Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.

It's the same old tiresome DOUBLE STANDARD of the Left.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh.

Oh my, all the drama over a little potty mouth. Trumpbots officially forfeited all rights to moral outrage when they voted for a known serial liar and adulterer. People are pissed at Trump because he has dumped all over everyone who ever had a critical remark about him. Quit being so thin skinned like your leader who apparently cannot take what he dishes out.
wrong's not just potty mouth--it's HATE --and naziish/etc because they/you/etc do not accept a fair/legal/AMERICAN election
..they/you/etc were saying this shit right after the election we do not want our country run like hitler's/Pol Pot's/Mussolini's/Saddam's/Kim's/etc
It's your man looking to give himself emergency powers to circumvent an uncooperative congress. That's dictator stuff right there.
please give links/etc on your claim
Not here to educate you especially since you seem to have slept through both history and grammar.
In other words no actual evidence thanks for proving your claim was a lie........
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
How is the comment she made, in private “doing worse” then the too often to be listed public juvenile name calling by the President? Or your senator yelling ‘You lie!” at the president while he is speaking?
Any congressperson who calls a sitting president a motherfucker is human waste.
Any president who IS a mother fucker IS human waste.

The greatest waste of all, the democratic party's assault on the American People.

STEP ONE: Dig up a FIFTEEN year old video recorded without Trump's knowledge or permission when he was not only not even married to Melania yet at that time, but hadn't even ever had a THOUGHT of ever someday being a president.

STEP TWO: Take all his comments out of context and air and print them as a smear campaign, even though all he was really doing was trying to boast to and impress some guy (with still to this day no evidence any of it was ever really TRUE) over the fact that he owned a beauty pageant and the real possibility that some of them actually threw themselves at you and would let you feel them up or whatever hoping to win the contest. And that most any red blooded guy in that position would probably JUMP at the chance!

STEP THREE: Keep bringing it up three years after the campaign is long over and no one cared then much less NOW because your ass is still throbbing over the beating you took for having a shithole crime-lord criminal thug like Hillary as the BEST thing your party could offer.

Now apply all that to your own side.

I have no side. Just a front and back.
please give links/etc on your claim
Not here to educate you especially since you seem to have slept through both history and grammar.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.

Well well, let’s take a look at this piece of shit who calls himself “occupied” who joined the forums in 2011 during the infamous “occupy Wall Street” farce, and what a two faced lying sac of shit he is.

Here he is arguing for the use of tariffs back in 2012:

So what do you propose?

Protectionism for American working class jobs would be a good start, competing directly with the Chinese workforce is ruining us.

So you want government to step in to make hiring decisions for businesses so businesses can not fire people?

Nope, Use whatever taxes or tariffs are necessary to make it clear that we will not reward any business or person in any way for moving or staying off-shore. If we are going to have corporate socialism then make it work for us.

Why do the democrats hate the working class?

Then in 2016 is totally against it just because President Trump wants to do it:

either China plays by the rules or we slap tariffs on Chinese goods. END OF STORY.
The story you speak of starts out a comedy full sound and fury and ends up a tragedy where everyone goes broke.

President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

“Occupied” is lying piece of shit who has zero credibility and is only here to regurgitate regressive talking points. He came here in 2011 to be against Wall Street and companies making profits overseas. Now he defends them and calls President Trump’s attempt to punish such companies with tariffs a “comedy” that will end with everyone “broke”.
Not here to educate you especially since you seem to have slept through both history and grammar.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.
no links/documentation/etc = bullshit
starting a sentence with ''ok''= wrong
you have a comma where it is not needed
You suck at this. Asking for links to common knowledge is beginner-level trolling. If you have a problem with my opinion then make a rebuttal or post links of your own.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.

It's the same old tiresome DOUBLE STANDARD of the Left.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh.

There's a well thought out,on topic reply.

hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.
no links/documentation/etc = bullshit
starting a sentence with ''ok''= wrong
you have a comma where it is not needed
You suck at this. Asking for links to common knowledge is beginner-level trolling. If you have a problem with my opinion then make a rebuttal or post links of your own.
it's like idiots who say ''prove there isn't a god'' after someone says there is no god/prove there is a god''......understand??
you made the INITIAL's up to YOU to prove it
I can claim all kinds of CRAP:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower grew 10 feet
it's like in the court, the prosecutors make the CLAIM and THEY have to prove it
very simple
I can hardly wait for the media and her party to call her out for her hateful rhetoric......but will NOT hold my breath waiting....and they complain about Trump....have to love these Muslim radical ABNORMALS!

The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of Representatives.

Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today.

And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!!

The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight!....What was that Nancy about DECORUM?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Give this freak a camera, and let her talk.

You can't buy advertising this good. Those suburban women are in for a rude awakening about the results of allowing themselves to be shamed into virtue signalling in the ballot box.

Rashida, celebrating a Boycott, Divestiture, Sanctions resolution against Israel:



Don't you understand?
She is first and foremost a Palestinian.
She ran for office to further her interests and her oath to "defend and uphold" was an outright lie.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.
no links/documentation/etc = bullshit
starting a sentence with ''ok''= wrong
you have a comma where it is not needed
You suck at this. Asking for links to common knowledge is beginner-level trolling. If you have a problem with my opinion then make a rebuttal or post links of your own.
also--you must have slept through grammar
....along with your mistakes I have already pointed out, you do not have a comma where you need it
here is your post...can you tell me where the comma should be?
...I always see grammar mistakes on happens YOU have made a bootcamper [ beginner's ] mistake by being a grammar nazi
You suck at this. Asking for links to common knowledge is beginner-level trolling. If you have a problem with my opinion then make a rebuttal or post links of your own.
Not here to educate you especially since you seem to have slept through both history and grammar.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.

Well well, let’s take a look at this piece of shit who calls himself “occupied” who joined the forums in 2011 during the infamous “occupy Wall Street” farce, and what a two faced lying sac of shit he is.

Here he is arguing for the use of tariffs back in 2012:

So what do you propose?

Protectionism for American working class jobs would be a good start, competing directly with the Chinese workforce is ruining us.

So you want government to step in to make hiring decisions for businesses so businesses can not fire people?

Nope, Use whatever taxes or tariffs are necessary to make it clear that we will not reward any business or person in any way for moving or staying off-shore. If we are going to have corporate socialism then make it work for us.

Why do the democrats hate the working class?

Then in 2016 is totally against it just because President Trump wants to do it:

either China plays by the rules or we slap tariffs on Chinese goods. END OF STORY.
The story you speak of starts out a comedy full sound and fury and ends up a tragedy where everyone goes broke.

President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

“Occupied” is lying piece of shit who has zero credibility and is only here to regurgitate regressive talking points. He came here in 2011 to be against Wall Street and companies making profits overseas. Now he defends them and calls President Trump’s attempt to punish such companies with tariffs a “comedy” that will end with everyone “broke”.
Not here to educate you especially since you seem to have slept through both history and grammar.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.

Well well, let’s take a look at this piece of shit who calls himself “occupied” who joined the forums in 2011 during the infamous “occupy Wall Street” farce, and what a two faced lying sac of shit he is.

Here he is arguing for the use of tariffs back in 2012:

So what do you propose?

Protectionism for American working class jobs would be a good start, competing directly with the Chinese workforce is ruining us.

So you want government to step in to make hiring decisions for businesses so businesses can not fire people?

Nope, Use whatever taxes or tariffs are necessary to make it clear that we will not reward any business or person in any way for moving or staying off-shore. If we are going to have corporate socialism then make it work for us.

Why do the democrats hate the working class?

Then in 2016 is totally against it just because President Trump wants to do it:

either China plays by the rules or we slap tariffs on Chinese goods. END OF STORY.
The story you speak of starts out a comedy full sound and fury and ends up a tragedy where everyone goes broke.

President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

“Occupied” is lying piece of shit who has zero credibility and is only here to regurgitate regressive talking points. He came here in 2011 to be against Wall Street and companies making profits overseas. Now he defends them and calls President Trump’s attempt to punish such companies with tariffs a “comedy” that will end with everyone “broke”.
You are making the same mistake Trump is, protectionism works to protect what we have, not bring back what is lost. You see an inconsistency where there is none. I certainly support tariffs but they must be wielded like a scalpel not a bludgeon. Look at the markets.
Can anyone deny that Trump is, indeed a Motherfucker?
This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.

Well well, let’s take a look at this piece of shit who calls himself “occupied” who joined the forums in 2011 during the infamous “occupy Wall Street” farce, and what a two faced lying sac of shit he is.

Here he is arguing for the use of tariffs back in 2012:

So what do you propose?

Protectionism for American working class jobs would be a good start, competing directly with the Chinese workforce is ruining us.

So you want government to step in to make hiring decisions for businesses so businesses can not fire people?

Nope, Use whatever taxes or tariffs are necessary to make it clear that we will not reward any business or person in any way for moving or staying off-shore. If we are going to have corporate socialism then make it work for us.

Why do the democrats hate the working class?

Then in 2016 is totally against it just because President Trump wants to do it:

either China plays by the rules or we slap tariffs on Chinese goods. END OF STORY.
The story you speak of starts out a comedy full sound and fury and ends up a tragedy where everyone goes broke.

President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

“Occupied” is lying piece of shit who has zero credibility and is only here to regurgitate regressive talking points. He came here in 2011 to be against Wall Street and companies making profits overseas. Now he defends them and calls President Trump’s attempt to punish such companies with tariffs a “comedy” that will end with everyone “broke”.
hahahhahhhahahahahaha--I LOVE IT
what you really mean is your claim is BULLSHIT
Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.

Well well, let’s take a look at this piece of shit who calls himself “occupied” who joined the forums in 2011 during the infamous “occupy Wall Street” farce, and what a two faced lying sac of shit he is.

Here he is arguing for the use of tariffs back in 2012:

So what do you propose?

Protectionism for American working class jobs would be a good start, competing directly with the Chinese workforce is ruining us.

So you want government to step in to make hiring decisions for businesses so businesses can not fire people?

Nope, Use whatever taxes or tariffs are necessary to make it clear that we will not reward any business or person in any way for moving or staying off-shore. If we are going to have corporate socialism then make it work for us.

Why do the democrats hate the working class?

Then in 2016 is totally against it just because President Trump wants to do it:

either China plays by the rules or we slap tariffs on Chinese goods. END OF STORY.
The story you speak of starts out a comedy full sound and fury and ends up a tragedy where everyone goes broke.

President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

“Occupied” is lying piece of shit who has zero credibility and is only here to regurgitate regressive talking points. He came here in 2011 to be against Wall Street and companies making profits overseas. Now he defends them and calls President Trump’s attempt to punish such companies with tariffs a “comedy” that will end with everyone “broke”.
You are making the same mistake Trump is, protectionism works to protect what we have, not bring back what is lost. You see an inconsistency where there is none. I certainly support tariffs but they must be wielded like a scalpel not a bludgeon. Look at the markets.

Of course they can bring jobs back, just as easily as moving jobs overseas has been for the last 30 years. But, regressives are all about protecting slave labor, and could care less about middle class and blue collar workers in America.
Right wingers don't even have a problem with these disgusting pictures that seem to pop up daily.


My God. Where is her elbow?

Is that Kleenex above the back of the seat one of those that end up sticky and stuck to his shoe?

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