What happened in Manhattan? A shootout would have burst in the heart of New York this Tuesday afternoon. There would be several wounded to lament as well as two dead. Update on the latest information.

ESSENTIAL - A shooting took place in New York (United States), and more precisely in the south of Manhattan, as reported by several New York media tonight. Injured people would be regrettable, according to the media. The shooting took place not far from the city hall of New York. Shots were given and an accident occurred. "On the face of it, a car, a rental pickup that belongs to a DIY store, went up a sidewalk and hit pedestrians and a vehicle," reports the BFM TV reporter on site. The driver would subsequently be pulled out of his vehicle and started firing at passers-by. According to BFM TV, the provisional record is to be taken with tweezers and the trail of an attack in New York is not yet mentioned. But there would be six victims of shooter fire. On site, no more danger. The shooter was arrested. It is not yet known whether there are deaths and the exact number of wounded. The witnesses speak of two people on the ground. But it's hard to know if these people are dead. Follow the latest news live.

Fusillade à Manhattan : un attentat à New York ? Premières infos

He was arrested? Okay! Let's find out what motivated him.
Yes, i hope that it will not be like for "Paddock" and that we will remain in the dark ?

If we look at a facial index map, Arabs, and British islanders have similar facial indexes

Maybe that explains terrorists like ISIS to the IRA, from Paddock to Bin Laden.

A higher facial index does indicate some key biological differences.

Especially less Testosterone, and less Neoteny.



Well, the biggest terrorists in Europe's borders aren't even Muslim Tatars, nor Muslim Bosniaks, nor Muslim Albanians, but rather the Irish Catholics, perhaps only Islamic Chechens who fall at the border of Europe could be considered bigger terrorists than the Irish Catholics.

Also the Basque have been bigger terrorists than Muslim Tatars, Muslim Bosniaks, or Muslim Albanians.

Yes, I think it does fit nicely with some kind of genetic, or biological issue, rather than Islam being the main culprit.

It seems White Muslims aren't particularly more, or less likely to be terrorists than White Christians.
He was driving a Home Depot rental truck. He plowed into pedestrians, then jumped out, screaming, and started shooting.

No one is yet telling us what he might have been shouting. He's in custody, shot twice by the police, but no one tell us anything further.

He was probably screaming Allah Akbar!

But since New Yorkers are all Progs they will probably deny it and request that no charges be made.
IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP , HARDLY , QUIT IMPORTING THE MUSLIMS . ------------ Aw , make the 'new yorkers' live in a police state . After all , many of them want this diversity so this kinda thing is the result SCanadian .
Last edited:
Sorry to the staff i did not see that a thread was already create.

I made one in the Breaking News.
Breaking News - Shooting in Manhattan: an attack in New York?
FUSILLADE IN NEW YORK - What happened in Manhattan? A shootout would have burst in the heart of New York this Tuesday afternoon. There would be several wounded to lament as well as two dead. Update on the latest information.

ESSENTIAL - A shooting took place in New York (United States), and more precisely in the south of Manhattan, as reported by several New York media tonight. Injured people would be regrettable, according to the media. The shooting took place not far from the city hall of New York. Shots were given and an accident occurred. "On the face of it, a car, a rental pickup that belongs to a DIY store, went up a sidewalk and hit pedestrians and a vehicle," reports the BFM TV reporter on site. The driver would subsequently be pulled out of his vehicle and started firing at passers-by. According to BFM TV, the provisional record is to be taken with tweezers and the trail of an attack in New York is not yet mentioned. But there would be six victims of shooter fire. On site, no more danger. The shooter was arrested. It is not yet known whether there are deaths and the exact number of wounded. The witnesses speak of two people on the ground. But it's hard to know if these people are dead. Follow the latest news live.

Fusillade à Manhattan : un attentat à New York ? Premières infos

He was arrested? Okay! Let's find out what motivated him.
Yes, i hope that it will not be like for "Paddock" and that we will remain in the dark ?

If we look at a facial index map, Arabs, and British islanders have similar facial indexes

Maybe that explains terrorists like ISIS to the IRA, from Paddock to Bin Laden.

A higher facial index does indicate some key biological differences.

Especially less Testosterone, and less Neoteny.



Well, the biggest terrorists in Europe's borders aren't even Muslim Tatars, nor Muslim Bosniaks, nor Muslim Albanians, but rather the Irish Catholics, perhaps only Islamic Chechens who fall at the border of Europe could be considered bigger terrorists than the Irish Catholics.

Also the Basque have been bigger terrorists than Muslim Tatars, Muslim Bosniaks, or Muslim Albanians.

Yes, I think it does fit nicely with some kind of genetic, or biological issue, rather than Islam being the main culprit.

It seems White Muslims aren't particularly more, or less likely to be terrorists than White Christians.

Oh STFU, you're not even loyal to your own state brethren. Go to Poland and stay, now you're pissing me off.
He was driving a Home Depot rental truck. He plowed into pedestrians, then jumped out, screaming, and started shooting.

No one is yet telling us what he might have been shouting. He's in custody, shot twice by the police, but no one tell us anything further.

He was probably screaming Allah Akbar!

But since New Yorkers are all Progs they will probably deny it and request that no charges be made.
It is commonly reported just that. He was screaming Allah Homofag

We HAVE TO SERIOUSLY VET anyone coming from Middle East countries. How many people are senselessly gunned down, mowed down. It's time to write your reps and senators. Perhaps a Chief Justice or two. Let them know we can put up with this garbage any longer!

Liberal federal judges will strike down anything we try.

Question: do we really need liberal idiots as 'judges'?

The perp was a middle eastern man who shouted allah akbar upon exiting the truck and was shot a little later by a N.Y. cop ...survived the shooting and is in a hospital. The police are admitting it is an act of terror but they will not say islamic terrorism...say they have to further investigate.

NYPD 'investigates' according to directives of politic. Because NYC is a liberal sh..hole nothing true can be expected
Eight people killed after terrorist driving Home Depot truck rips through Lower Manhattan bike lane

At least eight people were killed Tuesday afternoon when a speeding Home Depot truck plowed down riders on a Lower Manhattan bike path in a terrorist attack, sources said.

Eyewitnesses told police the driver yelled “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” — after running down helpless riders from behind, their mangled bodies left scattered behind his runaway rental truck.

The Middle Eastern man was arrested after police shot him in the rear end following a Tribeca crash between the truck and a school bus. Sources said he was waving an air pistol and a BB gun when cops reached the scene.

The truck jumped the curb near Houston St. at 3:04 p.m. and began bearing down on the unsuspecting bicyclists, sources told the Daily News. Video showed crumpled two-wheelers and four bodies left in the vehicle’s deadly wake.

Eight dead after terrorist in Home Depot truck runs down bikers
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We HAVE TO SERIOUSLY VET anyone coming from Middle East countries. How many people are senselessly gunned down, mowed down. It's time to write your reps and senators. Perhaps a Chief Justice or two. Let them know we can put up with this garbage any longer!

Liberal federal judges will strike down anything we try.

Question: do we really need liberal idiots as 'judges'?

The perp was a middle eastern man who shouted allah akbar upon exiting the truck and was shot a little later by a N.Y. cop ...survived the shooting and is in a hospital
And has the traditional Muslim beard

He should be dead in a morgue, not in a hospital


You betcha, liberals now collecting money for his lawyer.

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