Reports show that 99.995% of arrests are non-lethal.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Since someone (Dana7360 ) noted that 93% of protests are “non-violent”, I thought it would be interesting to look at the statistics for what these protests are screaming about...deaths occurring during arrests.

It looks like there are over 10 million arrests each year, with about 400-600 deaths each year. We will average it to 500. 500 out of 10 million is a 0.005% of arrests that lead to a death of the individual being arrested. So 99.995% of all arrests are non-lethal.

So it certainly seems a lot safer for a black man to get arrested than to attend a BLM riot rally, just ask David Dorn.
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Well gee, guess that if the Chinese government only sells the organs of a tiny fraction of their prisoners, then that must not be a human rights violation either
Since someone (Dana7360 ) noted that 93% of protests are “non-violent”, I thought it would be interesting to look at the statistics for what these protests are screaming about...deaths occurring during arrests.

It looks like there are over 10 million arrests each year, with about 400-600 deaths each year. We will average it to 500. 500 out of 10 million is a 0.005% of arrests that lead to a death of the individual being arrested. So 99.995% of all arrests are non-lethal.

So it certainly seems a lot safer for a black man to get arrested than to attend a BLM riot rally, just as David Dorn.

You're correct. In fact the A&E show Live P.D. proved how police really serve and protect citizens nationwide and that druggies, psychotics and Blacks. Yet it was pulled off the air, because it showed Black felons in their true light....
Look if Dems behaved and obeyed the law it would be 100%. Christ Dem thugs in NYC just punched a 75 year old woman in the face and took her purse.
Well gee, guess that if the Chinese government only sells the organs of a tiny fraction of their prisoners, then that must not be a human rights violation either

The numbers are's several times more deadly to attend a BLM Rally that it is to get arrested.

Doesn't matter what the Chinese government does or doesn't do....the numbers don't lie.

In any case if a criminal, drug using, pregnant woman battering piece of shit of any skin color dies while resisting arrest with enough force to be dangerous to both himself or the police officers.....a party with a full thee tier cake is in order....not a protest.

Since someone (Dana7360 ) noted that 93% of protests are “non-violent”, I thought it would be interesting to look at the statistics for what these protests are screaming about...deaths occurring during arrests.

It looks like there are over 10 million arrests each year, with about 400-600 deaths each year. We will average it to 500. 500 out of 10 million is a 0.005% of arrests that lead to a death of the individual being arrested. So 99.995% of all arrests are non-lethal.

So it certainly seems a lot safer for a black man to get arrested than to attend a BLM riot rally, just as David Dorn.
And those thar are, are 100% on the BEHAVIOR of Africans toward the police. They never learned respect for authority or basic moral behavior
Primary way to avoid lethal response is to comply and deal with it in court. You're never going to get away. if you do, it will be for a short period of time.

There are bad apples out there. The onus must be on police to get rid of them, or, not hire them to begin with. I can name many plain clothed clowns in Canada who are an insult to humanity. Canada rewarded them as our economy burns.
Its not open season on black people by police. Such a strawman bullshit argument.

If alll cops are doing is murdering black people, thry sre doing a terribke job.
You may need a search warrant to find any libs to comment.

They hidin like Biden on this subject.

They don't give a shit about reality....what they care about is their manufactured narrative and making it the new replacement reality....the actual facts hold no interest for them unless they jive with the narrative.

Well gee, guess that if the Chinese government only sells the organs of a tiny fraction of their prisoners, then that must not be a human rights violation either

Big difference in the analogy because all cops are getting accused of participating in systemic racism and abuse. By certain groups that is, however those groups have the support and aid of the leaders within the DNC.

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